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Mrs. Délos ■Mille, of Bridgewater, aged 50 years, (lied April 11'. ïhp M. E. parsonage at Manchester is i o have n.n addltlon built on it. Helen M. Eaeton, ol Lima, died Apr. 14, aged 21 years. .She was a native of Lima. The Plymouth Fair Assoclatlon wil] hold lta 10! h anima! fair on Sept. 25 to 2K. inclusive. About thirty people have unitetl with the Dixboro M. E. chureh within the past few weeks. At Wayne the young people will indulge in roller skating. The fad has never Wa(y)ned there. Chelsea's first Ice social of the season was a Bucoese. . Ice crea ni Beldom rails in succeedlng. The familiar Presbyterian bell, (of Milan) lta 3iii e. sweet notes again do well (it bas been repaired.) Mrs. John Nedeon, of Manchester, aged 40 years, died April 13. She was a member of -Comstock W. R. C. Edith Schuyler, of Azalia, daughter of Dr. Schuyleï, formerly of Ann Arbor, died on the 16th, aged 13 years. Samuel Boyce is the of the Lyaidon Sunday School, Miss Eva Leek Becretary and A. J. Boyce treasurer. A íarewell social was given Rev. 0. C. Bailey at the ïowu Hall, Chelsea, last eveuing. It was a pleasant a fia Ir. A set oí reeolutioms in the Chelsea Siamlard referd to "Almighty Gad," which probably has no referenee to "I Gad." John McMahon moves dom Manchester to Bouthem California soon, taking his household goods, {arm implenicnis, etc. Evangelist Wills has Dexter by the hair and both feet braced, trylng to save her from the Niágara Falls of sin.- Adrián Press. Asa Atchison, of Salem, died receatly aged 5". He had been a member of the Salem Baptteh chureh for over 25 years. Archle W. Wilkinson has been appolnted census ennmerator for Sylvan township, wlth B. B. TurnBuD aeslstant. Twó excellent appointments. Baptist youmg people are to have a Japanese wedding at the chureh in Ypsilánti Friday evening. Nothlng but water will be served. So supposed. Plant a tree next Friday, in memcry of dear friend and name it for ihat friend. In years to eome it will provena bleesing to perhaps some of your children. ('dldwater saloonifits are workins1 likc evangelúts, for the success o? the local option law. They claim ander it they can sel1, more heil fluid thfun ever.- Adrián Pre?s. Manchester to'wnship will pay bounthis year as follows : On woodchucka l."e. Jiawks 15c, crows 25e. There is a chance for the boys to meke some 4th of July money. ThO old building on the corner of County and Dexter sts., has been moved to the hack end of the lot facing Dexter st. Look out for Bomething to happen on that corner !- Milan Leader. Burglare entered a Tecumseh meat market a few nights ago, but failed to fimd anythiag worth taking. Surely. a. thie-i oughi to fiad a steak in a meat market.- Hudson Post. Perhaps his teeth were poor. Orla 0. Gregory, of Dexter, the young man who planned and nearly cxeouted Buccessfully the Baviaigs Bank robbery in ïliat place, has been taken to St. Joseph's Retreat, at Dearborn. His inind is unbalanced. The Epworth Leagues from Oakville and Azalia. will join with the London League .in a unión meeting at the Lniulon M. E. chureh on Sunday evening, April 29th. Miss Della Sih ü wil! lead the meeting.- Milan Leader. The Wayne Review favors the diT ision of Wayne county into two couniies. The city to le a county by itself. In that event AVayne hopes to be the county eat, and Ilatters itself that it is in the center of what "vould compose the nev county. At a recent meeting of the Webster Farmers' Club, Mr. Wm. A. Nordmaoi is reported as saying tbat he was unable to see the silver lining to the cloud that is overh.-uiiiing the sheep industry. ''The outlook," he said, "is far from bright. I would like to see the man who can ratee wool at 10 cents a pouod. We certainly can't compete with the Australian wool and the wool grown on the choap lands of the west." Fred 1!. Carr, sou of .James E. Carr, editor oí the Imadei: Repórter, W&e ■ I ;m t ; 1 1 recorder of Dundee last wek Momlay liy 103 majnrity. J. V. Ji. (riggxoy hou received notice oí íiis i'li'i-tiou Uj the presldeney of the Báink oí Perry, Oklahoma. The bank has a capital stock of $50,000 and is located in one of those brisk yotmg -western towns that lias a great future before it.- Dexter Leader. The village council of Saline, offers, free of charge, nice maple trees to all who will' st them out in front of their premises, and, would you believe it ? there are property ownerf, househoMers in iact, there who are too lazy t aecepi the offer! Haus mid 'em. