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[OFFICIAL-i CoüKCIL Chamber, I ANN ARBOR, May 21, 1891. f Regular session. The Council was called to order by President Wines. Roll called. Full board present. The journal of the last session was approved. COMMUNICATIONS. M A 5 OR'B OPFICB, City of Anx Abboe, May 21, 1894. The following commnnlcation has been received from Wilch Post, Dept. Mich. (i. A. R. : Hon.Cyrenua (;. Darling, Mayor of Ann Arbor. 5r, - By order of Welch Post. Dept Mlch. G. A. E., we have been dlrected to respectfully ask that yon by official proclamatioii culi wpou the business men oï the city requesting iliem to close theli respective places o:' business froto '2 o'clock to 1 o'clock r. M.,oii Wednesday. May 3Oth, 1894, in order that all who wish may be permltted to join in the public tnemorla] services at that time, and to the end that proper &y beshown to the day and the occasion. Very Respectfully, Wil. K ('IIILDS, II. P. Danforth. Connnaiider. Adjutaut. In accordance wlth the above request, I. CyreniiB G ParliDg, Mayor of the City o' Ann Arbor, respectfully request that all places of business be closedon Wednesday, the 3üth day of May, 1894, between the honrs of 2 o'clock and 4 o'clock, p. m., and that all citlzens join in honoring the inemory of the héroes and patriota whose lives were sacrlflced lor the preservation oí our country Cyhenus ü. Daeling, Mayor. Received and filed. To the Honorable, the Common Council : Gentlemen, - Pursuant to the resolution of vour honorable body jtassed in Common Couucil, May 7, 1894, authorizing the appolntment by the Mayor of an addiiional patrolman to the regular pólice forcé of said city. and the detail of the said patrolman as truant officer, I hereby appoint,. subject to yourconfirmatiou. Martin Clark to the regular pólice forcé of said city. and detail snid Martin Clark as truaut offteer, as provided by law; it being expressly uuderstood, nevertheless. that the service of the said Clark under and by virtue of this appoiutment and this detail are to be without expense to the city of Aun Arbor. C. G. Darlink, Mayor. Accepted, and the nomination was conflrmed. FROM THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. To the Common Council : The Board of Public Works, as directed by resolution of yonr honorable body, beg leave to subinit the following report of i'ts doinga in the matter ol bids for the coustruction of the ends of culvert cross créele on Fountain s'treet, between Miller avenue and Cherrv street. ISoard cansed notlvc of its wants to be pnblished in the Aun Arbor Argus, and also distributed said notice among local contraelm-: and as a result, on the day set f or closing such offer, had two bids as follows: John r7,and Koch Bros., furnlshing all labor and material, and paving the eutire leus; ! id, at $25S. All thinus considered. thoRonrd recniniTipiiíí that the bid of Koch Bros. be accepted, and thal a contract be made wltn sald Kuch Bros at contract price f258, The Board Hits the followlng That estímales bc asked ior from engineers mr Ing a map t' tlic ontire city, which shiill show uil grades, monuments, and also line "i Bew ers, water and gas mains, on a scale of one-fourth inch to the rod, the same to be completed inone Ttar from date of contract, said englneeralso do all necessary and regular work iis slmll be required by liim bv the Board of Public Works. immencl that the matter be referred to the Committee on Streets Uy order of the Board of Public Works. W. J. Millbr, Clerk. Received and filfid. PKOM BOARD OF HEALTH. To the Honorable Common Councll: Mayor, President, Recorder and Aklermen of'tlie City of a 11 11 Arbor. We heg leave to make the following report reluMveto the condltion of the water supplied the city by the Iteceiver, A IC. Hale, of A. A. Water Company: The water is supplied from twelve flowlng wells rangtngfn sizefrom two tosix inches in diameter and from sixty to seventy-five feet deep. The water is wholesome, pure and palatable