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A Y. P. s. ('. E. has been organized at Sylvan Center. Gw. H. Mito.lii'l! ol I.ima. has gone to Detroit to reside. H. V. Heatly, oí Lyndon, is in search oí am estrayed bay horse. At Clinton tlie Maecabeee are to put up a briek bloek of iheir own. County Pioneer Society annual meetiiis il the M. E. church, Ypsilanti, June 13. ïpsilaini's board of review had it-s Besstom with the tax payers yesterday. Prof. A. B. BeWitt, of Portland, will have charge of the Dexter schools for the next year. A numiber of Chelsea's young men have gone to Hom er, where they have eecured employmemt. Oai Sunday next Rev. F. E. Pearce will dellver a Memorial sermón in the opera house, Dexter. Large tianbers, to be sent to England -for ?li,;p-building purposes, are betog delivered at Chelsea. It is p(iiotiosed to expend i?50 in fiximg the ilike Timmins hill on the Clu'l-ca road.- Stockbrldge Sun. Caildrem's Dny, Snnday, June 8d, will be obseirted at the Chelsea M. E. churcli Avith a liie programme. Andrew Miiler ilU-d at his home in Webeter, om May 10, agod 38 years. He was a native o.' Weteter township. John McCarthy, an old resident of Ypsilaiui, and fat-her of Prof. McCarty of Cleary College, died May 14th. Cyrus Raymond, of Sharon, celebrated his 88th birthday on the 14uh inst., at the üoime of liis daugliter, Jlru. Frank Sauiith. Tlie M. E. collections for missionary purpoi-cs in Manchester amounted to $36, and in Shiiron $24, in Bev. ïokoim's eongregations. Born April 3d, 1894, to Mr. and Mrs. C'lias. "Whians, formerly of this village, but now of Iquiqe, Chile, a son. - Clielsea Herald. Eev. George E., formerly of Clielsea, is located at Upton, Mass., nid marrled recently to Milss L. Villa Spencer. Miss Alice M. Boeier, of Dexter, ■w-as mariied May 8, to Edgar O. Tai Buren, of AVhite Oak. They wil reside at tlie latter place. A ilower entertaimment is, bein prepared by the 5tfa anti 6th grade oí the ( lirlsca s -hoois. to bé given on Friday e-roning, May 25tn Ann Arliov, Ypsiïanti, Saline, Clinton, Tecumseli and Adrián are all stations on the Aun Arbor & Adrián Mdd-Air Electric Street R. R. The Epworth League i preparing an entertainment to be given Tuesd.iy evening, May 29, in honor oí the BOldters. - Ptnckney Dispateh. The of the Llbrary Association, Ypsilniiti, are to give a lawn social at tJie residence oï Dr. Boone, Forest ave., on Saturday May. 26. About 15 -wheelmeai made the run to Detroit Sunctay. One wheel was daimngecl, "but aai unusual number oí road hogs were eoicountered. - Ypallamti&n. The next meeting of the S. W. Farmers' Club is to be held at the resideaice of Mr. anti Mrs. Hitehcock, in the townsliip of Sharon, on Friday, June lst. One hundred and ten thousand ■walleyed Pike were reeeived here Tuesday froan the fish commis.ion and wil) be pdaoed in Cavanaugh and Round Lakes'. - Clielfiea Herald. Tlie P. M. at Manchester spends his spare time in cultivating a flower garden on a va&ant lot next to the F. O. It is a cotnmeaHlable Case óf love for the aesthetic. Rev. J. M. Barkley, of Detroit, Is to deliver the Memorial Day address before Carpenter Post G. A. R, Ypsilanti. Au excellent programme has been arranged for tlie day. The Pinckney piekte factory has been removed. The farmers would not guarantee a hundretl acres of cucnmbers, consequently they wlll not be in the pickle this year. The nickle and penny slot gamiblimg machines have been knocked out at Ypsilnnti, ateo. Tliou shalt earu thy bread by the sweat of thy brow- not by tlie autoanatic rnvindler. A teai cent stable has been started at Ghelsea, where farmers can have their equines Btabled and cared for during their litay iu town instead of hiavlmig thein expos-ed to all sorts of Aveattoer. S!. C. Yates, formerly in charge of the toll gate west of Ypsilanti, -vho was proonoted to tlie superiiitendency of thO road a rramber of years ago, died at hie home in Detroit, last week, aged 71 years. