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Meanbers of Arbor Teut K. O. T. M will dant-e at their hall to-nigltt. There appears to be quite a little hope for the fruit buas alter all. warm sp-ell In March not doing as ruucli mischief as at first supposed. The Normal ïiiine of Ypsilantl defeated tlie Aun Arbor High School uins at the athletie grounds Saturday forenoon, by a score of 14 to 7. It was au off day for A. A. The happiest moiith in all the year is May, beautlful May,'with its sweet liyacinth.s, violets, lioneysúckels, etc., and the greatest event in the month is the May Festival, wlth its two concerts and matinee, May IS and 19. Hoe. J. T. Jacobs hopea and beLtevee that the Adrián & Ann Arbor electric strcet railway scheme will yet beoonie a reaJlty. Abner Gregory, aged 71 years, died Siaturday lnt, of dropsy, at the reeii'icnee oí hls sister Haanah M. Gregory. Funeral serTicea were held Sunday by Kev. Dr. Cobem. Those desirimg to see ia fine birdseye view of Pasadena, Cal., can finí] one at tlüs office. It came from Andri'W DeForest, who is a resident of that land of sunshine and flowers. ThO number of Myetie Shriners in Ann Arbbr is gradually growing greater. WTiio knowa but Ann Arbor may become an Oasis some day, and the headquarters for Toby and K0K0 ? Mrs. Ch rist i a 11 Jenter, of W. Liberty stu, died Sunday morning, with apople-xy. Funeral services were heli! yesterday p. m'.', and the remains interred In the Germán cemetery on Jackson road. Street Commissloner Sutherland U putting in one of tl)O5e fine 10 ft. cef ment ersosings on the nfn-th side of E. Ann et. croesing Fourth ave.; also 011 the nortli side of E, Huron tet., aeróse State st. Dr. Lee Kapp, whose address -vas not known iov severaj weeks, eauaing mnoh dlstress to liis iainily, hasturned up at St. Louis, lio., where he has be-en all the time. He claims to liave writteii to hls father advising him of nis intcntions. E. Gibson, of Sawyer's office, made such an able plea for lus cliënt in Justloe Bennett's court last week, in the case of The People vs. : Shelters, charged with larceny, that ; it took the jury only three minutes to return a verdict of "not guilty." ; The proposition to have twenty-four hour cloclcs laaid watches, thus ing away with the so often perplexing a. m. and p. m. on time-tables and schedules is rapidly gaining favor. The change would save many mistakes, some of them very serious ones. Tho people are about ready for this important change. Here is a piece of news that dog owners wlll be greatly pleased to hear : "The dog law as amended in 1893 requires every owner of a dog to include the animal in his statement of taxable property to the supervisor, and provMes a penalty for neglectiing- to tlo so of not to exoeed $100 or not to exceed 30 days in jail." careful how you circuíate a story detrimental to the character of a Vv'oman. Your mother is a ivoman. Your Yiie is a woman. Your sweetheart is or will be a womam. Ah ! there is nothing in all the world so sacred to a man as a woman's character. Better that 12 bad -vomen go without public censure than that one poor, innocent woman should suffer fi'oin slanderous gossip. - Ex. Chas. Pardoa, 01' t;outli Lyon has imi-chaseu the residence of Henry Wilmot, tlii1 city bill poster, covner of X. M-ain st. and Miller ave., opposite the CJourler building t o the south, of Mrs. James, lor $800. He will remove the residence and erect a two story brirk buiiding thereon, the saane 10 be used as a meat market. It will be an improvcment that the people iai this seetion ol the city will be pleasöd to see . "I lio Unity Club audiance liad both an unexpected dfeappointment and an uaexpeeted pleasure last M-onday evening. Dr. Fluhrer, of Grand Eapitls, was prevented from being present, being obliged to jDostpone his leeture for a week. But liis place was very ably filled by Rev. W. D. Simonds, pastor of the Independent Congrega1 tional church, of Battle Creek. who gave one of the finest and most entertaining lectures of ihe season, on "American Orators, their Wit, Wisdom and Eloquenoe." Dr. Fluhrer's leeture on "Tlie Tower of London," finely illustrated with lantern views, will be givein next Monday evening, May 7th. The regular tea social o! the' Aid Society of the M. E. church, takes place lomonoiv, Thursday evemtng, in the church parlors. You are invited. The Junior Auxilliar.y, of St Andrew's church, te to give a fair, at Harria Hall, un Haturday afternoon fi-om 4 to 8 o'clock. You liare a special iiivitation to attend.. The city councii and same oí the newspaper men of the city visited the water works yesterday, on invitation of the water company. The result of the visit has not yet been made public. If yon aro interested, yon are inv4td to meet the ordinance commütee of the eoinmom council, on Friday eveniing, at the city offices, to consider ia lateral sewer ordinance. The committee want the adrice of poople who have something practica] to offer. The eouncil in appolnting census enumerators last IMonday night, diil not comply with the law, which says ihat oiie cMef enumerator for each a.ssessrnent district shall be appointed, with as many assistants as necess&ry. There should have been one enumerator for Ann Arbor, whose duty it is to have charge fo