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Dr. H. H. Av.'-.v. ', ( ]ic!-.m. Iserecting a new resldence Eor himsslï un Jeïferson st. Phoebe I).. wlfe oí Daniel Gates, oí I.oili. (lied Monday mofning last, aged abont 68 years. The Saline G. A. II. boya are workIng hard for a fine programme on Becoration Day. Ypsüa.nti lias a permanent Law and Order "Leag-ue, wlth Wm. H. Deutoel as president. And tbey do go.- CïorttiTOle Record. Yes ? How muoh dld it cost you to gain that knowledge ? The álckle-in-the-slot gambling clevices must po. And they ought to go.- Aim Arbor Courier Fred Bwarthout of Chedsea, and Miss Eva H. Henderson, of Jackson, aje to be marrisd to-day. ■W should think that a natlonal flower could be easily chosen. What's the matter wlth the wheat ? Cnlt breakins i all the rnge at presin Saline. No broken heads and only one runaway reported so far. Will wraiders never cease ? A man advertisee in the last Saline Observfor the return of a stolen umbrella. The conden-ied milk factory at Howell bas started in business. It empioys 70 hands, with prospect of more soon. The councll of Dexter vUlage gave a nuimber of trees to residi'iifs who hav set thera iqut r.nd hope to make theon live. The hard are sald to bare shut off most o? the fian wagons 1 ha t wre wout to preainbulate throngh the countv, from llonroe. TVool is Trovth about oïght cents p&r pcrand tfcis sprint. Quote tïls price to tte farmer, then ask him if he is still m love with íree trade. The M. B. clrarch nt North Lake ■ivas imirmmted recently by the missiOD of eleven cantlidates. There were eieren baptlsms on the same day. The statement is made tiiat BriRhton is to liare a témale base lmll clul) thia seaso-n. Don't yon believe it. The Brighton glrls hare too muen fíenseKeports íire that the -crops of wtáter wtoeat promise to be larger than last year and prsopects oï a rise Ín priee are mot yery ílatterlng.- ptlonroe Ooniiaercial. Abe Anthony returned borne from Ann ATor Saturday. Soon as his face is healed np he wfll liave a glass eye to replace the ome taken out- Clinton Ixioal. The seailor clas ot the high school are preparing "The Banquet of Nations," to be givea in the Town Hall Friday evemtag, May -Í, 189-i.- CUelsea Standard. The Village editnrs of Stoskbridge gave a talk to the pirpils of the schools of that place on Arbor Day. Quite an appropriate wáy to celebrare the day.. Joseph B. Pkilheek. one of the best bnown and most highly esteemed citjzens of HcnvelL, died at the home of hls som in that village last Saturday aged 82 years. A correspondent wishes to express a detsire to have the Milán Qogs extermtoated, as it is iactually becomjng -imsafe forpeople to go out'On the street. - Müam Leader. The Spemeer íarm two miles east of the city has been sold to E. W. Hemplíül. Mrs. Fpeneer will soon leave tor a visít among friends oii the Paciíie slope.- Tpilamtíaii. Albert Bond, of London, who prides himself on nis flock of sheep, had 40 out of a floek of 60 killed by dogs recently. Loes move íh.-m all tlie dogs to Mcnroe county are worth. "We observe that many farmers are eiiltivatlng In tlielr oats this spring instead oí plowlng tlie ground. That is the quiakeet way, but II it is dry next faai they will find where they made a mistake. Tlie "VYayne Tidings i a ncw pnper that has arisca f rom the merged Pilot. It is ])ublishod by "V. K. Allen, tor the purpose its publisher avers., "solely to eani a living for our famlly." It is a. ïive column quarto, tlie same as the Pilot was. The Normal gymnasium will be ready íor oecupation as soon as the apparatus is set up. Mr. Trombey, represent ing the Xarragansett Co., is putting it in place and expects to have everythiavg in readiness in a couple of weeks.- ypsUaaitian. Chelsea is experiencing a building boom this season. Aside from the buildings that are being ereeted on burned district there are eight or ten new buildings either started or in contemplation. Burely, these are not bad times for Ghelsea's mechanics. - Standard. The bani of Peter Snauble, in the southerstern part of Saline townshlp burned recently, together with four horses, fifty sheep, one cow, 500 bu. of wheat, 100 bu. of oats, 10 tons of hay, wagons, buggy, harness, etc, etc. Insured in the Washtenaw Gerïnan Mutual Ins. Co. It wijl be_ a heavy loss, over and above the insurance. Is the Tecumseh News dreamlng or lying, or both ? Lieten to this : "S. W. Neamith informed the News Monday night in Adrián that the electrlo railway deal wliieli lie has been upon for the past year, is positively a 'go,' that the contracts have been signed and that the work of building the roa.d will probably be begun within ten days." Over near Dexter they are having very good sport fishing and hunting. The law breakers do the fishing and the game warden the hunting. The spectacle last week oT a boafs crew léaving tbelr era ft and running through the marsh in water to t heir watcli pockets, splashing, pouting and fleeing from the warden, presented a sublime and beautiful object lesson.