The Board of Health was invited by the recelver of the A. A. Water Co., to make a thorough lnspcetion of the water supply fqrnlshed the city, whioh was aooepted by thefull board May lst, 18114. We l'ound the grounds, buildings, and eatch basous in a wholesome and sanitary condition. To re lieve the anxiety of everybody. we liave had the water analyzed and herewilh submit the analysisforpublication. Thisanalysis shows that the water supply furnished by said water company is excoptionally pure, and there is no authenticated evidences to show that the water supplied by the Ann Arbor aler Company causes disease Ann Arbor, May 8. 1894. ■c „. ,. JUIN KAPP, Health Offlcer. Eli W. Moore, President of Board Martin Clark, Inspector. AXALYSIS MADE BY A. C. SCHUMACHER, PH.O. This sample of water I should pronounce at exceptfonally good for domestic purposes askmg into conslderation other samples that 1 have analyzed, aud are used for the same purpose. a. C. Schumachek, Ph.C. Reoedved and filed. FEESENTATION OF PETITIONS. Of Chas. S. Millen and sixty-two others asking that Wm. E. Blackburn be appointed patrolman, and be assigned to duty on State street. Referred to the Cornmittee on Police. A communication from the Presiident of the Michigan Central Railroad Company, stating that the company must decline to comply with the order of the Common Council, as to epairing bridge over their tracks. Referred to the Committee on Streets. City Treasurer Pond filed a bond in the snm of {80000 with Junius E. Bfeal, John F. Lawrence, John Miner, Jame L. Babcock, Arthur Brown, Oliver M. Martin, dioses Seabolt, Chas. Dwyer, John E. Travis, Fred. A. Howlett, J. D. Ryan, Burt F. Schumaker, as sureties. Referred to the Committee on Bonds. City Marshal Banfleld flled a bond in the penal sum of S-500 with Andrew Peterson as surety. Referred to the Committee on Bonds. KEPOBTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. BEPOKT )F FIXAXCli COMMITTEE. To the Commou Council : In accordance with the ïosolutiou jiiisscd April 10, ISM.the Fiuauce Committee herewith sabmlts a report of the present tinaiicial eoudition and the probable expeudltures up to Scpt. 1,1894. The deducting, tlio warranta ordered at last meeting from the Clerk's report, and the probable expenditnre? in the various fnnds for the mouth of May leaves tue funds in tue following condition, to-wit: Contingent fuud. overdraft..$2.219 59 Street iund, orerdrnft „ 567 t.7 Sewerfund, on hand tlfitl M B. 0. & Ci fund, on hand ö.orvi 47 Fire fuud, on hand- 1,800 v Pólice finid, on hand 1,043 57 Poorfuiid, overdraft 346 49 Water fund, on hand 2,608 40 Cemetery fund, on lmud 271 2 Soldier' relief fund, on hand 1,203 63 U. of M. Hospital íund, on hand 840 00 D02 rax fund. on hand 100 00 Delinquent tax fund 144 39 Total on linud 14,501 10 Overdrsft B.378 14 Estímate balance on hand June lst (11,283 02 Following estímate and appropriations of expenditures lor three months (Sept. lst. 1S94.) Fund. ; Balarles, light, printing, etc ,-42,749 53 Overdraft, June lst, 189Ï 2.219 59 Total overdraft, Sept. lst lf-04 $8,969 14 Cost of salaries 3 inonths. $ 579 98 Ajipropriiitiou for griiding Broadway- 400 00 Approjiriation for gradiug Monroe st__ 50 00 ApproprJatlon for grading Gott st 60 00 Appropriation for grading 3d st 100 00 Approprlation for sprlnkllng around (.'ourt House 25 00 General street workbased on last year 3 months 1,5!K) 00 Overdrafts June lst, 1S9-4 667 07 Totnl overdrafts in street fund, Sept. lst, 1894 $3,072 65 Bridge, culvert and crosswalk fund, appropriations and estímate of expeuditures: General work based on last year 3 months. June, July.Sept 1 .{1,500 00 Approprlationa made for building crosswalks 560 00 Estímate of cost of crosswalks reeommended. by conimittee 970 00 Appropriation for grading west side of State Btreet íñ nn tstnimte for extensions of ends of culvert on Fountain street 175 00 Total S2,440 00 Bridge, cnlvert and crosswalk fund will have a balance Sept. lst, '114, of $2,626 47 Fin Fund, Costof running the Department 3 mo's $1,437 00 Balance Sept. lst, 1894 363 89 Water Fund. Hydrant rental $2,815 00 Overdraft Sept. lst, 1S94 215 00 Polia Fund. Cost of 3 month's salaries $ 495 00 Balance on hand Sept. lst. 1894 üió (2 '..