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The M. C. In This District

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The i)ev.-pap:'r paragraphers have been writtag lip and re-writing up the republican congreeslonal aspirante hi iiii-s aistrict. AU oí the articlee li;iv paid special atti'iition to Wasntema-w county, pi-actically ignorlng tlie other counties. 'Hie fact is there are abom as mamy candidatos in cach of the other luunties as In Washtenaw. For tofitaiace, Lenawee has severa! Mgatalng roete up, viz: Judge I"ne wouhln't objsc-t; Smtth would :r greatly pleased ; Graat Fellowe %voiil;l nol refuse tlie plum ; and Capí. C. E. Müier woalá most assuredly be ijiilured to make ihe run, aml ho on. In Jaik-on cotinty it was thought i time tliat Mr. O'Domifll would h-iv.' a clear tdeld, but the coanbat has deepeaed coneiderably of late, aml i i. mm altOgetJier probable ihat he w.ii have hi contest with twn other . r ; j , . 3 ( i ; c i - or il) dell x iiioa of iliat ,(,1111 v. Che other gentlemen being Mayor Brooks aoid EtegCsfcer of Deeds 'rowiiMiui. r.Dtii ol iIksc gentlemen are [rustiere when fchey start out to yiirn-, and they wül mate the primarles lively. Huen down In Monroe ! "Wel!. Gen. Geo. Spauldn is sawiiig -wood. He niadoubtedly lu&s the proonise of a soliil delegatioia, but at t.lie same time Harry Oopant would Uke to write M. C. after hls aaime awlul weli, ;u wül have wires laid to swoop down upon Ui!' prizi' in the even. of a dark liorse bedng brought forward. T&ue towmfl of AVayne belonging to ilr.s dlstriöt are sakl to have nn candiclnu-. amd yt t.he fatal tlestre has struek at least one person theve, and tlnat ..oinity is liable to come eolid for F. R. Beau, of NorthvUle. Aja í:ir as Washti-naw Co. is eoncerncil sbie wil] probably have a lew candidates, but severa! who have been memtioned are not in tlie raee. Mr. Lawraiee cmphat'cally denies being in the field though having been urged to eaiter with au assurance that he could liavc the delegation. -without opposition. Ex-Sen. Ee-uben Kempf is also credlted with havhig throwu nside tii tempbatioQ, and vowed not to allow the glitter to in any way attract his visión. When the repnblieiuis oí tliis county get down to busiiii they wil! lio doubt go into the coinvention united, and to win. Regent Henry Howard of Port Hurón, dii'd last Saturday morning aftr 0, eevere iUmess of over a year, brougbt on from the grip. He was a most successful business man, of gemaal icnipcrampnt, and everywliere üked tor hi quick, clean way of tranaaebiing bueinees. Had hc kept liis l;calih hc would have been one of the most viaíued members of the board of regente. Btsides being president and director of many corporations he was at tlie hea-d of the Port Huron Gas Co., niiuoli of the stock of which ie held in Ann Arbor. He was not uinliike tlie late A. L. Noble, and oceupied about tlie same position in hls own city which Mr. Noble did here, as had of a bank, lighting company and beloved public citizen. The deceased had held nany positions of trust in business enterprises R.nd organizations, and was Eminent Cammander of tlie Port Huron Commaadery Knigats Temp'lar at the time of lus death. He was buried with civic and military honors last Monday. Seventeen miiilions of dollars is a great deal of money. To au individual th.O Buira is almost incomprehensible ; to a state it is scarcely within the rays of visloii ; to the nation it is a vaet and prodiglous amount ; but to tlie democratie party it is a mere bagatelle, a trifling affair whicli is beimg added to .the Üebt of this governmeait eadi month, by this administratiom, wliose Jeffersonian Bimplicity was heralded so long in advanee, but whic-h has never materalized. Seventeen million dollars ! Just give tlxe (aanount a thought, my Christian friend- especiaüy lf you haie been the -ictim of the present free trade ttaies. Oppoeition to the renomination of Ooaigreíe5man Gorman is growing stromger every day, particularly in thi6 Ann Arbor section, where his course concern'.ng the 'postmastership of tli Um'n-ersity City was anything but aatf.efactory or popular witli "the unterrified." AVhether or mot Mr. Gorman is renominated will make no particular differente, a.s the seat of the ï-ppresentiitive froim the second Michigan, district in th 54th congree.-s will be kopt warm by a republiean. - Dundee Ledger. Tliie Tammaaiy tiger never tdeeps. Il gets Boime awfiil thumps occaslonally trom the people, but comes up happy and toiiling ngain for the next round. Tfee tiger, arm in arm wlth tlie olid Bouth lynx, to-day controls thO greatest nat toa on the globe. "Wlinh'Vfr tlicy Hay goee, goes. "Witness the ■wholcsnle paying of southem "war claims, aiul that, too, when the expenses oi the government are comstamly greater than the revenues ! It is not Congressman Breckenridge that is om tria.1 now ; it is hifi COnBtituenvy.- Quini'y Herald. Thnt's right.


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