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Symplumy concert Friday ovenlng. ('horal Union- 28Ö voice - Saturday evemiñg, University Hall. The base bal] team have new suits - which are vui-y suitHle. The U. oï M. baSe ball team starts on its eastern trip Friday. The 0. of M. team Avill play the Oberlin college uine Saturday, at Oijerlla. . j Prof. Stanley lectores 011 the Requiem at Frieze Mrmurial Hall agaiu to-uight. Copies oí tlie libretto oï the Requiem have betn printed and are being tsold at ten ceut-s eaeli. Saturday is the day set apart for Uit' .M)j)..t)iuori'-acshnian field day, uu the atlilctc iield. A pleaeant entertaimnent was given ilie ts. C. A. clioir at Newterry Hall Satorday evouuig;. li you iüt music, Uear it ; go to operas, eoncerts, and pay fiddiers to play for you.- Lord Clic-terïield. E. C. LJudlcy vai thoseu preüideut ajid J. ii. Brooks vice president of the StvKlent's Ijeetuie Association last iSaturdayi. Julián Millard, lit '89, and wiíe, ai tlie Uuiversity oí Pennsylvania, I hiladelphia, are in towu, uteuiLiigthe May Festival. 'Hiere uiil be "Confusión" aniong tte "Strollers" at the opera housu io-morrow evening, ior ihe benelit oí Uie i'rieze Memorial orgaa. Music is a kind of uníathomable, epeectL, wüich ieads us to tiie edge oí tke mihiite, tuid Íets us Ior moments gazd into tliat.- Tüos. Carlyle. Have jon seen tlie cap und gown? j lliey are quite attractive, and give tke wearers a very studious air. That i, they are supi)osed to. Tlio caps and (owus did not arrive JIonday tío that the swing out oí tlie liediior lits did not take place, but wajs iwjstpoiied uutil this a. m. The Castaliau is a fine publlcatioq. Tlie editors have paid more attention thaa usual to illustrations, which arO always attractive in sucli a peritxlical. , The next uumber oí the Wrinkle will be devoted to the oap and gowu idea. It will not talk through its eap eitlier, you eau wager your go'u on that. Beginuing AVith next year the number of liours required for graduatiou in all degrees will be 120. Tuis chaaige gives great satisfaction to the stiuk'ius. ïlie eaigineer's banquet at Granger's last Friday evening had about eighty present, in.luding all the fuculty aví.Ii one exception. It was an enjoyable occaeion. AVhile iitU'inpting to catch a foul fly Jlontlay, Mr. Lrumheiler, catcher, ccliided witih another player, and sustained a tractured wHet tliereby. Dr. Nancrede set it. is tbr art oí the prophets, the only art that can calm the agitation of thé soul : it is one of the most raagn'ficent and delightful (presenta God has g'iven us. - Martin Luther. It coste tlie co-eds a solid half-dollar to joiii the Tennis Association. The photographitng of classes, societies, lassociations, clubs and committees, in fact everybody about the campus, ie oow the fad. The U. of M. team defeated Kenyon college Friday by a score of 13 to 1, and the Illinois University Saturdaiy p .m., 10 to 5. "When the weather penalts a game our boys have a way ol taking advautage of it and wjnning. Music is the mediator bet ween the spiritual and vhe sensual Ufe ; although thO spirit be not master of that whi'ii it creates through music, yct it is blessed in this ereatlon, whieh, like every creation of art, is mishiU-r tlian the artist.- Beethoven. It was a .mcat surprise to many of the lawe yestei-day morning when Déam Knowlton warned them not to altend chape! the aext morning. (jf them iound out during the day -vhere the chapel was located, and were present, notwitüstanuing ihe warniug. Tliore le a burlesque parade on the , programme tbifi at 9:00 o'clock, as a take-off on the cap and göwra of the senior Hts. The burleequers &re to have oaps and nightgowiiS) aind lie proceeded by a brasa bami Avith tin liorns?. It is hinted ihat there may be eome fun ahead, as the seniora do not take to the display kimdly. ïhc take-off on the Castalian which was given free distribution last urday a. m.