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Saline has tour vacant hvolUn; housen. Howdi is tó have a lodge of E istci'ii Star .M;;-ins. Detotoree la building a new resideaice in Mlton. Aaron Sanford is to bnilil i fine new rcsidrn e in Milan. There S mucll conplaint of the eui worme th's s-eason In varions localitics. Geo. Wackeahut will build a twostory addltlon to hls hut thia spring, at Clielsea.. Accordiüif? to the Herald green is now tlie fiishionalvle fenrnne color at Chelsea. The headquarters oí the Bell Telephoee Co. at MOaa will hereafter be in the Expres of i-e.. Rush Green will rush the law j ers ol Chelsea imo tfee eoop thls year j as marshal, for $30 per month. Evuidee Reporter ; ' Lawyer Oramer i was üi town Wednesday, o k as aïter Borne oí lis property aff i ■ ■" Ou Suöday evenng May L3, the Epwoith I?gue ivill celebmt 'as i :h annivereaiy at Uw M. E. church, Cheltea. Out oí an fiirollmont of 339 at tfte Mm bteeter schoof, the average da ly attemidance has been 332. A gooü recordThe ciiclsea Heiald gets $10 for prtntlng the couiïctl proceedings the' oomiing year- too mnch ineat tor a BhilliDlg. A number of trees wera set out around the Sharon Cent-er ïhurch on Arlxir Good lor the goofl people of Bliaron. The M-lan Reader speaKS 01 Jimmie ae "Senator Gorm: a." What ineat has our ' :n - 11 te ' i-"-':l '; '"' "lVmi" o] .- mi Impori . Andrew .Jai k-on Is a house patater m Stockbriiïge. THe I rj tüai ' Anilnw .hu k-o'i is deul was ílierely a politica.1 Ealsehi Pinckii'y takes no back spul in cen gard in cleanliaess, he lthinese beauty. - W p,atch. Wi.y ti ke ar.y se ;; ? Why áot stand '.' Music loving people ïrom all over the county are mak'ng preparations to attrml the great M ly festival at Aiin Arbor May 18 and t'9. Two ïliree Rivei's men h.ave inventod a bdoyele tHat is propelled by botli hand and topt power, (whieh makes i'oin 1 and attaias a high rate of speed. The ladiès of the Chelsea Mi. E. churcli are to hold their animal Flowei- Festival at McKuue Hall May 10 11. A right nioe time i on the prograinm-é. Thai Chelsea isgrowing is rvulonrcii l,y ilie faet tka-t nine new dwellings are to be ere:ted tèere t{jii snmme , rum severa! additiniaad imlirovcmt'ins. Wild ,ofo have colooized at Plnck ney. Populist Peters might tiow ge( au audtence there.- Ailrian 1 re a Whist : Don't mention it ! You i seare th k.-iiuc ! Davhl Woodward'B peach orchard in Brldgewater, bidfi fair to have a large erop. Col. Fenn'8 orchard bi ing on r ground, dld not come t u-ougii the year so wei;. Brtögewater ih'ílIi: ora nained Ottmar and Schade liad a tracas and eluooting affair reeently, iírs. Ottiiuir aoing ihi' shootlng. Tlie courts will have a ease to eettle. The Dundee pickle tactory- in no way to be eonfoundeil wlth the aun Arbo-r pickling instltution- ts to rto busines3 Ihis suuimev, all reporte to the contrary nötwithstandiag. Mack Bobison lias two fine looking Jersey heiiers as there are in the country aiul people f rom all over the aty liave been here to admiré bbiem.- Manchester Enterprise. A little Cbelsea glrl, whose p was taking a tonic because lie 'as 'i-uu down," poured hall the eonteoits of the boitlc Lato a dock, when a similar mish p befell th Mmepieee. - ('iclsi'.-i Standard. The rowdy actlone oí some oí I'in-l; ih-.vs boys, niglits, i.s Hable to gei thetn into Berious trouble, aceording to the Dfepatch. They sliould be made to respect other people's righi -. by severe measures ií mibl pues tai1.. 'fhe Bal'me Farmer's ciuli will meet next Friday with Mr. airl Mrs. Davití caiiy. H. r. Platt wil! read a paper npon : "How can Fatmers beei Organ'ze and Cooperate to Prom ilicir Interests and make their Influence Êïfective ?" The Congregatloanl society has ïmrcaased of F. Hatcli, the vacant lot Oast oí C. Babcock's house on E. Module st., and will erec-t a. parsonage on 1lii' same tliis suniniei-.. V. i". Hatch douated ncarly lifilf the price of the lot.- CheLsea Herahl. W. J. i.eBaron has been appolnted caucus enumerator in York hy the tuwnslii]! board. -Hilan Leader. Errors aré thiaigsthat provoke all aewspaper iaën., and we presuïne Br. Smith lias already killed the comp. w!o set up th word "caucus" when "een sus" was intended. J. ]f. Galloway, of Azali,a, was a member of Berdam's sharpshootere, and (ni June 13, 14 and 15, hc and hia estimable wife will entertain as mauy of liis old eomrades as will accept a.n invitation to come to liis hospitable roof, it being tlie fourlh annual rounlon.- Dundee Iedger. Ypsilanti is badly mortiiied. .The steel pnsi-aving oí Gen. Ypsilanti, alter whom she was named, Ls missing. It was p-peBsnted by the government of Greece, in compliment for the christ enIng. Any one knowing tlio skulkins place of th eold pagan, will d(i a favor to the city by reportáis It. It is possibic tliat some Vandal lias capturad and te holding him for ransom. -Adrián Press. A 'Iva-w amd Order" League lias been OTganAzed i I 5 psilanti and it w 1! beretiíter be a lcng time betwéen Svmday árlate. Many people there h. ve iaterpreted eo líterally the eomm mi. 