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. Former residents of Dexter wlvo go back there occasionally to see the old town wlll mies the jolly black face of Beai. Roper. wiho died there May 12, Hip result oí accklently falling off the landing of the etairs at liis residence. teaac Terry, of Webeter, accompaniert by his daughter, Mrs. C. Valentino, attcnded ,the meeting of the stat-e Congregatinnal Association at Kalatnazoo last 'week, and have since been vMting iriends at Constantine1. The United Brethn n ehurch In I!ii-inville bas a new organ. The ro&de are good. - Saline Observi . Thafs one good thing. The Wayne TMings is a little aewspaper jast the same. Whittaker expecta to have one of tihe U. of M. '91 medies loeated there. If rumor does not lie about it, "Willis vrüi have a new hotel this siimmer. Tlie Banjo and Guitar Clubs are down for au entertainment at Saline May 29t.h. John W. Bollinger wants to sell his 14 acre farm sltuated ome-half mjle nortli of Rateinvllle. "Stay on your farm and you'll euffer no loss," was never better advice than at this present tinne. Mr. Morrison of l!ais!nv;l!e has a colt that he expects will out-trot the fastest next (all. Trot 'er out. Aocordin.iï to the Mail, the erop of rattlesnakes in Plymouth is abundant sixteen. rattles being the average. The Epworth League of Mooreville are to give a social on Friday, May 2.", at Mií-s Clara Hall's residence. Alfred vSlayton lias glven up Chioago metropolitiin life and returned to Raislmvüle ior permanent residente. TJiere ia palmt belng used in Hudsoa taan any othr place of its slze in Micihigaii.- Hudsom Post. Red? S. T. Blaokmer is preswjant, M. H. Hark seoiTtar.v. and C. F. Needaaan treasurer oí Milan's new base ball club. Thcro wáiU be three graduates from the Milaai High School on June 12th, next : Wan. ('Vaig, Eva AVard, and Jessle Loveland. The Iïec-ord gives due ïotice, now, that Noarthville propos %o celébrate tihe glorious 4th of July in 1895 ! Hip ! Hip ! .Hurrali ! II the people of Willis really desire to est-ablish a creamery, there are several defunct ones abo ut the county that can be bought cheap. Married. May 16th, Mi-s Kat Jackeon to Albert C. Cra'svford of Milford, at the home of the bride's mother, M.rS. Sarah Ives, of Stooy Creek. The village marshal of Manchester has liad his instructiins by tliecouncil to emforce the ordinnnce relative to cows. Jiorses, etc, running at large in the streets of that town. l'ound 'em . Caxletoo is threatened wl h a business boom. Accordlng to the (lazette $23,000 worth of houses are now nnder construcción. But Dundee - who said anything about Dundee anyivay ? - Dundee Ledger. Dundoe Maccabees wlll celébrate the anniversary of the establisliment of their aneieut and noble tribe, on the 12th of .Tune wlth grand and imposing cereynoinies. I'or a right jolly S'ood time commend us to the Maccab-ees. Tii.' lady bdcycle riders oí Clinton have íormed a club and hereafter whpn on their Avheels will -veai "bloomers" as a riding liabit. Thej propose to ride to Teeumseh on Me mortal Day. Thf marnlage of Mise Xellie Doane danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Josepl Doame, of Salem, to Mr. W. H. Win ana of Ann Arbor, at the home of the brlde's parents, on May lGth, was a happy eveiit. The couple have niany well wMiers. The society people of Salem were all breken iip a short time ago because One of the so&lety belles of that place ivas announoed te bo married and wiaen't. Xow they are horror stricken to lea-ra tJiat the very same young lady went and got married and they dddn't know anything about it ! George Arme has a duek that lays two eggs in a day. Ií he two blades of grass grow where only cue grew before is called a benetac tor of the race, what shall be said of luc-lvs, in whoee nest two eggs are found where only one was found lefore ? We live in a progressive age. - Partlíiaid RevieAv. The following offlcers of the S. W. Farmer's Club were chosen at the May neeting for the year : President- B.G. English. lst Vice-Prest.- G. 8. Rawson. 2d Vice-Prest.- V. E. Pease. Sd Viee Prest.