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The Presbyterian ehurch liad aa increase of mine new niernbers last Simday. The amount of primary school money apportionecl to Waahtenaw connty is $10,279.55. The 5th, 6th and Ttli of next. inonth is when the Woman's Michigan Press Ai-sociatlon. Is to meet in this city. The Junior Auxilliary oï St. Andrew's ehurch made i?25 by their fair at Harris Hall last Saturday, p. m., and it rained all the timo, too. Alanzo A. Hogers was admitted to citizeaiship last Monda y in the circuit oourt. Mi.-s Iaaoedla Pyper, for manyyears a milliner on .Main st., (lied last Sunday at her home on B. Thayer Kt. A tea and social will be given at tbO Presbyterian church ThUrsday evening, at 6 p. in. You are invited. liie Baptist Flower Festival last Friday afternoon and evening netted thO ladies of the church $75. A pretty igood outcome. Dr. Zinimennan ha.s tuis week had artificial Btone walks laid froni the street .to lus residE.ce, which ii'ives quite a metropplltaii air to the premises._-Vayne Review. WoadBr if tlint Is our Dr. Zimmermau '.' Fratemity Lodge F. & A. M. will confer the II. M. degree on E. H. Bennett, of OwosrSO lodge on Friday eveninii, at Maeonic ïeinple. X'isltors Erom O-woeeo, Ypsilaatl, Saline sea, Dexter, Milán, etc., will be ent. The Ministering ('hildreu's League, of 8t. Anurew's par:sh, oosnposed entirely oi little i'olks under 1-! years ol age, w-fll give a fair in connection ! the tea sociaJ of the ladies oí the church, at HiiiTis Hall, ou ïhuvsilay evening next. A man went into the room ol a student at No. 5 E. Aun st., last Friday aíternoon, and vei-y coqlly walk-ed oií witli a tennis raequet. As the young man wa.s notieed by the pcople oï the house, lie may save himSedi ia racket by returaing tlie raequet. Department Commander Kanitz of the depai-tmcüt of Michigan (i. A. K., lias issued general orders for the obsrrvaf.oii iOí Memorial Day, and geste that every post in tlie department attend eome ehurch ín :i body on the Sunrïay pfeceding, May 27th. AVeleh post of this city avíU attend the Cougregational church. The Fouith Estáte, a newspaper devoted to aewspapers, date oí April 12, lias a write up of the Cleveland "World, and its hustling manager B. F. Bower. The article s a very interesting one, giving a liistory oí the paper írom its inception and givtng that gentleman the praise that is his due for making it such a prominent suecess. The Ypsilantinn liad this itera in its last issue : "Fred Huntoon left this city last Tuesday to take charge of the FniU'd States Express Co's oiiice in Aim Arbor. Mr. Huntoon was one of our most popnfer youèg men men and will be greatly miseed. He is a and wlll build up a good business for company just as he lias daas for them here." Died in Macedón, W.-.yne eounty, N. Y., April 21, 1394, Sarah A. Beal, ia the Tütli year of her age. During a M-N-cri' 1 1 1 i . ss ol iour weeks, she ever manifested ;i sweet spirit of resignation to the wlll of her heavenly Father, and was ready for the summons viiu'ii n ■.ame. She was the last membei af a large family, aod their rei. uioii is now complete. She was au muit oí the late Rice A. Beal. As will be seen by the eouncil proceedings, Mayor Darling's appo'ntments -went thiough the eouncil Jlonday evcniii!;' without objection. Ihis is as it should bei. The city charter contemplates holding the mayor spotosible for the government ol the city, ond when liis ooanlnattona are rejected, and he is mot altowed to choose his owa oabm-et, the council practically tafea it out of lxis hands and assuiiics the responsiblllty itself. Tlie Wesleyam Guild lms been glving a. v:tluable series oï lectures, and wil! have the elosüig oaé of the year irom ITr idem .!. W. ünshiord, of the Ohio Weeleyam Univeisity, next i'sunday eveaing, when he will leeture on CShristlaaity and Education." The laet leeture, which was by Dr. G-llbert of Cleveland, was one of unusual Eorce and thipughtfulness. It was [uil of brilliant passages, apt quotations and sound reaeoning. Dr. Gilbert oecttples the piiipit in Cleveland wliicli Dr. l. B. Pope had. and he preaehee Suday evemlngs to large afadlences o!' youmg people. On Suuday morning last seven persons uuited with the Unitarian church The remaiixs of Miss Bessie McGloweai, were brought (ram Detroit yesterday, where she died Simday, and interred in fit. Thomas cemetery. Xcxt Monilay, May 14th, the anmual meeting and election of ofiicers of the Epwoi-tii lyt-a.uuc, of the M. E. churc'ii wül take jilace in the lecture room. On Monday morning last Mrs. Anna í. Walz died at Jut home on W. JeïiCisu-n st,.. of coiiMmiiption, aged 71 years. The funeral services will be held to-dayj. The .State Teachers' Institute for Washtenaw C'ounty will be helil in Ann Arbor, July 9 to 13. For inforïormation apply to