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The game anil iish vardens are after the game and fish law breakers ■vith a sharp stick. The April rains have been trying to repair the damnge done to vegetation by the previousness of Haren. The Fen-is AVheel, which gave Chicago World's Fair visitors suth WOBderful mid-air experiences, is to be permanently located in New York. The Baptist Youmg Peoplc's Union -vv'.ll spend n, social eveninj; with Mrs. Pro'. W. W. Beman, No. (51 Kingsley street, on Saturday eveiüng nexfr. ,-M- HHBM-T ■■!■■ IIIMilll- ■ Tliere wap a special term of tlie i circuit court lieltl yesterday. The Independent Order of Odd Fellows wiil altend the M. E. church in a body on Sunday morning next. At the regular examination of teachers in Jackson, there were, 158 applicants, of whom 95 received certificates. A Flower Festival is to be held ou May 4th, by the ladies of the Baptist church, nnd quite elabórate preparativas are being made therefor. During last yenr Michigan lost 55,030 head of sheep, -while ihe natiou at largft lost 1,54(1,023 head. All because of the threatened Iree wool of the Wilson bill. James McMaster, of Jefferson st., is ia great admirer of horses. He has a pair on hls hauds now, for which he has been offered 1,000, but reïused to part with thein. He wlio makes a tree to grow where Jione lias ever grown befo re is a benefactor of the human race. Plant one on Arlior Day anti be deserving of that gr.m.l t i.le. Lieutejiant ('oionel Chas. H. Kline, of tiiis city, is a meniber o the reception committee for the Governor's Leveè to be given to morrow evening i by the Detroit Light Guards, at De. I I troit. Tlie Memorial Day address to be delivered int lus city beïore the U. A. K., W. Iï. C. and !S. oí Y., on May30, will be by Ex-Coniiressmnn James 0Doimell, of Jackson. No politics in this of course. Mi-s. Mary Bradford, oí Seio, grandmother oí Mise May Wing, ol thw city, and Geo. oí Seio, died ! Sunday last, aged 84 years. Her remains were interred in Forest Hill cemetery yesterday. The aiext leeture in the course given by the Wèsüeyan Gaildis to be delivered on Suuiday evening next, by Bev. Levi Gllbert, I). 1)., of Cleveland, Oliio, at the 11. E. cnureh. subject will be : "A Cliristian Ideal for Xoimg Manhood." The ten cent teas given by the L. ' O. T. Jl's are constantly growüig in j popnlavity, and the ladies have the ïeputation of giving the best supper for tho least mo.ney, of any society in the city. About 200 people attended ed the last one. i Superior is, without a question, Ihe most eoterprising musloal township n .' I the COU110J'. ' She has a band, eight. years oltl, unliormed and ready for a i-al! oii short uotice. A few years ago we had three bands, but to day ' w e coi'.ld mot count up tlie half oí om1.- Saline Dbsrver. Ann Arbor isn't much on ban. Is, either. But when it coine to rings.' Caesar's ghpst ! In the éCppöintlüent of census enumerators, common councilB and town boards slionld have a oare and selt-.-i mem mí sulfiden! Inteïligence and bu&inesa abflity to do tlie work well. Tlie idea of giving.the place to some incompetent person out of charlty, is i mlstake which has too often been commttted, and the consequenee haa been that in such instances the census has not been properly taken. It requires intelligent, systematiï work to perform tlie duties oí census I rnerator, and none bilt men of that olass should be selected. The Riit of M-rs. Wm. Gerstner came near making une lesa tramp to prowl abuut the country. A specimen of iha order called at the home of Mr?. Gerstner on MUler ave., last Friday eveniiiK and de.mandcd money. 1 ]'- on belBg refused he used vile language, and she then pressntea a revolver and aiming it at him bid Win go, and he went. She chased'hiiu for a distance and (tred at him, but dld not hit the mark, much to the regrei of everybody. The next day Sheriff Brenner arrested a eoaple oí trampa who were begging on E. Ann streel, and olie of aheni proved to be the culprit who had insulted Irs. Gerstner, but as there was ao charge exeept vagraacy bróuglit against the iellow, he was only ruiven ten days in all by JuBtice Bemiett, who would 'have been deligUt :ü to have sent him un l'oi' a long period. Thè regular term of the circuit court ! eonvenes May Tth. Aarom V. McAlvay, lit '9, is the , new city attorney of Manistee. Perhaps it is unnecessary to announce tliat the street care are not running yet. On Saturday afternoon last A. P. Burtan was ndmitted to practice at the Washtenaw county bar. Nert Satiirday the ü. of M. nine will play the D. A. C. nine on the athletie iield, and the contest will be a spirited one, ns both nines are some■vhat ooncfited. Mi-s T.en-Oliel, of