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Council Cliamlier. Aun Arbor, April 30th, 1894. Adjoumrd seesion of April 16, '94. The coimcil was called to order by President L. I). Wines. Roll called. Full board present. PBTITIOSS AND COMMUNICATIONS. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Thepétition of James W. Robison respectfullv Shows that yonr honorable body some time i September, 1S93, ordered u stone or cement walk on the èastslde of Fpurthvenue, and between Washington and Liberty streets, and in front oí the property ol your petitioner. Your petlttoner further shows that hla property is sed as ii iivery barn, and that the entrance to the barn is considerably than the walk, and that in the winter u would be [mpossible for him to drive in and out over ement walk. Wherefore your petitioner prays your honorable body to modify your order heretofore made, t0J2rS5 tioner, and permit your petltioner jfbulld a plank drivewayinto hls barn and build. or cement walk on either side o) said drivewaJ : bis said premises; and your petitioner willeverpray.jAMii8WKoBisoN Dated Auu Arbor. April 30, 1894. Referred to committee on sidewalks. A petition signed by T. Jacobs, and nine other business men oí the of Aun Arbor, askiog that a lateral ïovev be put down on Washington street, ïrom the main sewer east to Fourth avenue. Referred to the cominittee on Bewei's. A petitie ui .-iüiH'd by Francia W. Kt-lsey and twenty othcr rendente aSIpwxperty holdera of the 6th ward, asklng that a Hre hydrant be placed cm 'Tappan street, at or near its junction wlth E. University avenue. Referred to committee on water. A petitioax signed by Chas B. Nanorede land eleven other residente and property holdera on Insalls ut., and Coruw-oil Place, of the city of Ann Arbor. asfclng that ui e.lectric light be located om the corner of Ingalls st. and Ciirnwcll place. Referred to conimittee on uigiKui&A petitlon signed by Chas. A. Muma amd five other residents and property boMtera i E. Huron st., of the city of Aam Arbor, aflking that sidewalk be ordered built on the South side of E. Huroai st. frora Ingalls to Thirteeath streets. Referred to the committee on Bidew-alks. A pet it ion Blgned l.y Mack & Schmid and none other buainees men, asking that a cement cross walk be ordered put down on and along the nortli eide of Liberty street, crosshig Main st. Referred to the committee on side-valks. KEFORT OF STANl)IN(i COMMITTEES. 0RDINANCE8. ('liairman Prettyman, of the ordinancO committee, leave ïiaving been -i-anted, introdueed "An Ordinance lirlaiivf to :Um' uraiiting of a franchise to the Michigan Electro -Automatic Telephone Co," which was read the first tune by its title. PftÓM IHS BTftEM COMMITTEE. To the Coramon Couucil : Your committee on streets, to whom was referred the communication from the Board of Public Works, asking tor an appropnatiou of $400 OU to do the necessary gradlng on the north eud of Hroadway, would rccommend that the $400.00 le tuken from the Street t und. The committee also subruit the aeeompanymg grude nud prorlle which they recoinmend tor adoption, your committee caused to be prepared and herewith submlt the proper resol ution establisiiiñg said grade. Kespectfully submlttedi Chkistiax Martin, II. G. PltETTYMAN, Frank Wood, a. p. feuoü8ojí, V. L. Taylor, 1'. 1). BOBMBB, fctreet Committee. Accepted, amd recoiaxnen.da.tlon conefurred In as iolloivs : Yeas- Aids. AVagner, Bodmer, Martin, AUmeEuünger, Snycter, Ferguson, Browm, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyanaa, Wood, Pres. WJnes- 18. Nays - None. ILeave being granted, the iollowing ïesolutioa was offered : By. Aid. Martin : Whereas. In the opinión of the Council the Ki-ade on the center line of Broadway Street, ought to be ehanged and nxed and establisheü, to the end that such streel, may be made suitable and sale for public travel and trafflc, therefore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the erado on the center line of Hroailway street from nortli coi poration line to nortii eudof iron river bridge, be and the same is herebj ehanged, flxed and esiablished, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows, that is Lu síiv; At the north Corporation line, - 912.00 ft. " 300 ft. southerly from corp'u line. 009.40 '■ .i .,0 i " " '■ " 903.70 .. lino ■ " " " " 8S4.IJ0 " 1400 " ' a")!!" 