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As Was Right Otis Fuller Has Won

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tlit' .-uit as warden, a1 tonta, and is in pofcsession. The otlier fel ow has been doing work., but npw Otis wil! gel tbe pay. Tho wiiiuiii ol Breckinriilge's dtetrist in Keiitucky are not only dolng neelvee justice by openly and bolflby fightlng the re-eleetion ofthat gentleman, bul doimg a M-rviuo for the good moráis oí the aatlon. Success atteaid their efio Euriag the tova years ín which Mr. cl vrlMnI was Ld ]■(■ ii-cmcnt, inostly at Btizzard's Bay, lie was ïoml of clatsifyimg the resulta of republieanisin ae iiic "ppogeney of proteetion," a "br!94 ofk:aadred evils," etc. Ntliai .lr. Cleveland hus been fice a little more tttwn a year, v e would be pleased ui have him elassify in the saaie vvay Cox'eyiem, Kellyian, CaiviuJMn. and a tew other Usms that Ikiy.' grown u;i oui of the democi hard timee. He i ould doubtln ss iini iikim.v appn pri te tenas In Mr. Cana's i-v lopedia, ■! "in which lie iised to coanp Ie his bj caiiglit at it. 1 ineome tax s c i i the democral : party is between Ik1 (''".i' and the I The great masfl of the demoi r I e era are in ïavor oi '.lic Income tax. Noliody can eeriouely (ïouiit that lact if lie has any (neans o! knowing the feeling ol the southera and western deanocrats. On the other hand, tlie men who furnlsh the inoney to run the party's campaigins are bitterly popoeed to a tax of that kind. The comaeauence of th;s situation is that Uuit there is ivo way whereby the Bourbon majority in Congrees can avoiil either ofieadlng the men whose votes tln'.v must have or the men whose i y ba boughi them and lhril. partj . u Is ;:n alternatlve well calcúlate l I i make every dcmocrat curse ï'nr day whn au Ineome tax was Eirl tbpughi o!. One of Aun Aibov's beet business men carne tnto tie Courier ofíice thé otlnT day with the tollowing questlon : "H I had tbree or four thousand ddliavs to biveet aow, do you uiii.t I v.iiiUd buy?" We asked hian If It would be city streel railway stock, but he saicl : "No, it would be a favii! 'J'hat is the only gure i túng on earth. It cannot burn j up, blow down, .kip to Canada, buSI up nor paes a dividend. You can always gel b living irom it. ö better ttuap a govermmant 4 per cent. bond, ior Üna.1 decreaslng in vultte every yeaor, as it nears mamrity, and is liabte ni be pata up, wbile a farm (rom now on will incroao in yalue and earnlng powers-" Theve was long-beaded ptiilosóphy in that si ment, ib-r although farm produ ' - brlttg lo" priees, everything else does aJso, aiPid öuring the past year there )i:is been lar a stram on ine farmer tluui on tlie bankér, tlie. man mrer or tlie man. The former lias always known where he was goipg to get his living1., whüe iin' Latter im cont-eanplatlng a probable collapee in li'-s business would not knoiv where to turn. The emplovee feeLs tliat if lie loses his job he loses lus credit at tbe stores. Th.a1 means want. Verily tlie farmer can wr.-ither finíim-ial panic better than a.ny other, whlcb is the true test to BOlidity, coraiort and prosperit , .


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Ann Arbor Courier