- S. M. Merithew. Secretary- Mrs. J. F. Spafard. Treasurer - Amarinh Hitcheock. Committee ou Program- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spnfard and Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Merithew. Viewing Committee- L. S. Hulbert, H. R. aliner aud Wilbur Short We a-sked a doctor a few days ago ■vhen would be a good time to change from -winter to sunimer elothimï, and he replied : So far as underelotliins is cosucerned, take oïf your thick untierclothimg on the last day of July and put It on the first day in August. - Manchester Enterprise. Simply an attempt on. the part of the doctor to pull the wool over you. The military fever is high in this city. Lieut. Col. Hemphill is drilling the St. Luke's Cíulets, Lieut. McKnead is teaching the Epworth League C-iidets, and now Lieut. Sulivaji is ehowing a Baptist corps the liiference between "hay-foot" and 'straw-foot." Tliese, Avith the Llght Guard work and tho alleged practico of the A. P. A., makes the atonosphere of Ypsilanti quite like ttLat of a garrison post.- Ypsilanti Seiitinel. Th? Dexter Leader says that map peddlers are swiindling the farmera up that way in 1 h is way : "D the person importunad does not subscribe promptly ior the map. the eaiivasser requerís hiim to at least sign a certifícate it.hat thíe agent lias visited liis place, taken tlie statistics of his pioduce, etc., and tlie certifícate turna out to be an order for the map at a price far beyomd its value." Soraie of tlie Xorthville Record's sa-rcasin : "Verlly, he that ruleth his temper while his neighbor's hens dig up his young rose bushes and do ottoer Tvork of destruction, is mightier than ih that hurleth clubs and vile words nt the hens and their owners. People who keep hens should remember that it is time they were placed in durance vile, if they have any regard for the righte of others." A loan was walking through the deep snoiv when he heard the voice of his oldest son, saying, "111 step in father's ti-aoks."' He was trying to do it, and tivo younger brothers wcre at the saime tliing. The father wisely said, "If I lead my sons thus, 111 makc trntk for heavein. - Ypsilanlian. Where did this happen - in YpeUainti? We do not doubt out value.l foaitciiipni'avy in the least - still, we rathei' see the tracks. - Adria Press. . Two yonii'i impii vlio were filled with poor whisky and a desire to do soanetháing reekless, jnmiietl from the ('imiüic.-.s Street bridge into the rivCer laat Saturday aftennoon, and created iuite a sensatioai. One reaelied shore safely, but the other was less fortúnate íiml marrowly escaped being dvowneil. His father went to his assdetance but could not save him aod it -was oniy after a hard struggle that the tivo were rescued liy Bert Verscihoor. - Ypsilaaitian. Th-e insurance comtpenies have p:iid the school board of Yps'danti $16,536.76 upoai loes of tlie liigh school building, and $5,250 on furniture and fixtures, inoluding tower clock, bell, pianos, etc., a total of $21,786.76. With this araiO'Uiit it is hoped that the district wlll be enabled to rebuild, making the structure as rood as before the fire. It is tkought that the architects can make satisíactory p'an-3 which tvill áo away -with the 3d story. Modern ideas have voted the stair elimbing nuieanoe a great detriniEnt to h?alth, especially oï the female puiiil. The Michigan Interoollegiate Athlotic Association have decided to hold Thcir Field Day in this city ooi May 31 and June 1 and 2. The assooiatioai will offer elegant gold medabi tor the winners in each event and silver onas for those standing second. A $75 cup will be given to the winning teaim at base ball and $50 cup to tlie best relay team. There will ;i1m be a diamond medal given -to tlie best all around athlete. There will be betweeai 300 and 400 visiting studeiits in the city on the day that the isports are held.- Ypsilan.tiaii. Tlie death of Benj. Iïoper brings to miaid a remark of tlie late Chris. Vogel, whjfth shows the terrible fatality tliat otnetiraes attaches to apparently unfounded predictions. Mr. Vogel prophesied at the time of the sad death of J. H. Murdock, less thaai a year ago, tliat two more of our citizens iwould meet with accidental deaths within a limited spaee of time. A few onoaiths later Mr. Vogel himself was iiistantly killed by falling dowm stairs, and now, after the lapse of about au equal time, Mr. Koper meets a similar death. The skeptia will of course say tliat the above is omly a coioicidence, but it's a singular one, isn't it ?-


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Ann Arbor Courier