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Corey, of Manchester, liad a goiú'.n wedding on the 17th inst., havtng been raarried 50 years ou that date. Ur. Coi-ey was 78 years old that day, and friends of the aged eouple made the anniversary a happy and memorable one for them. Our towasniau. Tilomas J, Farrell, has heen in the livery business here nearly a quarter of a century, but he sold his lai-ii and most of his liv. to Chas. Kuhlenkanip of Freedom, on ftlonday. The deal repre-eii;s upwards ol $2,000.- Manchester Bnterprise. Hnrrii't VanOrderi asked the Che] sea council to pay her $5,000 for injuries which she received by falling through a detective sidewalk. The coimeil didn't do it, but iustrueted the viUage attorney to iight tlie colIcctiou oï it. Such a trifle as that shouldn't lic lought over ! A pnltry $5,000 ! Just think oí it ! ThO Pinckney IMspatch olserves th;it a man who spits tobáceo juioe on the school room i'loor ought not to be allowed to vote at school meeting. Ti-ue ! Before being vested with the privileges of iull eiti.enship, the g-reat American hog should iii-st be divested of his disgusting habits of filthiiies.s.- Dext er Leader. Soaue mischievöus boys put a tictac 011 the door of the new clotliing store in the Cheney bloek, and by the aid of a fish pole dropped some old rage in the chiinney above, which caused a smokc that nearly suffocateil the slumbering oecupants before they could get to the door and aseertain the caüse oï the smoke.- "Wayiie J f view. A iiumber of young maidens of the village are sighhig for bicycles. They say that the boys spemd their inoney for bicycles instead oï livery lsrses, .■nul they almogt never get a ride.- Mamchiestèr Enterprise. The giris shouid reonember that it is hard vork to drive all the time, and ofier to help them out, dun't you know. Then perhaps the boys will come around ïor them oftener. '1 lie Ledger has every reason to believe that the new oouncil stands in favor oí electric líghis, ami that in i short tinii; Dundee will have taken a stride toward being modernized. We use tlie last word advisedly, beoause auyone must acknowledge iíi-i' thé absence of eleetric lights h: e i il a dftrinicnt; and an injury to the advaneement oí our village the rank warranted by her population an 1 lo sation. Let us have our i ■ i;1 business houses li'lited by elertncity. and bhen, If most yeritable old moss-back doesn'í acknowledge an improvement, he may have out hat for a foot ball.- Dundee Ledgeí. It lan't necessary to state that the Adrián Press man wrote this paragraph, ïor it luis his unmistakable ear marks : "He that runnetli wltli patlence the race that is set before liim, the same is sure to be at last rewarded. Now there is Ous Peters, the populist oí Scio,- he missed elec11011 tor congress, but he did not sit down and suck his thumbs- not heHe was willtng to accept anything irom congreesman to corduray punta-. loóme, .-uní this spring flnds liini the proudly triuinphant choice oï Scio, lor member ot' board of review. It is the sleady pulling on the hair that puts the imsect in the fire." This little story comes Irom Femton. In that nice little city in nortlnvest Oakland, Uves a bino eyed damsel whose mouth Is abnormally large. It is tlíe custom of the malden to sleep with a horseshoe undcr her pillow, imagining that it brtogs híer luck. The other üight she went to bed with the horseshoe tu its accustomed place. Before she cm to adeep she i-cmovcil her talse teeth anl placed them beslde the shoe. The aiext morning she put the horseehoe in her mouth and did not discover the tnietake ïov two days. - Northvüle Record. Don't bellere the story. l'rinoii is note-d lor having iiii' pfettlesi girls oí emy place In ( i'ut r.-il Michigan. The Dexter Leader comes to the rescue of the girls in this way : "A man wlio goes to see a girl twice a week and takes her to places, is legally krigaged to her, according to a recent decisión, whether he saj's anything to about marrlage or not, and she eaai recover suit for breach of prottiise. AVe hope the girls will take advantage of this decisión and and force the young men to marry them. Young men have a habit of loafing abont a girl's house for years . and th-en drlftlng off ■without sayinji a word about marriag-c Whlle a young man is loafing around a girl's house he probably keeps some one away who would talk business."


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