10Ö0 " ' 1900 ' " ' 82W.92 ' ,' 2200 ' Mg 77 ' ! 2500 " ■' ' '92.76 " .. Z" " '■ " " 776.50 " .. :ooo ■' - " ' " 774.00 ' .. 8J50 ., " " ■' " 772.6-1 " " mm " ■' ' Wi.60 " 8700 ' " " '' " 776.00 ' ■■ 3S5U " ' "7.10 - " 4100 " - ' 777,10 '■ " 42DU " ■' " " iio.-iü 4300 " " 772.90 " north end of irou rlver bridge 771.50 " the elevation given being above the officia city d -ituin iunl aloug the cenler line of suld street, the roadwayti forro thereto, and the grade thereol t oonsist of Btralght Unes betweeu tlie several poluta or statlouB abo stated. FROM THE SAME. To the Coinmou Councll : Yovir oommlttee on streuts, to whoin was referred the i.etition of J. H. Cutting and otlier residente and property ownera '" Monroe street, between State and lJaekard streets, protestlng agalnst i change of gradeo; Monroe street (protest made to the Common Council July 19,193). And a petltlOO sifíiied by Henry s. ('arhart, J. H. Cutting end E. F. Mills, representlng as uow beiug satisfled wiih the said grade as submitted to tbem by the City Entíneer. 'e would recommend that the" Board oí Public Works cause the uecessary gradiug to be done ou said Monroe etreí as heretofore ordered by the Council. Yoi ommittee also caused to be prepared an herewltli snbmit the proper resolution cstab iishing Respectfuïly eubmilted, I HEISTIAN MARTIN, H. G. f BEI l-MAN, Frak k Wood A. 1'. Fl RG1 SOK, W. h. Taylob, 1'. L. Bodmer, Stri et Committee_ Acepted, and recommeudation con crarred in as ïollows : yoa_Alds. Wagner, I'.odmer, Martin, Allmeiidtagor, Hnyder. Ferguson, Brovra, Maaly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, "Wood, l'i-e.--. Winos- 13. Na y s- Nono. Adopted ais followB : Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Bodnier, Mar1i-i, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, irowu, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettvinnii. AVoad. Pres. Wines- 13. Nays- None. Leave betog Brantefl, the iollowing reeolution was ol'fered : By. Aid. Martin : WhereAS, in the opinión of the Council the grade on tlie center line of Monroe streel ouebt to be ehanged, flxed and establislied, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe tor public travel and tramo. tii prp foro Besolwd, Anditis liereby ordered that the irade on the cerner line of Monroe street fromeast line of Thompson street to West line of S. State streel, be and the same is herebv changed from the present grade ana flxed and established, so that the grade on and along such street shall be as iollows, that is to say : .„.„„ Ateast line of Thompson street -47-J' ff' 15U ft. e. of thee. li ne of Thompson aj.. O ' m .:,n il " " " " " " 8nl.bü ÍS?" " '■' ■ ■ ' " 86550 " BB7.00 " " the west line of s. State street 87 60 " the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line 01 sald street, tlTe roadvray to conform Ihereto, and the arade tliereof to consist ol' strulRht Unes beuveen the several points or stations above st.lted. FROM THE SAME. To the Commou Couneil : Vuur comniittee on streets, to whom was rei the eommuuication of tho Board oi Public Works, iskiiitr for an appropriation ot Dforthe gradiugof the south end of Got1 I would recommend that $50.00 be appropriated trom the Street Pund forsuch gradïng. Eespectfullï subrnitted, ( HBISTIAN M-UITIN, H.G, l'KKÏT 11A.N. 1-KANK W'OOD, A. I'. E EKSUSON, W. L. TAYLOB, P. L. BODMEE, Street Coramittee. Arcpptetl. iintl recomiueiidation concmrred in as iollows : Yeas- AldB. Wagner. Bodmer, Martin. Allmendinger, enyder, Ferguson, Bro-wn, llanly, Taylor, Kitson, l'rettymaii, AVood, Tres. Wlnes- 13. Naya- None. FEOM THE SAME. To the Commou Council : Your conunlttee on streets, to hom was referred a certain resolution, asklag lor the appropi'iatiou of f 1(10.00 for the extensión oí the euds of the culvert on Fomitaiu street between Cherrv street and Miüer avenue. We ' would recommend that the City Engiiieer make proper plans and specifications ot these jiroposed extenslona, with au estímate cost of the same, ftt our next council meeting. Respectfullv submitted. t'HEISTIAX MAKTIX, H. G. l'UIITTVMA.N Frank wood, A. P. ÏKKi.USON. W. L. TAYLOR, F. L. BODMKR, Street Committe. Acoepted, and recommendation concnirred in as follows : Yens- Aids. W.