- Adrián Press. '■OE course I blew it out," salci Efl. Amoine of Roskwood, early Kriday mpming, "when arous-ed Iroin un(■■ Qsciousness by the night clerk oí the Occidental, who iiad entered his room througn the tramsom, ana openel the Windows. It was fortúnate for the guelrt ïhat the elerk smelled the aas. clsc Antoiné might now have tnowleáge of the mysteries of the herealter. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. MÜk thieves are ripe. T.ast 8aturday night some sueklin? drank all the mille there was in Frank Groner's milk liox and were kind enough to 1 ave the lish. Cuniiing aleeks who steal milk and think it smart should be given a dose of justice to remind them that it is unbecoining to take amything that does not rightfully bek)ng to them.- Fowlerville Observer. Calves will get milk when they can, you know. Chelsea can now boast of three lirst-class dairies. L. 8. Vaughn, idrmerly of Deerfield, te the latest addition to the ranks of dairymen. He has a niee herd of Jerseys and agrees to furnish the pnrest of milk- Dundee Ledger. It has often been a wonder why some dairyman in Ann Arbor did not get a herd of Jerseys. Such a seheme would be worth a Bilver mime to any onc startins it. There are too many Holst eili's herev We llave just learaed that Mr. John S". Doe, of San Francisco died in January last, worth a million of dollars. This is of interest to our readers trom the fact tivit by his wil! his wife will receive $500 per month (turing her llie-thne and their infant l i i T was willed, the ssm amount; asn i thé further that his wídow was fonnerly the wife o E. C. Hoyt, ne Yi=s Eflla II. Guest, who was born In Dexter and whose home was here until after tlie deatn of her father, A.lbert (nest, in 1880.- Dexter Leader. Farmers who tlicl not apply lime on their land in the fall should do so early dn the spring as possilile. The advamtages of lime are almost innumerable, as the beneiicial restilts ave almost depeaident upon many circumstances. It is the cheapest oí all plant foods comp;ired with the beneiits it imparts to soils and crops. Vceordins to the Mail. the village marshal oi Plymouth will arrest any ene hereafter caught squirtiBg tobáceo jnice about the city hall. He has a rile contract on hand, but ought to receive the support of every decent eitiz?n of Plymouth however, in euch an attempt. Edgar T. Andersom, of Hadley townsliip. Lapeer ootmty, claims to be the youngeí townehip treasurer in KTleM.tan. TToi-í on'y 22.- F.Tening News. Mr. Aaiderson is behind the times by ome full year. It. H. Teeple. of tbte vfllage, was 21 in February. 1894, and "has sincc been elected treasurer of Putaam to-WBShip and the Tillage oí Pinckney. He is also treasurer of the K. Ó. T. M. society, too. We challenge the state or Uñatea States to furnish a tre-isurer over amonth younger tfcan Mr. Teeple. He is indeed a treasurer).- Pinekney Dispat-ch. Ye. he should li-ivc an S ipreïixed to liis name. for surely he has reache.d an unusual height for one so young. Every -wel': appointed kitchen sliouhl at least one office stool, such as are, used by clerks -wiio write at high de?ks. It allows mistress tnmaid to wort a.s readily sittlng or standing at varioue employments without that wearlaome gestnre of stretching Up the arm to the level wlth a table or Another important advantage ís that the feet rest upon the ronmls and thus remove the weight of the Tiody f rom tliem. This in iteelf is more coimfortalile and refre-chiTi!ï flian women are accustomed to -oonsider, and the ease with which one may turn about on a revolving seat Is a -vonderlul convpnien?e-- Ohel-ea Herald. The MaOain Leader has a very rney aecoimt of liow Carlos Allen came in -ar cMmbiïig up Zlon's hill. in a hurry iia the stnmp blasting dynamite eartridge. By sotop mistnke a eartrtdge fuse In hls basket canïlit on fire and Ed. Datrymple, a farm hand, saw that a eommotion not down on the prograanme ■was about to take place, yelled to Mr. Allen to drop his box amd skedaddle. He dia so. but was to late i'o pret out of range. Wlie-n but n few feet away, there -wa an explosión that shook the earth to the very foundation- flikewise Mr. Allen. He was blown full of sticks, stonos. ddrt. wads of dothinfit, etc, GeddetíbuTgd was nowhere ! The Detroit riot wasn't a circumstance wlth it ! Tlie toreh has.n't been fonnd yet; neither has the zenher, but Mr. Allen was Founii just where he feil, and he feil Jast -where he Avas picked up a few moments after. The suvgeon was called. and after spending two or three hours had clemned out and dressed more than a core of wounds, more or less Reveré, but none fatal. The explosión was plalnly heard four or five miles away : ma.ny here in town declaring tliat It made the windowss rattle. Mr. Allen Is getting along nieely.


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Ann Arbor Courier