-.,■ Fund. Cost for 3 months S; 450 00 Overdrafts Sept. lst, 1894 790 00 C meti ry Fund. Cost for 3 months $ 57 75 Balance ou hand Sept. lst, 1894 213 55 Soldier's ReHef Fund. Cost for 8 months ( no 00 Balance on naad Sept. lst, 1894 1,143 63 l'roximate cash on hand Sept. lst. 1894 -ÍM.891 16 Estímate of monies that wlll be rec'd trom licuor tax. 7.000 00 Total cash ?n,s:n 16 $nxu 16 Proximate overdraft in the various ■ funda Seiit. lst. lhíM 9,052 77 Froximate bnlauce on hand Sept. Ist, ISW _.__ ( 2341 39 Of course these expenses are based on those oí last veur and are largely speculative, but answ er the parpóse for rougn estímate. Respectfulty subinitied, Fraxk Wood, C. H.Manly, ARTHUR J. KlTSON'. Finauce Committee. Received, íileil aad ordered printed. FROM THE OUDINANCE COJOIITÏEE. The committee on ordinance havmg presented a printed copy of "An Ordinance Relative to Sewers, providing for tlie construction of a system of Lateral and Connecting Sewers in the city of Ann Arbor." Aid. Prettyman moved that such ordinance be read a tlrird time and passed, whereupon Aid. Taylor moved to amend and to strike out Section one, line two, after the words sewer," already constructed." Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Wood, Snyder, Brown, Manly, ïaylor and President Wines. - 7. Nays- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Ferguson, Kitson and Prettyman - 6. Aid. Prettymaa moved to amend and strike out in Section ten, line flve, the words "make," "of," "of," and "the" and insert after the word report'' to the Coinmon Council," and also in line live, after the word payable strike out "to the" and in line six, begining of line, "Oommon Council." Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allrnendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown. Msnly, Taylor," Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays- None. Aid. Prettyman moved to amend and insert in Section sixteen, line ten, after the werd default "said penalty not to exceed one hundred dollars." Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Kitson, Prettyman, and Pres. Wines -10. Nays - Aid. Allmendinger, Wood, Taylor,- 3. Aid. Brown moved to amend and strike out in Section sixteen, line fonr, the word "three" and insert in lieu, thereof, the word "six." Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood. Snyder, Ferguson. Brown, Manly, Taylor, and Pres, Wines- 10. Navs- Aid. Wagner, Kitson, Prettyman,- 3. After which the chair having stated the question to be "Shall this Ordinance pass as amendedV " the yeas and nays being ealled, the ordinance, as amended, passed as follows: Yeas - Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snjder, son. Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson Prettyman and l'res. Wines. Naya - None. Second reading by seetions of "An Ordinance Relativo to Disorderly Conduct, Forbidding and Prohibiting Yoang Children í'rom being and going upon the Streets Uiiattended in the Xight Time." FROJI THE COMJriTTEE ON STREETS. To tlie Common Councll: Your Committee on Streets and the Board of Public Works were ön May ISth notifled by the Street CommissloDer taat t he culvert on Miller aveuue, west of Seventh streel, u's in a danarerous conditlon, your Committee and the Board of Public Works in a body visited eaid culvert. and (ml that ihout SS feet of said culvert has caved in and the l'tilauceof the culvert is srreatly out of ropair and not saté for public travel. While the Blow of the sti-cam is not a larffe one, your Committee would therefore reeommend that tbe Board of Public Works cause a culvert built with i wo ;í4-inrh sewer pipe La id side by pido. aocording to epeolflcatlon drawn by the City Englneer and submitted by the Board