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W. C. T. U. Convention

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The first evening of the Michigan Y. C. ï. U. Oonvention will be tlevoted to addresses of welcome, responsos and exercises of the Young Woman's Christen Teniperance Union under the li■ection of State Superiiitendeut, llrs. iüian M. Hollister, of Detroit. One of is attractions will be a series of Statuteloses and Expressions by Lydia C STewcomb, State Superintendent of Pliy Bical Culture. JNlusii; conducted by Ir Alvin Wilsev. ' The second evening ; receptiou wil] be giveo by the Aun Arior V. ('. T. IJ. with a literary and musical progtamme, further notice of v]ii-li wil' be priven next weck. Prof. R. H. Kempf will furuish the music. Kev. HenHetta G. Moore haa beeu engaged to lecture the tbird evening. She is clear-cut and logical in her statements, attractive and mpressiye iu her tnanner, does lier own thiukiug, nis tlie eouragè of her convictions, and never speaks to a sleepy audience. Mr. Walter L. Taylor has .charge of the müsic. As published heretofore John G. Woolley win lecture tne last evening. Jrot. A A. Staóley wil] give u short musical recital preceding the lecture. The program bas been arranged so as to make the day meetings oí the cönvcntion instructive and entertaining. Reporte of the past year will bc givèn, liso papers and discussiona on the various departments of work, namely : Organization, Prevention. Educatioual, Social, and Legal. These include about forty subdivisions sorae oí the principal oí wh.ich me, Health and Heredity, Scicniiiic Temperance [nstruction, Physical Culturo, Bunday-soliool VVork, Tlie Press, Temperance Literature, Parlimentary CJsage, Narcotics, Evangelistic Werk, Penal and Reformatory, Work in Almshouse, Sabbath Observance, Departuient of Mercy, Purity, Flower Mission and Franchise. While all the meetings of the convention are public, a special invitation is exteuded to both gentlemen and ladies to be present at the health talks öi liss Newcomb, and the parliraentary drills of Mrs. Benjamin, each day. Light work and good wages for Si udents. Inquire of Stark, the Pliotographer.


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