M. J. Cavanaugh, looal committee. The heavy rains oí Síiturday aïternooii and evenlng' eaused a waahout oii the motor l;ne about t wo miles 1 h'a side of Ypsilami, which will take some days to repair. Aun Arbor for eight years past has liad a very good commercial standing with one exception. There is a store on E. Aan st., in -vhii-li, during this time, there has been 17 ïailures. -o say mercnants doing business on that street. Who can exjilain the etrnnge tatality to tluit store? On Friday altenioon at 3 O'dock the Ladies' Home Mtesion Circle of the Baptist church meets in the church parlors. The subject for the meeting will be : "Indians and Mormoma." All ladies oï the c-hureh are invited and aeked to bring questions bearimg npon the subject. "The (jtrollers" is the name of a oompamy of leading members of New York society who are taking their flrst trip, visiitámg Albany, Buííalo, Detroit, Cinciimati and Washington. Attracted by our University town, they will stop liere next week Thursday evening, and present "Confusión," a {areO of three acts, witli a short cuitain ralser called -'Kaspberry Shrub." They do this for the benefit of the ünlverslty Columbian Organ fund. A good list of patrons and pa tronces 2S lms been sel;ct3d fio;u University and towns-people, so the play promises to be a soc-ial e vent. Tlie worthy local object for whlch it is given will ensure It a good house The production of Living Whist at the Grand Opera House on Friday cvrning, will be one of the events of the seasan. Th-ere Avill be 60 people In the cast, 34 fancy character and society dances, and two liours of continual dancing. The production of Uiis a year aso by Mr. Granger was greatly appreciated by Aun Arbor people, and tlie house will be -vell fU cil by tlio-c who aro anxioufi to hear an,d eee it again. The cntertuinment is exti-emcly pretty an'l gratifying, and Mr. Granger is entitled to mueh praise liis euiergy and enterprlse In the matter. Muiiílay's .paper contained n Ion? account of tlie dieappearance from his lióme tu Oiynipia, Wasli., of Edward B. oIüpt. saiC to le anephew of the late Prof. E. Ohiey, and a gradúate of the I", ol M. It seems tiuit Mr. Olney was director of the ü. S. weath-e-r service for the state of Washington, and on Sept. V2, 1892, hie left Olympta in a row bont. A few days alter, the bont in whleh were liis liat and coat, was found, but 01jipy was aiot, ueither ooulil nis body be found. The wife, after several months, save him up ; dead, and eollectd n $2,000 inatirance pojicy upoai hls lite A few lays sinre he returned to Jiis home and save m accoinit of li is wanderings, clalming that Avhi'ii he was aueniptüig to cross the sound in his ljoat, lie had been hit on the liead while attempting to pass ur.diT a draw bridge, the blow &ausinu. Iiim to lose Tiis niind. He at last brought up at Hammonid, !.. where nioliier lived, and where he was si. k for several weeks. Dpon his reciivi'iy he retumed to lii- fainily. Ie re uds like a novel except ih.-u hiswife did 11:11 marry agaln. The Unlver,-iiy Kook glves n SUOh gradúate, and the oalejidars publ'shed snee then do mot contaln his nimc so there must have been i ome error. A Tvash out on the motor line Sunday, prevented thüt road trom running trains, mucli to the disconifiture o; the Knlghts Templar, who were due in Ypsüanti on that day to attend services at St. Luke's church, where tin; Ascensión Day sermón was delivered by Chajilain GoodwJn, U. S. A. There is eertainly somothing very peculiar about storme. For iustance the severe storm accompanied ty haü that swep over this city reeently, o&me directJy out of the northwest. At Chelsea, where a great amount of damage wts done to íruit trees and Windows', and everything else that was exposed, the storm carne directly irom northeast. Will eome weather clerk explaiii the pheuomemon? Everyone likes a good, hearty laugh, and every one feels better in every way after having a good laugh. There is a good laugh coming. This laugh provoker will be the attraction at the Grand opera house, Saturday, May 12. Besides the laughs in "Zeb," their pany carriea an abunüance or scemc and mechanical effects that are entirely new to the stage. The spécial scenery ciirried consists of one scène representing the natural gas fields of Indiana in f uil working order; another scène, the interior of a pawnbroker's establish.ment, Chicago. In this scène is introduced the blowing up of the safe, and burglary. Besides the effects mentioned above, there is introduced a life like picture of the World's Fair buildings. In this scène is introduced the greatest and latest novelty in stage mechanism, the movable sidewalk. This one scène necessitates carrying 16.2S0 feet of scenery. Everything wIU be given just as announced.


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Ann Arbor Courier