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Rev. W. Ij. Tedrow and family liare retui &ed o tibe ciiy. .ü;s icrtli.i Aslii:, oí KalaanaEOO, fes a visitor in Aun Arbor. Editor fSttnitih and wife oi th-e Milan 1, ader attended the M lj Fesl Ival. Miss ghetterley, of Dtlca, is tlie -in'- of Mi-s. Lewis, 17 S. Fiiüi ave. Fi'p (1 Duilieira, of Muskegon, is Bpeöding ; lic weet wlth iiis mother. E. F. .Ti.lMison wat to Lima, Ohio, !:is; to look after Ilíís fai-ni. Hem-y Frank, of Saline, formerly o;' Ann Axbor, wfljs in the city Moailay. Dr. H. K. Lnm and family have retuinetl to tiheir hoone in Columbus Ohio. (ilen V. Mills and wife carne back iKiin Ovo!?so tíatnrday to attend tlie estival. T. W. aJKl Jas. L. Gilberti ni duelsea, were Festival visitara Siaturday. Mr. and Mre. P. J. Leihimaü spent fJie part week as gueats of M. J. Lehman aud wife. Mrs. D. E. Skimier, of Bay City, h;i bc-ii visiting Aun Arbor relatives durtug tdiO week. Mr. and J[r,. C. S. Milieu are ente; taining Mrs. Julia D. Staunard, of Eextei-, this week. Dr. Art luir Worden and -viie, of Detroit, spent Saturday and Sunday w.ili Charles H. Worden. Mr, ti. E. Clieever has been entertaining sister Mr. E. I!. Wooil, o Teeuniseli, lor a íew dayg. City Editor Thorpe, of the Lansing Republieaa, haa been visiting Ami Arbor rlfiiiis hhie week. ïhos. P. WhitiU'i-, oí Siaglnaw, e. s., has been the guest oí Aun Arbor livnils durinig the past week. .i:-s Hattie ECeith., oí Dexter, was ■üc.-i ol her sister, Mrs. Eugene B. ai, during the May Festival. Bon. J. ï. Jacobs returned ïimn i bicago Saturday, wlicre he liad been uj aaind to government business. Geo. H. Smow, of the Detroit Bv-ening Xews staii', Sundayed in the city again. This freuqency is suspicious. Mr. and Mre. W. B. Colllns, oí O"vo.-s:), have been visiting relatives and {rienda in the city tor a ilay or so. CasMer Hiseoek, oí the Aun Arbor aavjmga Bank, lias been on a trip to Frankfort during the iast few liavf. Harold Spuke.5 made his elxth birtliday a happy ome last Thureday by emtertaining :i nuanber uï lii young fi i.iiil.-. I'rui. anil Mrs. J. C. Knowlton have been entertaaiiing Judge and .Mrs. Victor H. J.ano, oí Adrián, during tiie pa - week. Mr. . Cihaa .LeSuer, oí Toledo, Ohio, returneú torne Mimla,v, after Athree i Bit with her sister, Mrs. Cuas i'. I a Miss Ijniina IiiAver i.i eaitertaining tliiíí week Mrs. Lilian Hollister, oí JJeti'oii, Great Lady Commancler of the L. O. T. M. Ccmnty Commi.-siouer Cavanaugh ir i.yntlou Lhls a. m. to spend a coupie o. dlays iitin.'í the schools oï that iiiwii-lii). i;!-';!o;i Fotey was given a receptiou Moiiday evening at üi-anger's hall, ly the members of the Foiey guild oï tihie Uuiversiiy. Hits Mimile Steinbach of CheLsea, llsteaed to tlie nnisic of tin1 May !'■- r,al. ;;iiil 8O lid Ueo. H. Kemp ;and wiie of tlie same place. Frank J. Lewls, of S. Fift,h ave., is .'■eriously 111. Hls brotlier, .las. ('. Iwi-, oí Trica, was called liere ihe ii:i ia! 1 1 1 1 week, oniliai accuont. Mre. Ed. H. Eberbaeh returaed from Albuquerqúe last ïlmvs lay, accoanpanied by her daughter, Mrs. Zimmer, w:iu s slightly fcmprpved iu health. Mre. Matt !. Blosser and daughtej1 Magg, "i Manchester, were guests i: M:-.. T. J. Keeeib Jn;. Priday and Saturday. Tliey came o atuuul the J ■VMival. Suparvieoí AVatkins, of Maacliester, was in the ciiy last Thursilay and Friday, looki.nji up the niany mortgages i : l . , ; , -- ' 1 1 Ar fco his assessable con.-i.iiiicnts. Hi' founil lots of them. E. W. Stosrrs and ïamily. of Chicago, wtio eaane to Ann Arbor to attcinl Uu.' May Festival, and were the guests oí Mr. and Mrs. J. 'L. Babcock, rcturiicdliome llouday deüghted with their visi'r. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lenfestey, acoompaaiied by Mrs. L's mother, Mrs. S-oulier, of Dexter, lire on t.Ueir way home from Caliiornia, coming back sMi 'siiril to live in .tlie best state in the ["ilion- Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin II. Iou;oí Fargo, N. Dakota, are guests of Mr. Doflsley's pareatB on Detroit street. They inirii'i ui :x eoMt thte week foT ,-i eh 1 stay, whem thèy return they v-iii 11 n,:iii eome threte weeks. L. S. l.ercli, -of the Preston Natiouail Bank in Detroit, was in the city Satnrday as a guest of Rev. C. M. lioin. He liad a engagement 1 1 1 ; i t atternoon with the late A. l. Noble, bui arrlved only to linil liim dead. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Sprague, oí Detroit wére out tor the May Festival. Mr. Sprague, besldiee his work editor oí !i' Collector and prest (icm i th.e Sprague Correspondenee Scluio! ol, [inris time bo teach the largest Buuday claes in th.E U. S. It muiihiTs -1 10. meeting SiMiiday afterooons and is ciam.posEd ot worklmg girls oí all denomiuations.


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Ann Arbor Courier