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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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IWONDERFUL CUREsTI THO3IAS MINCHIN. MAJOR W. A. 3IMFIELD, Befora Treatment. ' " After Treatment. Befcre Treatment. Af ter Treatment. Nervous Debility and Catarrh Cured, Blood Disease and Dyspepsia Cured. Thomas Minchin says: "I was reduced to Major Öimfield says: "I had Dyspepsia a nervous wreek- only weighed 118 ponnds. and Catarrh of the St'anach for many The result of early abuse was the cause. 1 years. To make matters worse I contracthad the following symptoms : Miserable ed a Cor.stitutional Blood Direase. My mentally and phyeaoally, melancholy, nervbones ached. BJotchos on the skin looked ousness, weakness, epecss before theeyes, horrible. I tried eixteen doctors in all. dizzy, poor memory, palpitation of the A friend reoommended Dre. Kennedy & heart, flushing, cold hands and f eet, weak Kergan. I begantheirNewMethodTreatback, dreams and ]osses at night, tired in ment and in a few weeks was a new man the morning, pimples on the face, loss of wvth renewed life and ambition. I canambition, burning sensation, kidneys weak not say too much for those scientific docetc. Doctors could not cure me; but Drs. tors who have been in Detroit for fonrKennedy & Kergan by their New Method teen years. I conversed with hunUreds of Treatment, cured me in a few weeks. I patients in their offices who were beingr weigh now 170 pounds. It is three years cured for different diseasee. I recommend gince I have taken tneir treatment." them as honest and reliable Püysicians." The Celebrated Specialists of Detroit, Mich. TREAT AND GUARANTEE TQ CURE %SÜÍttSrPBS& Rheumatiem: Neuralgia; Nervous, Blood and Skin diseates; Stomach and Heart iliseases; Tapeworm; Pilee; Rupture; Impotency; Deafnees; Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nosb and Throat; Epilepsy; Diseases of the KidnejR and Bladder; Errors of Y uth; Failing Manbood; Diseases of the Sexaal Organs; Fpmale 'Weaknos.s Diseases of Men and Women, and Chronic Diseases in general. They cure whea other6 fail ! ggr-ONLY CURABLE CASES ARE TAKEX FOR TBEATMENT Thpir VFW MFTflilH TIJptTMliVT known the world over, is ourins diseasea of every "P ■' UHjiIIuU lllLiinULlil nature that bas bafHed heretofore the medical profession. They arenot 'family doctors' - they make a specialty of Clironic and difficult disease8. "SS niCFiCFC Í1F MFiM The5" gnarantee to cure all Weakness of Men arising Uldf_Ai3LO UI I JLIt. from solf abuse, latT excesses or disease. Voung man, you need help. Drs. K. & K. wiU cnre you. You may have úeen treated by QuackH- consult Scientific Doctors. No cure, 110 pay. Consult them. niiCÏTACiCC APlSAMPiy Wbï suffer in silence? They can cure yon. UlbtAbLO UI TYUrlLn. remaje Weakness. Barrenness, Displacements, Irregrularity, and pairful perioda cured in a short time. Kenewed vitality given. lllustrated Book Free. lncloae stamp. COCCllt niCC irCC Spe.-matorrhiEa, Varicocele, Oleet, Unnatural S! LLEAL IJ'oLAJLÖ. Discharges, Private diseases, Stricture, Syph' lis, and all Blood diseases guarar.teed cured or no pay. 14 years in Datrt. it - 150,010 1 cures - National reputation. Booke free - ('onsulii'.tion free - Names confidential. If 1 noable to cali, write for a list df questionsand ndvice free. 1 DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, 148 Shelby St., DETROIT, MlCfJ.


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