the work and ih" w&rd enumerators in the city Now tin; govpnior wiU have to appotat the person for th,at work. The Adrián Press remarka : "Under the influenoe of the Atui Arbor opera house orchestra, the AVashtenaw Times leaps over the Beats Into the pit, and filis the air with flytng fiddles, and mained musicians. It deiiounces the worgt anathemas on i the heads of the members, deelaring them "the laughing stock of the theater," and alleges that "the gentleman ■who plays thO violiai could not keep the brass key to the jail, let alone a musical key." Ah me ! aaid yet 'tis writ - ''Musio hath charms to sooth the s.avage breast !" Tlie Sigma Sigma Society of the high school gave its annual hop at Granger's Hall last Friday evening, and it ivas a very pleasant affair. In the afternoon a reception was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs, F. A. Howlett on E. Ann st., to meet Miss ïvellie Burnham, Miss Aimee Beebe, Miss F-dith Saxton and Miss Effie Saxtom, young ladies from Jakson -n-ho were guests of the society for the occasion. The pntronesses for the evenimg were Mrs. Geo. Laskey and Mrs. Henry P. Shanks, of Toledo, O-; Mrs. Frank X. Clark, of Northviille ; Mrs. R. E. Phinney, of Monroe ; Mrs. F. A. Holwett, Mrs. E. E. Beal, Mrs. Geo. H. Pond and Mrs. "tt". U. Clark, of Aam Arbor. The invitaticns "vere tonfined to members of the so;iety, maktng ssventeeu oouplpi. The catering 'was done by 1 langst erf er, and the muslc iurnished by Mianis' orchestra. Stephen Pratt, of Detroit, who owns the vacaot lots south of the Keek block, ou S. Jl.-iin st., Iris had plans made for a very haindsome threestory briek block to be evected thereom tliis smnmer. There is to be three haaxdsame stores on the first floor, and the second will be wsed for officea and the like. If the Light Infantry desire the third floor i: will b& fitted up for them to be used as au armory. The block ivill front 65 ft. on S. M.ain st., and be constructed of iie.uu brick. The architecture wil] be something nev ior this city. s-iiio i.-ynk-al scribe gets off tlie followiag whJch is all too trae : "A child is bom; physician attends and. gets his fee. The editor writes up the event and gets 0. The child reaohee maaihood's estáte, is married; the miaiteter reeeives his fee. The editor writes it up and reoeives 00. Time passes om, the m;ui dies ; the physioiain, the minister, the undertaker receive their fees. The editor writes it up and reeeives 000. The chances are that the babe, the groom a.ud the dead man took more papers than he could read and never subscribed or contributed one cent to liis local paper." The ■Telegram Social" of the Chrisii-ut Endeavor Society, of the Presbyterlam clmrcli, will be held at McMllLaao. Hall, Saturday evening, May 5th. AYeleh Poet Xo. 137, decided at its last meeting, to hold Memorial Day exerci&es the same as last year - i. e., gathering and reception of flowers which are to be received in the basement of the eourt house, during the foreiioon, decoration of graves in the afternoon, and in the evening a memorial address by Hon. James O'DonmeJl, of Jakson ; ano essay by a member of Prof Trueblood's class in oratory, aaid singing by a chorus, probably n University Hall. The Post, arcompainied by the S. of V., W. K. C, and State Militia, have been invited to, and will att-end divine worship on Sunday May 27„ at the Congregatiooial hurcch. If Sheriff Brenner carries out Ilis plan of feeding the straggling representatives of Coxey's ariny who infest this locality and ,get in jail here, with bread and water only, he -svill do more to keep them clear of this I city than any otber thing that could i be done. Although the misdirected private charity that gives these Knights of the Koad food, is a great (lvawbaok toward ridilüig the country of them. ïhe motive that prompts charity to tramps is good, but it only tends to f os ter and encourage growth of vagraucy, outhuvry, and crime. All eharity to strangers shoultl be dlspemsed through the proper public channels, or societies organized for the Tliey know who is deserving and who is not. "With the present system no worthy person need suffer for the neeessities of liïe. The Y. M. C. A's grand rally last j Sunday evening at the Presbyterian cliui -ch brought out a crowded house filled with the warmest enthusi.-ism ,-,nil good AVill for the cause. Rev. Mr. "Willits, of Chrisfs church, was J the speaker for the evening. and he gare one oí the most eloquent and ronvineing lectures ever listene:! to by an Aun Arbor audienee. He stated that it was our duty to cultívate j our imtellectual, our social and our piiysical nntures, but when we leave our spiritual natures uncared for and ! negleeted, we make a miserable ; ure of our lives. He said it was like ; living in a splenilid mansion, every department in a high state of refixiement, but the parlor, and that was utterly neglected, full. of eobwebs, furniture covered with dust and cárpete faded. Mr. Clark, of Detroit, serreta ry of the state society, made some good remarks ou the work of the Y. M. C. A. of this city, of its wonderful growth of 100 members in so short a time a.ncl what good results are now and may be expected from it.


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Ann Arbor Courier