-ig-ner, Bodnier, Martin, Allmendinger, -Snj'der, Ferguson, Bro-wm, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyinan. "Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Xays- Xone. FROM THE SAME. To the Common Couucil : Your committee on streets, to whom was referred the communication from the Board of Public Works, askiug for au appropriation of $100.00 for the grading ou Third street and Krause street between Hüron and Liberty streets. your committee tind that the street and sidewalk grades heretofore eetablished ou August lst, 1S92, on said Third street is not satisfactory to the residents and property holders, an'd your committee are of theuuauimous opinión that the ent of said grade, as established, is unnecessary aud uncalled for. We would therefore recommend that said strtet grade be changed. also that the sidewalk grades be chaned to conform to the new street grade. Your committee have caused to be prepared and herewith submit the proper resolution chauging said grade. We also recommend that the aopropriatiou of $1UO.OO be made from the Street Fund, to do the neeessary grading on Third and Krause streets, between Liberty aud Huron streets. Eespectfully subniitted, Christian Martin, H. G. Pkettyman, Frank Wood, A. P. Fergusos, W. L. Taylor, P. L. Bodmer, Street Committee. Resolved, and it is hereby ordered thal i he grade on center line of V. ïhlrd st. frorn ( jnierofW. Liberty st. to center of E. Washngton st., be, and the sanie is hereby uHiged from the present grade and flxed I and established, so that tile grade on and ' long such street sliail be as follows, that is U center of liberty st - 821.50 ft. 170 ft northerly from center of Liberty e! ..819.50 " " 225 ft northerly from center of Liberty tt. - 817.50 " " center of Krause st - .812.00 " " 60 feet northerly from center of Krause Street. 807.50 '■ ' 13) feet nonherly from center of Krause srreet... ....8)4.00 ' '200 feet nonherly from center of Krause street (-01.50 " " center of W. Washington street- -799.50 " ,he elevation glven being above the official city datum and along the center liue of suld a reet, the roadway to conform theréto, and he grade thereof to consistof straight lines between the sevenü poiuts or station above sta led. ]STote- This change was made by order of street Com, and the deepest cut is now only 2 ft. 3 in. The sidewalk may be left hlghur soas to giveonly a cut of say 18 inches. C. F. Key, City Eng. Adopted as follows : Yoas- AULs. Wiigner, Bodmer, Martin, Allrnendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Maaily, Taylor, Kltson, Prettyman, AVoad, Pres. AVines- 13. Kays- None. Leave being grantefl, the following resoluttan was oflered : l'.y Alderman Martin: WHEKBA8, in the opinión of theCouucl] tbe grade on center line of Krause st. ought to be ehanged and flxed and established, to the end tbal snHi streel may ue made Mutable iini safe lor public travel aml trafflc, theiefi Resolved, aai it is hereby ordcred that tlie gradeo center line of Krause st. from west line of W. Third Bt. to eud of, and the same is liereny cbanged from ttie present grade and lixed and establisheil. so that the grade on and along such Btreet sliall be as follows, tlial is to say : At west line of West Third street 812.60 ft. " M ft. westerly from w. line Third M)8.00 " 100 " ' " IS.50 ■' 150 " " " ' " " 805.00 " " 20 " " " " " '■ 8(H.5O " the elevation glven being above tbe ofticial city datum and alon ttie center line of said street, ttie roadway to conform thereto and the grade thereof to consist of straight lines between theseveral poinls or stations above stuted. I Adopted ns follow.s : Yeas- Alde. Wagner, Bodaner, Martín, Allmendinger, i-nvdor. Fergu Brown, Muniy. Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wooá, Pres. Wlnes- 13. N;iys None. FEOM THE SAME. To the Common Council : Youi' Join1 committee on ordinances ana strcets, t whoni was referred tbê petltion oí The Klectro-Automatlc Telephone Company. nkiiig for a franchise and permission to construct, malntaln and opérate, iu this city, a telephone exchange. ander the Strauger 1 maticeystem, would respectfull? reeommend tluit the matter be referred to "the ordinauce committee and the city attorney, witii instructions to draft h suitable ordinauce From the brief exainiuation your committee have been able to gíve the system, it seems practical, and anj feasible means of reducing telephoue réntala hould be welcomed. Bespeclfully submitted, Chkistian Mautin, II. G. t'KETTVMA.V, ' Frank Wood, a. P. Feeooson, W. L. Taylob, P. L. BODMER, Street Committee. Accepted and recomniendation conciirred in. Cliairmaai Martin asked íor hifther time to report on the matter of replanking viaduct over M. C. II. E. Co. tracks. Furtlier time was gramted. On motion the floor was granted to Dr. Hale, receiver of tlie Aim Arbor AVater Company, giving the couneil an invitation to visit the reservoir and pumping station. REPORT FU'iM TUK BOND COMMITTEE. To the Common Council: YourcomraltteeonBonds would respectfullv report, that ïhey have examtned the followlne bondK of liquor dealers and drufïglstsand would recoinmend their appfoval wlth the suretles named: Principal. Suretles. fm A. & Jacob G winner, Gottlob Lnick. Emauuel Luick. August Schneider, Ohrlstlan Helber, Joho G. Seyfried. 31ancy & Stieglmmaler, ..Seorge Clarkens, Edward Byeraft. iohn ü. F. Sohmld, Geo. F. Stein, Jacob Dupper. riugh F. Shields Henry 0. Exinger, Jolii) M. Wagner, 3eorge A., - #$. Cristian Gauss ......AuIIe, William H. Mclnlyre Fredrick Wuister, Fred. Bessimer. Uigust Herz, Cbrlstian Gauss, John Hagan, rhristian Spaetb, Emunuel Wagner, Michael Siaebler. Sottfried F. Schoettle John Heinzmann. Christ. Schlenker. Fredrick Brown, Geo. F. Stein, L. 0. Welnman. lohn Berger, Emanuel Wagner, Mathias Fischer. 3ottlieb Knapp, Mathias Fischer, Adolph Kemper. Henry W. McNally, Jerraiah Walsb, Guslave Brehm. P. Fred.Reimold, - ..Gustave Brehm, Fredrick Staebler. EmilGolz, Johu Reynolds, Gustave Brehm. J. Jacob Koch, Ernest Rehberg, John Koch. Michael F.Schaible, John Hagen, Mathias Flscber. William F. Kapp Ernest Rehberg, A. A. Meuth. Wllllam L. Frank, Michael Siaebler, Jacob Laubengayer Antón Brahm, - - H. Hardingliaus, John Laughlin. John Fritz, Ernest A. Dieterle, H. Hardingliaus. Edsell T. McClure, Casper Rinsey, H. Harcünghaus. John Goetz & Son, Fredrick Kirn, John Goetz Jr. Fred Bessimer, Wm. H. Mclntyre. Ed. V. Hansster'er Add Collum, Wesley Hicks, Jacob A. PolliemuK John Goetz, Jr John oetz, Sr., WlUtam Goetz. Adam Ritz, H. Hardingliaus, EmilGolz. Joseph S. Parker, Warren E. Walker Fred Besimer. . John Maulbelseh, John Widmeyer. Geo. A, Waidelich. I,ouis Knrtz, P. Fred Reimold, John Berger. Charles Binder, John Walz, Ajoeri .uanii. Adolph Kemper. Mathias Fischer, Henry C. Apfel. Ann Arbor Brewing Co. ..Herman Hutzel, John Kapp. Martin & Fischer, lacob Lnui.engayer Cliarles Hinder. Gotfried Goekenbach, C. W. Grotsmann, Theo. T. Walker. Geo. S. Nixon, Wesley Hicks, H. Hardinghaus. DRUGGISTS' BONDS. H. J. Brown L. Gruner Geo. B. Mason. E. E. Calkins, Judson H. Warner, Geo. B. Mason. John Moore, Mills B. Gelstou, W. U. Harriman. Jlann Bros., Henry J. Mann, Frederick Sclimid. Respectfully submitted. H. ,1. Pkettïmak, C. W. Wagner, C. J. Snyduk. Boud Committee. Accapted, and recommeiidation conourred in as follows : Yeas- Aids. AVagncr, Bodmer, Martin, ALlm-endingei1, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettymon, Wood, Pres. AVLnes- 18. Nays - None. REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE. To the Honorable üommou Council: Your cominittee on rules, to wliora was re - ferred the question of rules oí the commou ' Couneil lor the ensuing year, respectfully beg ' leave to report: That the rules of the iug couucil he adopted, with the i'ollowiug 1 exceptions and addilions : ïhat in Rule 3, Reports of Standing Committeer, "Sewer" lollow after "Ordinance," and " Bonds " follow al ter " Liceuse " ; Thai Hule U read as follows : " Wnen a question luis been taken, it shall be in order for any memoer voting with the majority to move a reconsideratiou thereof at the same or the next regular meeting, but no questlou shall a secoud time be reconsidered. Besuectfully submitted, L. D. Wines, C. H. Manly, a. r. Feküuson, Coiumittee. Aid. Prettyman moved to amend the report by striking out Rule 14. Which ameuduient was lost by a yea md nay vote, as follows: Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Prettyman - 2. Nays - Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmenlinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, "Nlanly, Taylor, Kitson, and President Wines - 11. The report was then accepted and recommeudation concurred in. