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It Is Seventy-eight Years Since

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land demiO&etized sllver. But ths foeJtög in iliat country in favor of a bimetallic basis is grawtag stronger and stronser every day, The ïollowiiiü- cablegram was sent to a recent conference Hield in London looking to the i-estoration oí sllver and signed by Jolin Sheiiuan and other republiean senators, and also by David B. Bill, Calvin Brice and Senators Yoorheis, Gorman and Murphy, demócrata: 'AVe desire to expresa our cordial sympatliy wlth the movement to promote the reestoiation of sllver by internat onal agreement, in aid o; wliich w iindcrstand a meeting i held dr.y. We belitre the free coinfige of both gold and sUver by International agreement, at a fixed ratio, would eeáuré n mankind ilie bíes3ing of a mi i1! i ir. volume ■.' metallic money, and whk-h is iini-i!l.v lefií Lnipórtant, secure to fche worMiof trade Immunity from ;)'-;.in exdi-ange tluctuations." 'Jlif New York Sun haa never been ; being a republican paper, . by lt mes; bitter denoun i'ly bome of our ;. democratie ú nds may diiuk wis I ain. BGere i:s a ; oeot extract tiierefrom : "Xo comWil- hill relating tJie " ation ui Camadian raw procluats, ii is necessary bo compare thein, as Seaator M Millan hafi coonparéd them, wlth pretended Lovmterparta in the tarlíí i ill lately driveo ttorough iluOttawa House Dl i ommons by Tovy govemment oí Canada. By sut-h fi oi.niji.-i i is(jü, two things are madepei n . and unmistaktible. First tJib Aanerioan produoer oi lood, staplee and otter raw material-, wliom tin.' fi-amers oí the U ïlsun bi.l profees to duamplon at the expense oí iht' Ameriean manufacture!' has been neeiUessly and ruthlesBly sac-riftó nis 'anadian rival, who lias the three-foia advantage oï cheap lan 1 (hriij) laliur aad cheap transportation." Coxey and his so-called array ave made light of ; the newspaper paragrapliers use tliem ftr their jests, and the people in general consider them a crazy lot of fataatics, tramps and fools, who are upon a hair-brained mission. But ftfbor till their conditiou is a serious onej Serious for themselves not alone, but serious for the nation as well. Their action is but a protest against the state of affaire into whicli this once prosperous country lias tallen. Idle from neceselty, not froni choice ; out of work because the iiolicy of this democratie ndininistratiou has Closed the faetones, and workshops, i rippled the fallroads, and nearly or quite ruined the various industries in whish they weore wont to earn a livelihood for themselves and their families, and tlirown them out peimilees, to starvc, beg, or be supported by cteurlty. Are they to blame for their conflition ? During th e four yearü of Preeldént HajTison'B administration WOuld it have been poseible to have reeruited such a.n arsny ? Xoiv airarly ivciy tommunity in the industrial north, has such an onel And in attenipting to make this pilgrimage to the city wbere the ciLoeeo wise men of the nation assemble to enact the laws by whlch the counti-y shall le ruled, they are takhig the only course that to their eyes seems eífective and open to thcm. They thioik if the president and congress caá see their deplorable couditioii, they wiH"at once return to the wisO course pursued for so niany years while uiider republioan rule, and set the great industries golog once more. Tliat congre.-s will cease its attempt to forcé upon the nation the Southern iloiti-iiie oí free trade and cheap labor, aml .üive back to the unión it oíd time activity a.nd to t lie people t.heir tonner happin aml prosplaïity. Coxcy:.-iu is aio joke. It is a serious thlng, aml can be dealt with by wlse mm only. It can neither be Lauglied down or liooted out oí The oíüy way to get rid oí it is for coogreís to throw aside its partisao ahip, ::'1I the people that it wlll not 'ni irfere witli exi - s, and tlm.s reetove conlklence once more. ïnen will lie whels be set in motion again, aml the arniy oí the unemployed yamish into air. Tlicn there will be no Kclleys, but hapiii!':-. peace and plenty as oí, yoni. Speed the day. BimetallHD is rapidly gaining favor i ii Km-daml, and 11 tilt: Bigns of i'..e linies indícate anytlüng, il wlU not be so M'i-y long before ihat country wül be neady to adopt a doublé standard. Baifouf, tlie real leader oï the Con.-ervative party in parliament, in a recent speocli saiil : "We (Gréat líritaim oaight to enter into au agreement witU tho countries oi tl-.u woríd for a bünctalUe joint standard. Tlio solution of the iiroblejn is eaeler Uian it wlll be five yi-ars heiive. (ii-eat is the responsibility of tJiose who keep Elngland in stupid M-ii.sii Isblation on this great question." Those words mean a great dea!, e-pecially it' ihe Conservative party returns to power auain, whlch it is liable to do before any great length OI time. Friendship'a balmy fl ords may imia. tove's Rreé'en more Ealse iban thoy- Oh, 'cis only mnsic's straiu Ciui sweetly soothc, auil not betrayJ Hou' sweetly sounds eiidi mellow note Benëatli the moon's pale fay, Wlifii ilyiiiu aephyrs rfse and float Like lowrs' BighB away : - Weloy.


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