of Public Works. Chiustiax Martin, P. L. Koumer, Frank Wood, A. P. FergusOnt, W. Ty. Taylor. H. G. PliETTYMAN, Street Committee. Accepted, and recommendation concurred in as follows: Yeas- Aid. VVagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown. Manly, Taylor, Jvitson, iiimi, vuon,ires. vv mes - ia. Nays- None. FROM THE eOMMITTBE OX SIDEAVALKS. To tho Common CouncLl : Your Committee on Sidewalks, to whom was referred the conununlcatfoB froto ulo ltmnl of Public Works, iskinL' for an approprlat on for the gradlng of Norfh State Street, on and along tbs west Bide. Erom Kingsleyto Fuller street, would respeetfully report tlint they have had the matter under oonslderation anil flnd that said gradlsig la necessarj imhlic ïmproveznent; we would therefore recounmend that tbe approprlatlou ol ÏT5 In; made frora tlie Bridge, - ulvuri anti Crosswiilk Fund for saM gradlng, Reapectf ully 8ubmltted 0. ff. Mah.y, li .i. Browm, Arthur .T. Ejtson. 1'. .] Sl Hl. I!, 1. I'. A.i.í:n:!xger, 0. W. WAONEB, Sidewalk ('ommittee. Accepteil and recommendation concurred in as follows: Teas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Xitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays - None. FBOM THE SAJIE. To the Common Councll: Your Committee on Sidewalks would report that after a careful examination of the premises of the Misses Hawkins, in reference to Sidewalk on the east side of thelr property, on Fourih avenue, would recommend that wlrtte siiid property remains as resldence property, permission be granted to lay a cement ur siuuc waitt ;';2 ieec in wiain, aiou.n1 suu street. Provided. Umi as soon as stores are built ou said premises they or their irraatees will exteud the same to 11 feet in widtli. Your rommittee, to whom waa referred a resolution to examine sidewalk grada on the soutli side of Volland street, would report thatthey inspected tae walk and grade on said street, and ñnd the same to be a very satisfactory :r;iili'. Your Uommittee fina the sidewalk on West Jefferson street to be in a very danyerous con dition to the public, without ány üuard-vailins to the pides of the walks, west of the T. & A. Eaüway Co. 's land, We wonld therefore recommend that the Street Commissioner at ouce sec that the necessary gruard rails on and alons said walks iré placed. Respeetfully submitted. C. 11. Manly, H. .1. Hhowv. ARTBUK .). K. T.-'IN. D. F. M.I.M' -.I.IMiilK, C. VV. Waonbb, Sidewalk Committee. Accepteil, and recommendation con eurred in ;ts follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin. Allmendinger, Snyder, Perguson, Brown, Manly, ïaylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Woud, Pres. Wines- 13. iiays - None. FROM THE SAME. To the Common Council : Gentlemen: Your Oommtttee onSidewalka to whoni was reïerred the sereral resolutioas and petitioiis asking forcrosswalks, flnd there ib a necessny lor orosswaiKs ana íntersecuon walks where stated, your comuiittee eaused to be propared and herewith subnilt tlie proper resolutión ordering the same and recommend tbat it beaclopted. Kespectfully submitled. C. H. Mani.v, H. J. Bhown. AliTlliri! J. IClTSON, í J. Snydey. D. F. Allmkxuingeii, 0. W. WAGNEI!, Sldewalk Committee. Accepted and leave bein? granted, the following resolution was ofíered: By Aid. Manly : Resolved, that the following appropriations be made from the Bridge, Culvertand Crosswalk Finid and the Board oí Public Woika bedirected to bnild eement crosswalks and interseetion walks as follows: Kighty dollars lor two erosswalks on and along the west slde of W. Tbird slreet, across Washington and Liberty streels, the crosswalk on Liberty street lo be built of eement, and the Washington street crossing of plank. Seventy-five dollars for crosswalk on and along the east side of Washtenaw ave., aeross Sou! h Unlversity ave Fifty dollars for crosswalk on and along the north side of South University ave. across Washtenaw ave. Seventy-five dollars for crosswalk on and along the east slde of Fourth ave. across