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líii-e A. spent Sunday witli Dexter relatlvee. Mac ('. LeBeau, of Detroit, was in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mr.s. i!. F. Watts went to Rala ma zoo yesterday. O. M. Martin has gooie to Kalamaboo mi Masoulc business. I'rof. Wm. lírets bas gone to on pleasure and business. Alfred Mieyer was up írom Detroit uvcr Sunday vteitlng hls párente. Mrs. Dr. J. W. Morton Is entertainLng lier mot lier, Mrs. Wetmore, of Concord. Alvah T. HUI, oí Detroit, lias been viíitlmg C. Bliss and family during the week. .Mrs. Dr. C. M. Cobern has returned in un a visit witli her parents in ( l.-vi'l.ind, Ohio. Chaii man Young, of the board of j supervisors of Lyndon, was in Aan Arpor Saturday. Geo. II. l-nov, of the Detroit Eventag .cvs Btaff, was au Aun Arbor yl.-itor over tSunday. Dr. Hinvell, of Alpena, is the guest tjf lii.s (au.nhter, Mrs. Dr. A. C. Nicildl- tor a few days. Mart. ('ook oí Dexter, is in town j todny atteaiding the democratie county eommittee meeting. A ïmmbCT of Ann Arbor people went oVér to Whiunore Lake sáunday i'or the first time tnis season. Mi. a:ud Mrs. Geo. W. Milieu OÍ Den-ui'., w're R-uests over Sunday of Dr. emú Mrs. J. V. Mortou. HoBi. J. T. Jacobs aceompanied his son Charles ,-is (ar as Chicago Mouday on his way to Denver, Colo. E. B. Gidley of Gramd Rapids, lias been t.liaking h.ands with oltl Ann Arbor friends during the week. Mrs. P. Seper, daughter Carrie and grand-daughter Blanehe Cushman, were Ann Arbor visitors Sanday last. Mre. C. L. Pack has eturned home from New York, where she has been visiting ïer daughter, Mr. Kintner. J. Raleigh Nelson lias göne to Milwaukee, Wte-., to see about taking the ehair of Lat in in tbe State Normal School. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Doty went to Kalamazoo Monday. Mr. Doty to attemd the meeting of the Grand Conimmidery. Kev. C. Boecklin is in Grand Rapide tJiis week, at the meeting of the German M. E. ministers of the Michigan district. Mr. mul Mrs T). W. Storma witli theii' daufïhter and son, of Chicago, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jj. Baboock, n n il are expecting to attend the Musical Festival this week. E. O. -Avery, of Alpena, was in the city ycsterdny. The republicans of the lOth concrei-s'onal district have their eyes on Mr. Avery to represent ilK'in in the next national iegisiature. The east wind of Monday and yesterday is said to be hard on the apile blossoms and .young fruit, haring! i great tendency to blast it. The dancing classes of Mr. Granger, at his academy oioeed Satuvday, for ttoe season. All of thelr pupils will be given a May party to-morrow evening. There is to be a special competitive examinatioii for clerks and lett-er carriers, under the eivil service rules, at the court house, on May 26th. Of course politics does not count under the e.ivil service i-ules. TIn' Ailrian Pres remarks : '"Our libertles are not s:ife ! At Washington ('oxyism is rampant on tlie sltiioi the natiiiiril -lapltol, and in Ann Artor a Womam's 'Physioal Development club. is in full blast. The 'home govciiiincnf was never in greater peril." SeTeral cases of typhoid fever in Ann Arbor Jiave been traced to a ;- H'in. (maminited from a cesspooli And still is Oard the voice of Old Fungusback, grunibling about hls sewer tax. and dealaring that there ain't ao -rus.' in the germ theory.- Adrián Press. The opple orcharde are full of bloom this spring, and a fine erop is in proepéet. The peach orehards also bid ia ir t yield a great erop, the lmds mot be-ing injured as badly as ■was reported in March. Other fruits are promising also, especially clierrit's. Laylng all party prejudices askle, Mr. Ezra ]!. Xorris deserves a good ■vord for lus wiirk as city attorney, upon bis ïciii-cmcnt from tliat office. He lias eertainly made an excellent atfcomey fo-r itiir city. looking after its inti'i-c'sts oarelully and well. We du not olwnys vhink as Mr. Norria does. but wlin b auan performs good eervtoe tor the public he is eniitled to pralse therefor. Rev. M. J. Siavage, Wie eminent jiiinrlnu' and writer oí Boston, wili (k-livev the last lecture in the TInity Club course, next liunday evening His subject is Kvolution and Heligiuii." The lecture wlll begin at 7::5O Seats will lie icscrvcd until 7:15 foi lri--i;ns holding Inity Club courwe tickets. All jiiMsims holding snel 'tiikcis should bc suri' to come ïefoi-e T: 1 Ti as at time the duors wil be opemed to the general public. MÚsic is a barbinger of eterna! raelody. - Mozart,


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