- very early- contained a Large nümbér oí the grlnde of that publicatioo Bcing in advance oí the regular publicatie it was hopea to tato tlieir keen edge off, but the aticniiii w&s oniy partially successful. 'Ihi' auiliiüs oï the burlesque are :is deep a mystery as tlie ShakespeareBacon cypher. Coiiigressmau Grifíin appêaed beíoro ilie luw claes M-onday morning, .■nul was ij,ivcn s)ic,h a reception that he was moved to tears therebj'. As his afiHctiou has in no way efíected his v-oice, He hopes to be able to continne !iis lectures beforo the law clase. Oppé being asked liow he could maintain order not beimg able to hear, Music and lovo are the wiuas of the soul. -Berlioz. lie replieÖ to the effec-t t-luit the respesi of the luw clasa for themseleva .- 1 1 1 1 1 for hini would be sufilcient for that purposO. Reanarked by tJie Adrián Press : "Dr. P. G. Novy, junior professor of Hygiëne and PliysiologicAl Chemistry o-f tlie üeivereity, is about to spring a new text buok on Bacteriology, upom tlie woi'ld. The time has been- aaidalot so long a.uo- "vheii men walked ïorth in the pride and pomp oï coascious empire. Then came chemistry, and mkrcscopj' and witli them ti-illions of bacteria, and liis kingdom was subüerted. He cannot even kiss hls girl mow without danger of loadiBg liis systeon witn fatal germs. Thus liis .sweothcart- may prove liis "honey-guide'' to death." The rooms in the new Yanderbilt dormitory, at Yale. will oost student s $10 per week. The dormitory was sriven by Yanderbilt and luis cost, all toM, over $800,000. It has sixtyutae rooms, which rcnted 36 weeks makes au inoome to the college of $S60 ht room. There will be no on ilic eajnpue at Yale after this year that will be within reach oï even the medium cdass of student, ;uil tlicu Yale will become a college ahmist exelusively for the sons oï woahliy paople. X&e U. 01 ai. tnrowa open its doois to the. poor boys of the world, takes them by the baad, educates them, and senda theni out to bless the minne of Michigan. The U." of M. forever ! Dr. Collins 1T. Johnson, who is spending a year in Europe, pursuing bis medical studies writes a friend in town that he aud nis family are back in Berlin again after tWomonths spentin Dresden and one month in Prague. Tbey go to Leipsic for June and will sail for home in August or the first of September. In the letter the doctor says : "We have all been well and ave glad the weather is getting warmer. We enjoyed life iu Prague very much, there was so rnucb of interest to see. Dr. Johnson is writiug a series of articles for The Physician and Stirgeon ot Detroit ana Aun ArDOr, about 1Ú3 trip and the different prominent medical men he lias aeen, which is attracting a good deal of attentiou among physicians in the state.- Grand Rapids Plagie. THE GREEN-EYED MOSSTER. The following is the "circular," a mimiograph copy of which was left on the door step of nearly all residents of the city this morning. The authorship is not known, but it is quietly hinted canbe traced to the green-eyed laws, who, although they have no c-aps and gowns, are said to have a keen eye for the gowns, at least : CAP AND G0WMTE3. Beware of those which desire to walk in long robes ! ! They i-ay and do uot. Gown They biiid íieavy burdeos and tax. grlevous to be borne. All thelr worka they do for to be seen of men. They enlarge the borders of their garnieuts; they love the 'Chapel chief se'ats in the synagogne and swing out." to be called of uien Jtabbi.' Rabbïü Oh ye generntion of vipere I who hath warned you to stay iu your holes to-night and bring forth fruits meet for repentauce? Consider the seniornt how they swell; they toil uot; they study not. But I say unto yon Solonion in all his glory was not arrayed like oneof these. Moral- Don't put a flfty Josh dollar saddle on a twenty dollar Billings. hossl Muslo le the higbest of all science. íBach.


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