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bongresemajl Jvevi T,. Griffin, of the first district, in the severe afiliction wJiich hos been sent upon hlm. He lias becotoe entirely deaf, and it is 6a id will give up all public duties.. The treatment of Amerieans at Honduras will doubtless bring out the tact wliether this admiaiistration really bas any baokloae or not. Now t.lwre Is am opportunity for Gresham t in a degree redeera himself. 'Will he do It ? The papers of the state that have 80 kindly noticed the Musical Festival to be held here on the 18th and 19th ijist., are doing a good work for the cause of rausic 'in the state, and the Umiversity Musical Society feel grateful therefor. In hehalf of Mr .Breckenridge, of l'dllard notoriet.v, the Ypsil-mti Sentinrl attempla to prove that Kentucky ilias neaiïy as many schools as Michigan. The ï.-uih must lie in the teachers, then. There's certainly siiinri liinii' wrong. l Protected einployere prefer to hire "pauper labor ol Europe," and vote 'em'like cattle.- Yp silanti Rentinel. Out worthy brother te wrong, The great and only democratie Tammany boe a cinch on that department of the eattle trade. The republican party makes no mistake by occasionally recognizing and complinienting by appointment or election men from the younger eleinriit oí tbe party, from whose ranks cíoinie a gooilly proportion of the workere. - Howard City Kecorii. Richard Ciokcr ls no longer boss ef Tammany. He has resigned. He has grown rii-h off tlie people ol New York, aaid now the tax-paycr of lliat e Li y will have to take some other poor fêllow iiinl un through the same procese. Sreat is Tammany. Hich are its Tweeds. recent electlona in Hawaii show tbat iln' provisional governanent hafl the eonfldence of the people. A majority of its friöndB were chosen as ïiu-mbers of a constitutional iíiiii nalled lo íorm a txerw constitution and establish a permanent tree goveroment. Hurrah for tlie ty-loving, patrlotic soné ol American- in thoee Islands oí the Paciíic Bea ! Senator John Patton, Jr., appeared iu Washington, I!. C, last Thurs, was sworn in and took liis seat as m.ator from Michigan on ili:it day. lie took iiis family tu Washington with liim aml pn . i Htay until ilie eesslon is over. Senator Me.Miiiaji has done toe hospitable thing by hini (nl introduced liim to tlie otliev senators and to the mysteries oí t luí seaate- tí there are any. blilcago bamkers, merchant prinees a.nd manufacturers wJioee ñames are widdy known, have come out tor btanetalllsm. Marshal TM 1, Lyman J. Gage, Gearge ai. Pullman and iü1y others of weaith and importance in the flnaacial world have slgned a crerd with binictalliMii as is b ,is:s ;■ il' L ptedge tlirii('i"rs lo pi-oinote.its adepuun as in ÜLternatíQUai sy,-ií'm. ThiH is tho outeuiiii; éi a conference licld short time aso li.v severaJ jiiominent finan iere.- Harbor Sprlnga liepublkan. Such sweet, sucli meltingr stratu ' Cheir soft harmonlous eiulence ricos now. ind swella in solemn grandeur to ita nel Slow stnksto mellow notes-now dies away- But leaves its thrilliiig meinory on my ear! The proic-sloniil laiJOr gentlemen who wer depoeed from office iu the general conveution of the Knights of labor a short time ago liave decided to form a labor organizatioii of their oivn in Philah4phia. whk-li wlll take to everything iu sight. The labor rank and file have been so often taken in that tliis will not surprise theru for th?y kno%v that the professinoal labor gentlemen must live without ths sweat -svliich aceompanies the curse upen mankind.- DispaH'h. Pennsylvania is now in the throes of a wklcly extnded strike among the coal minera and coke workers. It te estimated 'that over 100,000 men are now lidie, the Idle-ness self-impose .. Well, we have trat ltttle syutpatliy these Pennsylmnia eompatiles where industries are Idle. They j i,1 b tol Of Hums, Üagoes auil tíie afi-scouring oi Europeaa countries n orh in the mines for tlic casun i'iav they would work for low wages. Now that tbey won't di1. . : l nal liral sequen 9 . Ce lar R ip :■ (Ia.J '1 mes. te i onvention will I . il. :l. central p, uní, te ■ .'