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. ANNCAL KEPOKT OF F1RE COMMISSIONKIÏS. To the Honorable Common Council: SV'e herewilh submit the following aunual report of the ('liief of the Fire Department, contalning the recelpts and expenses of the department for the year. Moses Seaboi.t, President of the Board of ir'ire Com. V'. .1. MlLLEK, Clerk. An.n Arbou, Mich., April 15, 1801. To the Honorable Board of Fire Bio aera : '" nüemeu, - In compliance with the rules of the Fire Department, I herewitheubmit my iif th annual report, in whicli I wil] 'endeavor to show iii detail the work performed by the Depiirtineut during the year euding April Ist, 1894; also to give as íiear as can be ascertained a report oí the fires during the year, the causes thereof, the ainouutof loss by üres. umi the amount of iusurance ]aid on such losses, together with other statements that ïiuiy be oí interest to you Houorable Body. The iiumber of alarms responded to during the year were60,42of which vere by telephone. The causes wcre as foltows : rhimney lires causiug hut slight damage- 16 Sparksfrom locomotive 5 Detective chimneys 3 L'arltíí-s depositiug ashes 3 Wood stoves 3 Oasoline stoves 3 Cisaretts ___ 2 Sponlaneons combustión-- Cnildren playtng with matches - f Hurnlüg rubbish - - - I ' Capola in molding shop Break ing&s pipe Smoke-houae : Luinbcr.ou top of boiler - ' Stoveplpe Explosión of ether x Bed tlci against beating drum-. J Dropping fiehted ajatofi in clothes closet - 1 Lamp in contact witii curiatn- Iuceudiary ; Unknosvn ' Valneol property destroyed $29.738 00 Insurance paid..'_ M.W L? l.oss In excess of Insurance paid o,wu oo Total amouut of iusurance carried- 93,Uío OU The iimount of losses is greatly In excess of tuose recorded during the prevlous fouryears of the existeuce of the present method of conducting the Depiirtiueut, which can be attributed in a large amount to tvvo lires, at the first of which, the Hamilton lJark fire. the apparatns respondins to tlie alarm were reudered useless by the great distauce between the lire and the nearest water. Had tlicre been a hydrant within conveuient distauce the loss cöuld uot have been over one-tenth of what it was. At the other, the street railroad barn and ears were almost destroyed belore au alarm was recelved at the Engine House. Had we been Immedlately notlfled, we conld have saved considerable property. The adjacent buildiugs still stand a monument to tbe efficiency of the Department after it arrived at Ibe fire. The number of miles traveled responding to and retnruing froiu above alarrns - 66J4 Number of feet of hose laid -22,0oü Number of Chemicals discharged 84 Value of Department property : Yulue of buildings and lots $18.000 00 " " apparatuses 2,600 (10 " "flvehorses 500 ( " " two sets doublé luimess 211Ü 00 " " one single harness 70 00 ' " oats 12 00 " " hay and straw 10 00 " six" hoise blaukets -r uu ' ■ whlpa. curry combs and brushes- 5 00 " " siatnei-e coupliug pipes, etc. Hm 00 ' " hose 2.200 00 " " 13 beds 75 00 ' "stoves 85 00 " ■ cnairs, brooms, etc. 15 00 TotaU - i-:!.747 00 Expenses of Department : _ Expense for salaries $5,062 58 lióse - '"' nese Jiydrunt gate 86 00 lanterns- 1'; no robber gaskets 1 25 doctor bilis, medicine.etc. men injured July Ith- :iï- 62 beddiug aiíd towels :'J TI wnsnlng 67 15 broonis 2 soap, scrub brushes, etc. - 3 lo oil, lantern globes aud wlcke ';s matches - 75 pnintiug hose wagons 72 00 iuel 2 15 oats 207 39 hay "1 37 straw - 10 9'p corn H 09 brau aud meal 12 lo carrots 7 -17 mediciiie and medical attendance for horses 17 40 repairs on liarness 6 45 whips, curry combs and brushes 5 15 horseshoeing 33 15 general blacksmlthlug - 2 5'i repairs on apparatus 30 17 palnt, oil and glass "3 si repairs ou building 81 23 lumber 65 45 shovel axhelves and pail2 15 sponges 1 00 polish 75 Chemicals 10 71 salt 1 00 freight 1 12 flre and water journal, 2 years 0 0fl new doors 111 80 Total 36.S52 59 EECEIPTS. For building permita - $8 00 