Washington street. One hundred dollars for crosswalk north side of Liberty across Main streel. Thirty dollars for crosswalk east side of Fourth ave. across Packard street. One hundred dollars for crosswalk north sideof Washington street across Main street Ninety dollars for two erosswalks east side of Main street, across William street, north side of William street across Main street. Fifty dollars for crosswalk north side of Geddes ave. across Observatory street. Seventy-flve dollars for crosswalk south side Ann street across Main street. Seveiuy-rlve dollars for crosswalk north side ol Huron street. across Fourth ave. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Bodnier, Martin, Allinciulinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Btowb, Man]y, Taylor, Kitson, Prettymaii, Wood, Pres. Wines - 18. Nays- None. KKO.M THE SAME, To the Coramon Couucil: Your comrnltteeon sidewalks would report that that Hiere being a necessity for tlie grading and conslruction of sidewalks where stated, your committee caused to be prepared 'Ji lierewith submlt the proper resolutlou orderiiig tne same and recommend that it be adopted. Kuspectfully subinitted, C. H. Masley, H. J. Bkown, Arthuk J Kitson, C. J. íáXYDEK, D. F. ALLMEXBINfiER C. W. Wagnek. Sidewalk Com. Acceptert and leave belng cranted, Wie followin4 roeohitlon was offered : By Aid. Mtmly : Resolved, That the gradlng and eonstruction of the sidewalks hereinafter mentioned is deemed and declared a necessary public improvpment, Therefore, it is hereby ordered that plank sidewalks be graded, built and constructed on and along the lollowlng streets and in front of the following property in the city of Ann Arbor, viz : On Flfth slreet along the east and west sides, from Liberty street to Jefï'erson street. On Fuurtli Avenue along the west sidé from Packard to Madison gtreets. On Cbubb street along the north stele, from Mi-, Hogbe's easi lino to Wlldt street. On Wlldt street along tbe wist sicle, from Chubb to Charles Rlreets. On Mudisou street Along the south side, in front of the property of the Beta Theta PI, O. E. Lowery, a. v. & M. E. Hamllton, 1!. L. Williams. Kiedrieka Geroer estáte, and Hattie A. Flan ley. On Liberty street along the southside.between and Maynard streets and m front of tbe Peterson's property j on ('atherlue street along tlip northslde írotn Main street to Fifth Avenae and in front of Iho property oí Mrs. Stafford, the Mrs. Lewls estáte. Mrs. Knrns, (V. V. Wh, - don, agent), also on the north side at the pioperty of .Mrs. Katherine Nebei. On Lawrenoe street along tlie north side in frontofihe property of Geo. W. Kuthrulr'. in W. Huron street along the north sitie in front of the property of II. L. & L D. James and Dr. J. A. Dell. On División street along the westsklein front of the property of Jacob Hanser. On Kingslej street alone the south side in front of the property of W. J. McLay, John Pflsterer, and Mrs. Katherine Nebel. On Liberty street alotiir the north sitio, in front of the property of Wellington Tate, Patriek O'Brlen and Kachael L. Smltb. On Clark street along the west side, from Aun to Catharine streets. On William street along the north side, froni Ashley to third streets along the south side from Third to Fourth streets. On Hill street along the north side. from Forest Avenue to East Universily Avenue. That all of such sidewalks he graded, bnilt and constructed in tlie man n er. wi thlo the time and of the material presorlbed by the provisión of an ordinanee "Entitleil an Ordlnance lielntive to siiiewalks," and tlie grade established. Adopted. r,y AU. Manly: Resolved, That the grading aud constructiou ot' the sidewalks hereinarter mentioned is deemed and declared a neceseary imblic improvement. Therefori:, It is hereby ordered that.stoue üidewalks be graded, built and constructed on and along the iollowing streets and in front of the following property in the city of Ann A rbor. viz: On Fourth avenue, along tbe west side. from Jas. Donnegan's