■ W. Nicliols, annoui . Jere Slmpeon, M. C, and .. ü. i;. 'rh tiator Pleff r, both [n iin.i-piieie oí Kansae; aad üen. Wearer, of that aursery oí strong zephyrs, lowa, wül be pw s n an i ;-;.i i ■ bhe a sphere in anl about the state house, in nam oí the American eagl and Coxèy's anuy. Ho ! sounrt the Imcksiu in-ar and (ir; cali every "industrial" in ; 1 i l cach rip-roarer come along (inik. to view Jere's sockless shin A recent issue of tlie Kiehmonil. Ya., Dispateh., contained this paragrapli aanonn many othei : ■We oí tlie south have got to fight once inore a party wbich ought to have perished years ago- a party which has outlived its day. Let us giïd m our armor and go into the (all eampaifm tletermined to save the goveniinent i'rom isectionali.sin.'' There is aiothing sectionál about the solid south, of course : The "C. S. A." ai-inor, which that paper asks its readers to gird on is truly a broad and national oüe ! Girder on, ty all mean?. "To Mary, the mother of Washington,'" ls the plain inscription upon a plain gramhe monolith, 50 eet high, erected over the long neglected grave of the mother of (jeorge Washington, iiear Frederlcksbnrgh., Vu., and unveiled on ïhnrsday last. This monument has been ereeted by the energy oí two lailies, Mrs. Aiai-.i i e. W.-üte, the wldow of the late Chief Justiee Waite, aml Mrs. Margaret Hetzel, oí' Cliftoia Station, Va. All honor to these two American women lor their good deed. It lias been no credit io t Americaii people Uiat they sliould allow the grave oí this nuble mothiT oí thf'ir most honored citlzen to go unmarked.ïor all these years. A Georgia man served 10 years in ia the p enitemiary ïor a crime wliieh another man has cont'essed he committed himselï. The innocent man has been released, but justice demands tliat he be owarded heavy money damages, and te will be if there is any luvmanity lelt in Georgia.- l'owllerville Observer. Yes, humanity. There's the rub. Only a Aveek or so ago, in the neighborlng state of Alabama, they burned a miau alive because lie was suspect;ed" oí haring the email pox. Of conree he was a black man. But he was a h turnan being, just the same. A taot that appears to be difíieult for aVerag southerner to coinprehend. If that prleoner is a black man ihcy will no doubt eonsider that "lie ivas iKme too good to do sucli a deed," and hang him becanse he (lidn't. If he is a white man tile inatler of jaslice all depends on wheUier lic was a codoael or general in the late Confedérate army, or wliether he served In the ranks. The democratie platform 011 which Mr. Clevclaml Btood Aiien he WM elected pi-e-iulc ni, said : "We denounce hr Mi-Kinlt-y tariff i;iw enacteíl iy Un1 5l8i congrega as the culminatinü atro Ity tu clase l-eg sla : ■ . and we proniise lts repeal .e ui ihe benifiaent resulta that will follow the actkxn oï the people iu intrustlng power to the democratie 1i,il'. y." Ihe democratie party has had the power desired intrusted to it lor over two years, and still the 5IcKinley law has not been repealed. acw btU irained to takc lts place is sa near Hke the old oue, t'.iat it would iihnost take au expert to teil tbe ditiepenoe, ejusept tliai wool is to be on the (ree list. Tlie frainers of the iiuvth must be hit some way, and ilie wool club was thought the most eïfeetual oue possible, and so wool is to remain iipon the uree list. The "'■ alu:ini dutiee, for whlch the "Wilsonliill was so iniamous, have been aeary w',])el out, and BpeciflC dutiee inserted. Thus makUi the dishonest acts 'of éolfectors .nul elérkp less liablc to lift them nnythint;'. Uut ■ even this bUl has mu paaíed 3 Even rage ïteelf in cIkhtM with mu It wakes i glad remembrance f onr youth. Calis back past joys, and warms is ii:r transport. - Roto .


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