'He ye in the spirit on the Lord's day," tiial they Ixave gone to bed Sunday night, so -'full" tha1 thelí back teetb were afloat-.- Adrián Prese. i,c .. W. Pratt is ;iiio!:t to take possi s toa ni fctie A. I). Crane property om Aun Arl or street, wMch he pnrrh.iscd lust rail. During the past , tiX weekfi he lias had the house almosi eurtlrely remodeled and modernizcil. the Interior hanilsoraely decora i "il. and now he has one o f the most attractive homes in the village.- ter Leader. At various places throughout the county trees liav been set out this tpi-ing to beautify yards, st reets and lawn. If farmers would plant acoras ind nuts on the hillsldes that are gooü for nothing else- and there are m uy of thein in the county- they wíinld be etaxtimg groves that wou ld be a womderíul benefit to their ïarm-i in the future. ï e A ;n Albor posto íiee contest has doeeü. J'onil's na-me has been withdraun by the president and that oí S. W. Irakés' substituted. But it can Jinrdly be wiid the white wiaged aagea of pace is hovering over Üie contending factions. Don M. I)iik;nsin and Congressman Gorman mil be held accountable by Mr. Pond's Meada and the fight will be i i: wed later.- Dexter I.eader. The ii'xt morning after the camp i::', our peoplc were mu-li incenseü over the fact tliat some raseal liad eatered i lio eeh-ool Rrounds tlie night I beíore and eut down ilis school flag palé frotn which the grand old Ameri... n i.jg w ; ■ i laat A goody r,.m o i,,, n y iris been subseribL.(i ,-vs a :■ ■ ■ 1 i' !s quit i i i ,;,,;; the tran grcssor -v:l be run j down and properly puni?hed.- Brightou Ai-giie. The rasgal vvlxo did the j .eed ,profoa.bly tliought in raa in . w,-:i. wi'.h Blouat.. Ti. ■■ outlaodteJi and clumsy metüod oi ii li ndlng a &idwalk by nailing a board óver a hole, óught aot to be i tolrateíl. The Bidewalk committe ■ shöul i take a sii-oil arouod town aad lnok aíter some o! th( walks, but nly safe way for t hem is to walk om the sod and thus not endanger tlieir or limbs.- Chelsea Standard. Aaid any man who would ilo sueli a thing, ought to be made to travel over the mend in the dark untll !n' lias woiu the board even with the walk, or stubbed h:s toes back into liis Lk&el. KORMAL NBWS (ONTESÏ. Do ])"( fail ti) attend tlie sixth annual nratorical contest given by tlie Normal News in Normal Hall, Friday evening, May 11, 1894, at s o'clock. These are the persons who forni tlic T. BeaC h. 1,. U O Ibrook. S. McAlpi N e. V. Bennet T . l!. Mili B r. G. Mino S . M. Snii T )i. S. Marhle. The decisions of he same are in the ! hands oí the following : ( ov. J ólin T. Ricli, Lansing, Rev Caroline V . Bartlett, Kalamazoo, licv .! VV. Bra D ghavr, Ann Ajbor. I. Et. Patten G ill, Lansing. Mre.J.J Bagl E y, Detroit. Hon. Willard S teams. Adrain. ('ome to hear sorne good music. Come to see and hear the Govenor. Come to hear the orators. YPSILANTl'S GRKAT I IKK, The citizems of Ypsilanti have been uu ortunate again in the burning oí their leautiiul blgn school buildlogj whieh event occurred last Thuvsday aiternoon. How the building caught lire is a mvstery, which ill probubly iirviT bc solved;. The home fire department was on ! basta promptly, but tbe flamea had ! gathered such headway that they icmlil do llttle gobd. The Ann Arfoor tiro dtpartment 1) - Ing calted upoa, the gray team made run to Ypellanti, and wlthin 38 minutes trom the unie they drbve ou1 oi the emglneliousahere, hada stieain on the burning buiMiug. Il was magn.,i -n; time, and proved the metal oí the team ito be oí the staying quality. Tlie followlng notes oí the fire are ,.,;- n r,.,,.,n tbe i).ii:y Times oï May 4t li : The only town clock which the city afforded was that destroyed yesterday. It was a valuable one, keeping very accurate time and when the flames crept about it, it was like witnessing the dying gasps of a human being. At one time just before its destruction the minute hand made a jump of about three minutes and then subsided. Notwithstanding the burning of the greater part of the building the clock undoubtedly attracted more attention than anything else. It will be much missed. The huge bell which was accustomed to assemble the scholars feil at intervals to just above the main entrance. The several landing prevented a terrible crash. Olive Collins, who jumped from the second story did not have a leg broken as was reported but was badly injured about the spine and ankles. The most plausible theory of the cause of the fïre is that the