JenuftalWm, a ! lian Jewess, will lecture in Jíewberry i Hall this eveuinjï at 7:00 O'ClOSk. j Her subject is "Jerusalèm and the ! Jewish Misslons." The warrant of $2,000 paying the beneficiary certifícate oí the late N. H. Drake in the Knights of Honor, was pai;l to the family by Treasurer 1!. j?. Watts last Thursday. The regular meeting of the Woman's Home Jlitsionary Society of the 11. E. ehúrch will coiivene at the home of Mars. K. Waterman, Nö. 66 E. Washington st., Friday p. m. at 3 o'clock. Win. E. Boydon, of Delhi, lias been S appointed executive superintendent; of ! oattle for the coming state fair to . g be held on the Exposition grounds - ni Detroit, Sep-t. 10 to 21.' He is iilso a inember oi the premium list ? committee. : The poor and sick committee oj the lidies' l'arish Society of St. Luke's f clmrch, as appears in the annual report, have contributed in money, food and clotlüng for the needy in t he past year, $312.75- a pretty (iood record.- Ypsilanti Commercial. 0. M. Jones, of Wichita, Kansas, offered S5 to gold to the one who would yrite the best advertisement for his store, and the prize was won by a 14 yeai-s old sc-hool girl. lt explains thr word "dud," and how lt came into use. lt is siot slang', but English, you know. Miss Sara Woodruíí, sister of Kev. M. S. Woodruff, ïormer rector oí St. Luke's church in this city, has been here this week, on her way to New j York, wlu're she is to ship for África, j to take np work in a mission field j among the people oí the darle j nent.- Ypeilantj Commercial. The Adrián Prese is responsible Eor this iHikml paragraph: 'Since the unexpeeted appointment of Mr. Pond tp be poétmaster at Ann Arbor. an elfort bas been made to orgaalze a y tor the prevention 61 cruelty to animáis. The democratie packhorses stnnd -unblanketed in the eu'.d." Pat McOabe was arrested Safrur,lay and given five il:iys in jail. It wasn't Oíílcer Pat ileCabe, by any nu-:: iis. but it was a tramp wlio gave tnat as nis name. Though after tbe arrest of Oificer Chris, renner and ex-Prosecutins Attorney M. J. Lehman, one vould luu-dly be astonished at anytliin;j:. Ex-Ald. D. F. Schairer will soou j .„mmenoe the erectlon of a fine new residence.- Ann Arbor Courier. Ño sooner does ui Ann Arbor aldiirman get out oí office than he i I o, to show the wealth that goes j with official position. The silary shonld be ent down. It is fóstering nabobs.- Adrián Press. The followiag gentlemen have been selected to represeni this Becond congressioiaal district in 'the nation il I league of republlcan clubs to be held in Denver June 26 : Hon. E. P. Ali len, Ypsüanti ; Hon. H. A. Conant, ; Monroe'; Grant ï)eUows, Hudsón ; anj J. E. Beai; Ann Arbor. On Monday moriïing iast Mrs. Emma 1!. llallis, wiíe of lien. W. T.ullis. . ': Bsq.. ilied at their home on Washtef naw ave., aíter alomg ierio:l oí Sicknees. Peatli was not unexpe:-ted, and ana broughi reaiel to one who had been a patiënt sufferer. The deceaseil was ."V years of age, and ieaves-a g husband and four childi-rn, threo I dar.ghters and one son. The .inner;! 1 services will be beid lilis aïternoon. at Q 2:00 o'clock, Re-v. J. T. Snadërland p.eachiuji the funeral sermón. Mrs. EJizabeth S. Goodell was ;ranted a divorce {rom Frank (joodell m the circuit court Monday. BLaie wül remove to "Washington ( t. block about May lst, Special , Etemnant Sale now going on. Several A mi Arbor ladies liave gone to Tecumseh to attend the W. C. T. TJ. eonvention now in session Hiere. A íull attendanse la desired at the meeting oï the l'oliticul Kquality Club oai Friday, April 27, at 3 p. m. An excursión wUl be given írom Ypsilanti to Detroit Tuesday May lst.. Ilmincl trip ticket 75 cents. 8pecial train wlll leave Ypsilanti at 8 a. m., leave Detroit to return at ó m., standard time. Aun Arbor people oaii take the early motor in time to catch this excursión train. The Odd Fellows of Ann Arbor will celébrate the 75th anniversary of the nstitution of Odd Fellow3hip, tomorpow tvuiiins in the Hall of Washfcenaw Lodge No. 9. All Odd Fellows and tlieir ladies ave cordially iinvited to taka part. Xit-hoias Glas,,,■ wlll do the catering. After supper all thsoe avIio trip the light íantastlc toe, can indulge in their favorii:' pastiime. The Kev. Chas. Fluhrer, of Grand RapIOs, will give an iílustrated Íestute nest Monday cveniug, before the ünlty Club, upon ■■The Tower of Londun.' Dr. Jluhrer spoke in the U. O. course two yea'rs ago, upon "A Day up the itíiine," and was very weil recedvedi Hi lecture next Monday t-voning promiKes to be equally entcrtainins and all t lióse who heard him two years ago should not íail i to do so this time.


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Ann Arbor Courier