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Estáte of John' M. Letts. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. ss. -U a Beaalon oí the Probate Court for the County oí Washtenaw, bolden at thi Proba Office In the city of Ann Arbor, on ;iy. Uie Hth day of April, in the year one thousaud eight hundred and uinety-four. Presen ' WilTard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of .lohn Mi Letts. incompetent, George J. Crowell, the Guardian of saul ward, comea into court and representa that he is prepared to rcuder . uardian. Thereupon it i ordered, thut Tuesday, the ■J-ind day Of May next. at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, be assigned for the examtning I and allowing snch account, and the nextoïl kin of said ward and nll other persons, interested in Baid estáte, are required to appear at at a session t.)i Baid Court, tiieu to be holden at Probate Office in tlie city of Apn'Arbor. in said County, and show cause, if nny there ■ i iv tbe Baid account should not !e allowed: And it ís further ordered, that said lian giveuotice to the persons iuterested ; i! estáte1, of the pendency of said accoum, and the hearing thereof. by causingac this order to be publlshed In the Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and circulated In said county, three succeasive weeks previous to said daV of hearing. ' J. WILLARD BABBITT, opy.i Judge of Probate. Wm. U. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Hanso Sbsbions. STATK Oï MICHU i ty oí Washtenav, . At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at Probate Of■ ,day. the nluth day of May, in the vear one thousand eight hundred . . . -four. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Hansos Edward Treadwell and Iiavnet I. executors of the last will and testament of said come into court and representa Unit they are now prepared to rcnder their anntial account as sucu executors. Thereupon it is ordered, that Friday, the first day of June next, at ten o'clock in the foreñoon, be assigned for examlning and allowing such' account, and that the deviseea légateos, and heirs-at-law, of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte are required to appear at a session of said Court, theu to be holden at the Probate Oftice in the city of Anu Arbor, in said County, anc show cause, if auy there be, why the said ac count should not be allowed: And it is further ordered, that Baid exeutors give notiee to the persons Interested in said es] ale of the pendency of said account, and the hear ing thereof. by causing a coiy oí this order to be published in the Aun Arbor Courier a uewspaper printed and circulated in saic County, three successive weeks previoue to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, Atruecopy) Judge of Probate W. (i. Uoxy. Probate Register. Mortgage Sale. ■pvBFAÜLT havlng been made In the eonl } ditiorj of a certain mortgage made '■■ John Wllllam Keatiug to Mary A. Keating, at Aun Arbor, Mich., dated March seventh, A. D. 1893, and n-corded In the ottice of Register of Deeds for the County of Washtunnw and Of Michigan on the s'eventhduy of April, A. 1). 1892, u luier 7'J of mortgages, on pagi on wbioh mortgage tlicre is claimed to be due at the date of this uotice the sum ofoue thousand three hundred und flfteen dollars and an attorney's fee of twenty-flve dollars; provided for in Sidd mortgage, and no snit or proceedal law haviug been iustituted to recover ilir moneys secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof. Nou-, therefore, by yirtue of the power of ale coiitaiiK'd in siid mortgage, and the tatute in sucb caBe mude and provided, notlce s hereby given ihat on Thureday. t )ie tenth qrenoon, I sball Bel) nt public anction, to the lighest bidder, at the north front door uf the House in the city of Aun Arbor (tlnit elDg the place where the Circuit Court for ,Vashtenaw Coiinty Is holden), tnepremises lescribed in said mortgage, or sq imich i b ary to pay tiie araount due on Bald mortgage wlth five per cent Interest and ill legal costs, together with an attorne; if twenty-five douara covenanted for tl: n niisea beiug describedin said morl as all liim eertain lot, plece, and parce! oí land sitúate In the City ( Ann Arbor, In the Cpunty oí Wasbtenaw and State of Michli tod tnowu and described as foltows: Bloei: i in rauge thirteen ::■: ivo (5) SI land , i to 'I bomas Clancy, John O'Mara, WilliatD Bubbs, Michael ilen O'Mara and Mary A. Keating, whlch transfers ure of record iii the office of t!uKegister of Deeds tor Washtenaw Coiini v. MARY A. KEATING, Moitaeree. I HAS H. KI.1NK. h Att'y for Morteagee. To Contractorsand Builders TPHE BUILDING COMMITTEEof the Board X of Supervisors of Waahtenaw Couuty offer for Ktle, at a reasouable prlee, all th'" broken and unbroken stones in the county stone yard on the corner of Asbley and West Ann streete. The greater part of the stone is broken, and especially suiled for groutiiig purposes. There are from four to slx corda of broken stone, and Uvu to three of unbroken. Will be sold by the load, or otherwise, as desired. Apply to the undersigned.loeal member of the coinmiltee, at the Argus offce. ROBEBT SHANNON. Ann Albor April 20, 1894. 18tf Garfiild Tea sg Cures Sick nenduclie.KtístoreB Complex ion.Saves Doctors' Eilla Sample free. GhfieldTkíCo.,shí W. 45thSt.,N.Y. Cures Constjpation


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Ann Arbor Courier