prismatic shaped skylight on the roof and the plane one which lights the chapel be low made possible a concentration o rays of the sun, that body being at the time about in its zenith, upon some cobwebs hanging from the lower sky light and this set flre to those minute things which by nature's aid could re sult in the disaster. Numerous hats and books and schoo supplies were left in the building by the children and what of the latter were carried out were so mixed up that it will be impossible to straighten them out completely for some time. One of the most competent men in the city figures that the walls as they now stand are worth $15,000 in rebuilding the school. The insurance foots up to $34,650, which will not make the loss to the city as much as would be naturally supposed. The north wing was the least damaged and could be put in shape at a moderate cost. "He who hesitates is lost' was never more true than in the present ca&e. Por some time past there lias been in eonsideration before the common council the purchase of 500 feet of new hose and the rottenness of that on hand, which was demonstrated yesterday, should accelerate action on the part of the new council. Nothing but praise is heard for the phenomenal promptness' of the Aim Arbor fire department in responding to the cali for aid. There may be onsiderable rivalry Ín many things but when necessity prompts we are slill "The Twin Cities." The following insurance compamea had risks upon the property: Those who had $1,400 and W50 each on the building and permanent ñxturess and the supplies, etc, are the Sun, Connecticut, Aetna, Continental, Springfield, German-American, America Fire, Nortii Britlsh, Hartford, Commercial ünion, Detroit Fire and Marine, Phoenix, Northwest, Liverpool (Lonion and Globe), Home, Queen, Royal, Jaklana Home and Trans-Atlantic. The Phoenix also had another $ïoü on the building and $125 on the flxtures. The Pennsjlvania Co. had ?2,100 on the building aiid 375 on the supplies. This footj up to $29,400 on the building and $i,250 on the supplies er a i -;il Of $34,650. Ihe loss is about $4. 000. The -tilgn öcnooi ana eismii s'"" scholars will meet at the Cleary Business College on Monday to continue classes, arrangements having made for their accommodation there. ïhe Michigan Bell Telephone Co. have the most appreciative thanks oL the Times for the service given yesterday over the metallic line. The line was held open for the accommodation of gettlng as full a report as was possible at the late hour of the disaster. The Ypsilar.ti Dress Stay hose was not the first on the ground, that honor belonging to Hose Co. No. 2, but it was the flrst to enter the building and go up near the danger point. It was taken charge of by Ike Davis, who was so fearless that when even they tried to drag him out he clinched the hose flrmly and stood at his post as long as pos3ible.i Ike says if one of the other worlds is any hotter than where he was yesterday he wants to go to the other place. This last firemakes the third building burned on the present site and all j of them were union school buildings. The flrst one was March 29, 1S57; the stcond Dec. 9, 1877, and the last one May ó, isa. Just about üu years apart. The fire of yesterday demonstrates that we need still more efficiency in the department. Had there been a hook and ladder so that the hose could have been carried up to the clock tower and water deluged the roof oL the main part there would not have been so great a loss. By all means purchase hook and ladder outfit. The new ouncil men should think it over. Jke Davis would be a good nember or the fire department committee of the new common council. There was an amusing scène at the fire yesterday. An elderly man came running up out of breath just after the news had fairly got spread about the city that the building with all the chiidren inside was on fire. For the following meetings, rates of one and one-third tare wlU be made: Camp Meeting at Ilackley Park, .Tiily I9ÜL to August 24th. Tickets to be sold July 18 to 21st, Inclusive. July 24th, 2fitU and 28th, August 2d to 4th inclusive, August 7th and 9tli, August 13th and 14th, August 20th and 21st. IVunited to return to August 25th, '94,. , Camp Jlpeting at Haalett Park, July 2r,th to August 30th. Tickets to be sold cach Tuesd:ir, Thursday and Saturdny. l.iraited to return to Sepiniiber 17th, '94. I'or the Bay A mul Chautauqua as -in'üly, ai Bay icv. July lOtli to August l."tl!. Tickette to be sold July 9th and lSih. Goad going on tbèeé days aaly. Limitod to return uaitil August lOtl'. For Solls Bros. Circus at Toledo, May 19th, Tickets to be sold May 19th. Limited to return May 2Oth. W. 11. IiEXXETT, G. P. A.


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Ann Arbor Courier