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Wedding Bells Do Ring

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AnriWoee O. Pack, of New Haven. Cemi., and Mia Roba i'ulcipher oi tliis city, are to be marripd tliis evening a.t tlif residente of the brides párente .'Ir. ; ! 1 1 :1 Mik. MMo Pulcipher, on N. Main t. Mr. Pack is an Ann Arbor boy, and his bride is well known, liavbeen ilcputy county clerk for the jiast three years. The young couple have bris'lit prospecte befove them, anil the gre-atest of goud wishes of hoste of fricnds go witli tliein to their ecuBtern hostie. Alvin H. Dodsley, formerly of thia City, son of Mij. aml Mrs. Henry B. Dodeley, of Detroit st., for severa] ycars past with the Standard Oil Co., at l'ai.uo. X. Dakota. is to be married on Tuesday evening May löth, at 7 o'clock, to Miss Hatunali Eloise, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. K. Knudsen, at the bride's párente' residence in Fargo. The people in Ann Arbor who will wi&h "Al" and. his bride a long and happy life are numerous, indeed. And the Courier extends its li ;i mi for a hearty g-rasp, while the best of kind thoughts and eongratulations are with it. This evening, at the ■residence oí Rev. Fr. Kelley, Mr. John V. Sheehan and Mrs. Eddte Margaretta Duekett will be united in tlie bonds oí matritnony, the ceremoiiy belng witnesaed by a few near relatives only. The couple wíl] lcavc al once for New York, froin whciK-c they i-iail SitttEPÖay ior (onoa. Iialy. in l e abseart three montha They will be al home, No. 57 E. Huroo st. after Oct. 1, 'Mr. Sheeliau .uní Ailn.r'.s lest kiiüwn and moet sncceseful busineES men, liaving been engaged In the bouk trade here for a uuanber of years, Tae bride is a lady Yho has ben a resident of the city íor a few year.--, coming originally Erom Kentucky. She is a daughter of Capt. Edwin Miller, ü. S. A., a gradúate of "West Point, and a grand-daughter of Gen. Ward, of the U. S. Army, both ancestors havLng served in the Union army in the late war, the latter ha ving also been a member of eongress. Mrs. Duckett traces her ancestry back to Capt, John Smith, and his Indian bride, who were so iamous in the early days of tliis .imnti-y. Mr. and Mrs. Sheehan wlll rei-ide aiter returning to Ann Arlior iai the fine mansion reeently purcliased by them of the Henry "W. Kogers estáte, where they will weieome aaid be "vvelcjoniel by the society of Anii Arbor, lor their spacious and elegant home -vill .loulitless be made a popular iiiir. The rouple will rec-eive the general congratulations of the comniunity.


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Ann Arbor Courier