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Oblivion For Both

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lie mj ,,;,., ■ r Si', rwvn ïy rm■ ;;: ,.- , ucloi sea by ewry ut man in thé ÍJnloní X y .-, 'i, leis vi i eivl man and u ;,. ■ ■,-.■. fat! i and rnother esvül be gintj tó ; wit i .-Ti'.-ii ■ .-in ia, ir ought to be, : dead to the rorld thli ex. . Hl .-1 11. in a lyalty in a husband: Keutucky may l to ( ongress, bul he should aead Jiisi the s ime. The woonaü in the case Is Ukewisé dead. .4 oughi to be. The sympathy of the I ough lesj which lia - be n n ui I upon der iris been ,i b o public moruls. Jn . ,..i ■ () ople she has ut. ;; in . he digu y i aú station ol a .■ . . ;■ a i-e q d:seussed and pil e ,i oí osa has btea almoát, ii nut 'iui.e. largotten. In the cooi mi ■ ■ peflection, however, aiow that . 'i' case Is closed, this womam's demoralizlng iniluenee upon the minde ol the young can be properly gaugfrd. .Her pi nalty si erna to be Bympathy, elabórate personal (J-escriptiome ín aiewtpaperE, a certain degi'ee ol generad aduniratlon, and a L5,0C0. This Ie uhat the penalty seems to be. And therein is the danger. Hei eai and women only seo those thjmgs wiiirh lie upon the surface. Back ol the verdict, aad Miss l'ol.ard's epbemeral notoriety, however, is dath, disgraceful, inevitable death. .Míís Pollard oan't restore herself. Tlit'iv is mi place t'or her in literatute. No stage, eveai U ii were made of oak and rivited with iron, is Btrong enough to Ruppori her. The public is done with her. Oblivion is her actual (penalty, and oblivion is cruel, remoreelee . land retributive. Tlw two are inseparably linked together by fáte, and the public will certalnly and eurely bury theni iu In the same graye oí eternal oblivion. It is b cruel late. luit ii Ealls witb jus: i . And ii'.w gome prophet of evil has arisen and prophesies that the contiol i. 1 1 alia and the islands of Xew Zelaud are to sink out of sight In a little time. This fellow e Bimply trying to encourage tii' vool growers in America.. It won't work. Nothing n'.V help them but the klllUig of the Wilson bill. Tile "czar" of Maíne Is finally triuiii ph; i n ' . Tile iiHMi wlio abused liim aad cnlled hiña every name thelr aetiVB and voluble tongu a could utter, liave ai las( accepted liís business ruliniís na previous congress as rlghf, ;.r.l tile demócrata in the present house have íin-ally adopted liis quorum-countlng rule, in sutstance and in al most the same form. Once more :h' ivliüiiin: democratie jack-ats luis been dragged forward agalnst hi.s most dismal protests and lethered in a better place 'tlian he would ever have reached if lef t to liis own devlces. Vermont believen in the principe of wh( n yon get a good thtng keep it, and in thai wray it haa had more influence in congress tiian many of the larger states. it has kepl Senator Jne'tln s. Morrill in congres3 since 1855, and in the eenate slnce 18(37. The senator celi brated his sith blrthday on the 16th inst . , by a reception to his friends at Washington, and lie is said to have appeared younger and more vigorous than many of the younger statesmen present. The suicide oí Miss Janes at the University ís not the first instance, and will not be the last. The faet is that the female constltution is not ïitted for the "eo-education," that is offered in colleges and universlties worth the name. A great majorlty of girls entering may live to get through, but those who fali by the way, aro the oholcest of the whole who enter. - Ypsllantl Sentinel. The Sentinel's conclusions are not w&rranted by the facts. In all the years thé liiivcisity has bee'n open to, this has been the first case Di1 suicide occurring in the ranks of the studente of that sex, while wlthin the same length of time there have been Beveral suicides, three of whieh can be recalled while writlng iiiis paragraph, arnong the men Btudciits. Another thing, Mis Janes' suicide was nol the resuit o! over-study. in1 liad a liiiülil niiiiíl and was not oblisged to exert herself to keep pace with her classes. Her education had nothiii- whatevër to do with her aad death. That was the resuit of despondency resultlng from the straight - ened ciicumstances the fainily were in, whieh to her mind appeared worse tlian they really were. This incident can not be tortured lato au " argument" against the ednoatlon of women. The hlstory of that "experiment'1 in the University of Michigan proves that the female students are as heaTtliy, as studiou and as well guallfied mentally, physically and every othèr way for an education as are the male students.


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