line to tlie nortb line of Fred Wurster's show room, said walk to be ten feet in widSh. (in Ann street north side, in front of the property of the Rice A. Beal estáte, and the walks of Wesley Hicks and Charles Vogel le brought out to a uniform width of tlie other walks in the block. On state street along the west side. in front of the property of John II. Nickels. E. Calkins, Mrs. Martha Sheehan. Mis. E. F. Balduin. Waker Tooi, and J. H. Warner. On Liberty streel a!oiiLr the north and south sides, from Main to Ashley streets, the nortb sidewalk to be built ten feet in width and the south sidewalk eleven feet in width. Ou Main street along the west side, from Liberty street to O. O. Sorg's north line. That all of such sidewaiks he graded, built nud coustructed in the marnier, wlthin the time and of the material prescribed by the provisión of an ordiuance '"Entitled an Ordiuance Kelative to Sidewalks," and on the prade to be established. Adopted. REPORT FROM TUE PÓLICE COMMITTEE ro the Common Council: Your Committee on Pólice, to whom was referred the matter of a l'atrolman for the business Bection of State street, beg leave to report. We reeommend the appointment of such Patrolman at a salary of üfty dollars per month. The City Marshal calis our attention to the need of the following articles. whlch we reeommend purehased Irom the Pólice Fu nel. dark laiiterns. 2 pair hand cuffs, 3 chaina, 4 winsues. .! nats 1 clul). AH of wliich is respect fully submitted, P. L. BODMBR, V. W. iV.idXKH, D. F ALLMENDINOER, Pulí :e oüHii:t ree. Aid; Prettyman moved thut the report be accepted and adopted. Aid. Manly moved to aiaend sai d report by addingjan additional patrolman to said report toho shallbe assigned to diity on Detroit street and Broadway froni Fifth avenue to Maiden Lane and on Depot street from Detroit to Main stre6s, at a salary of $50.00 per nioüili. Whicli ameuilment prevailed as folio ws; Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Browa, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettymau, Pres. Wiues- 10. Nays - Aid. Waitner, Martin, Allmendinger- 3. Aid. Prettyman, that all references as to the location in the report be stricken out. Adopted. The report as amended tlien prevailed as follows by a yea and nay vote: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, "Kitson. Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 10. Nays - Aid. Wagiier, Martin, Allmendinger- 3. KEPOKT OF SPECIAL CO3IJIITTEE. Aid. Wood, cliairman of Wagon Committee, made a verbal report, stating the committee had received bids f rom the different wagon builders on tvvo different styles of wagonette. and the committee recommends that the bid of the Feiguson Cart & Carriage Co., at $125.00 be accepted, the wagonette to be a duplícate of wagonette owned by J. A. Polhemus. A recess of five minuter was taken fov the council to examine bids etc, submitted by committee. Aid. Prettyman moved that the bid of the Ferguson Cart & Ciirriage Co. be accepted and a contract made with said company to build said wagonette. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Bodmer, Wood, Snyder. Brovvn, Manly, Taylor, Kitsou, Pretty; man, Wagner, Martin, Allmendinger, Pres. Wines- 12. Nays - None. Aid. Ferguson being excused from voting. FROM THE BOND COMMITTEE. , To the Common Council: Your Committee on Bonds wonld respertfully report that they have examined the follouing bonds of liquor dealera aud drusgists and woiild reeommend their approval with the sureties named: SALOON BONDS. Principal. Sureties. Abram B. Polhemus Jacob A. Polhemus, „ , , _, Warren E. Walker. Oswald Dietz Herman Hardinghaus, _ f'red Besimer. Damm A: Walker Matthew Iutz, Tred Brown. Martin P. Vogel Fred tí. Harpst, limil tíolz. Moore & Brehm TItus V. Hutzel, Geo. Walker. DRUüGIST'S BOKDS. Mason & Bassett E. E. Calkins, ,, . . , Serem B. Bassett. tíoodyear & Co Juuiiis E. Beal, Eberhach Drug and Chemical Co -Leonhard Gruner, . .. MartiuHaller. Arthur E. Mummery Arthur J. Mummery M. W.Blake. Respectfully submitted, H. 6. Pkhïivman, C. V. Wagnek, C. J. SNYDEE, Bond Committee. On motiont .lie bonds were accepted and approved. , On moticm of Aid. Prettyman, tlie bonds oft he city treasurer and city marshal were approved with the sureties. REPORT FBOS1 TÏÏE COMMITTEE ON PKINTIXG. To the Common Counoll : Your coromittee ro wboin was referred the matter of preparing specifica) lona for blds for printing would respectfully report that they nave plaoeu in a scrap book In tho city oli rks office samples of uil forms of printing now in use by the city and would reoommend thai I i-i' i ity ■!( rk be instruoted to asn for bids un im. .: form in said sorap book, and the Clerk in wantol any work, to award the job Of any form to the lowcst bidder We would ulso recomuiencl that bids be askrï for frotn the newspapers of the city Cor printing the official p'-oceedinsrs of the Coromon Counull and Board f Publie Works in the newspapera and in pamphlet form, the same as last year, aiso the printins of the ordinances in newspaper. All blds shall bc l)y the Ï.IKK) ems for printing the proceedinrs iii the oewspapers and ordinances and bv the page for the pamphlets. uida will be received from the newspapers siinply and ïrom two papers of opppslte politica jointly. And we ï-ecoinmend.that theclerk behereby instructed to ask for bida to be oponed June 4, 1S94, at tour o'clock p. m. Kespectfully suhmitted, Ii. D. WlXKS. H. G. Phkttvman. C. H. Maxly, Committeee. MOTIOSTS AND EESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, That the sum of one huudred dollars be and is hereby appropriated trom tlie street fund to continue the work now in progvess 011 the Broadway hill. Adopted as follows: Yeas - xVld. Bodmer, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown. Manly, Taylor, Kit sou, Prettyman, Wagnur, Martin, Allmendinger, Pres. Wines - 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Taylor: Resolved, That the salaries of the following officers be flxed at the following prices for the coming year: Health Officer, $150; Inspector for said Board, S100; and the remaining aieaiber of the Board, S50. Aid. Prettyrmm moved that the resolution be referred to a special committee of three, such committee to investígate salary question, also what is being done by the Health Officer. Adopted and so referred . Pres. Wines appointed Aid. Prettyman, Martin and Brown as such committee. By Aid. Wood: Resolved, That the City Attorney be requested to draw contract with the Ferguson Cart and Carriage Oo., for the wagonette, such wagonette to be eompleted within 60 days from date of contract. Adopted . By Aid. Wood. Resolved, That the President of the Council.City Clerk, Council and Board of Public Works go to Jackson next oetLui'uay tu investígate uie cose or cross walks. Each member to pay lus oivn expenses. Adopted. By Aid. Fergnson: Resolved, That the City Clerk is bereby authorized to have lettered over each door in the City Building-, on the the transon tlie name of each oilice, and the cost shall not exceed eisjht dollars. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aids. Bodmer, Martin, Allnoendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Browri, Manl.y, Taylor, Kit son. Prettyujan and Pres. Wines, - 12. Nay- Aid, Wagnér,- 1. By Aid. Snyder: Resolved That the owners of the Masonic Block. on the corner of Main and Hurón street be ordered to pave the gutter on both sides of said block. Adopted. Ald.Manly nioved toadjourn, which uiotion was lost. By Alderman Bodmer. Kesolved, That the sum of Fifty dollars be approptiated f rom the Police fund for the purcease of the necessaries asked for by the City Marshal and recomended by the Pólice committee. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Allmeudiüger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman and Pres. Wines.- 12. Nays - Aid. Martin. - 1. On motion the Council adjourned". City Clerk.


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