For oíd flooriug 1 00 Total M ' ATPAKATUS. The apparatus of tbe Departmeirt are all in good eondition. HOSE. We have 3,650 íeet of serviceable rubber-lined cottou hose. 1IYDRAXTS AND WATER. There has been no increase in the number of hydrants or extensión of water inaius during the year. We have raised a number oí the low hvdrants, lut owing to a question in the üouncil as to the liability of the City for the expense thereof, work was stopped. As there are still several hydrauts that need changiug and some bilis unpaid, I respectfully suggest that your Body with the C'ouucil Committees on "ater and 'Fire Department, take the matter iuto eousideration, so that the work can be satisfactorily coinpleted. From observance in andabout tlie pumping station. I feel warranied to -state that the prospect for au adequate supply of water is better thau ever before. HORSES. The horses, considering the service they have performed, are in very good conditlon. MKN The ehanges caused by the accident to Kapp and Carrollon thatdeplorable4thday of July, '93, are the only ones in the manual forcé of the Department, during the year. Trustiug that better results can be obtained by brlnging iül mattere singly before your body and the proper committees of the council, I inake no suggestions at present in regard to repairs or finprovements. Thanktng your Honorable Body for courtesies and confldence, I very respectfully submit the above report. Fkf.d Siplky, Cbief of Fire Department. On motion of Aid. Martin the report was reeeived, filed and ordered spread on the records. AXNUAL KEPORÏ OF THE CITY PHYSICIAN. To the Honorable Mayor and Council : Gentlemen- I herewith submit to you my report as city physiciau for the year endiug Muy Lst, 1894 :■ Ordinary visits at home of the sick 178 ïïve cases of labor, with total of 18 18 Total number of visits 190 Prescriptions fllled at the house of sick 168 Preseriptions fllled at the office 154 'iotal prescriptious 322 Six surgical cases were treated, including dressing and medicine at the office. Gentlemen, I ani your obedient servaut, E. A. CLARK. Reeeived and ordered filed and printed. Po the Honorable Common Couucil of the City oí Aun Arbor, Michigan : Repon n diseased peach trees, known as " peach yellows." The undersigned, commissiouer óu "peach yellows" and "black-not" on other fruit trees, respectfully submit the followiug as the result of inspection, in the last week of August, 1S93, of the peach orehards located withiu the city limits : In the orchard belongiug to the estáte of J. I). Baldivin, I found 2i trees effected with the yellows, which I have marked and condemned for removal 28 .lanitor in sixth ward school house 2 Woodmansee 14 Mumery, janitor in high school 2 C. C. Clark & Bro., Ü3 trees had been removed before inspection 93 Carr, opposite Observatory % In the orchar belonging to the estáte of Hanson Sessious I found 22 Moses LaJoy 0 Daniel Hiscock. 4. Four had been removed Wcïnre inspection 8 W. Cochran . i John VVnrster 1' N. B. Covert 1 Beo. Weeks, 2. Two had been removed bcfore iiiHpectiou Rhodes, 1 ; wns removed before inspection Misa Fishcr: were removed bfore iuspection - Albert Fruehauff 2 Butta In the orchard-of the commissioner 20 trees were dlseasea and removed as soon as discovered, durini; the month of July and August 2 Total 12 1 have iuspected every orchard known to me, and fouud the disease to prevail in all o them but 3, viz: in that of the estáte of Wm Campbell, Lenou, aud McDonald. I mentioi Uil' bitter three as a matter of record, and t see how they will stand in the future. The extetit of the disease in the difieren orehards varies greatly. While in some oreu ards less than oue per cent, were áffected, n one small orchard, or garden, seventy-five pe cent. ot' the trees were affected with the dis ease. The worst was that of Frederick Wurs ter, in which 14 out of the 20 trees growiug wer diseased. All the owners of diseased trees cheerfully consented to remove the trees rnarked as ed. Only bearttig orchards vvere inspected. me dise#s i ■ found in younger orchards, a:,,l e, oized best when the frultla on the tree, nearing the ripen Jacou Ganzhokn, ( omraissoner. Concluded next week.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier