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Everythtng that labor buys it buys i.ndrr protèotaoül. Evi-rytliina; it lias to Bell is labor ;uul tliis it sélls in a Èree trade market because thnusanïs oï foreigaaers are annnally transponed to tlils country stnd fix by their cooiipeUtion Itlie istate of wages pald Amerh-an labor. Tliosc wlio insisi tlierefore, that a t nriff is necee to cover ttue dilferemee between wagea in thls country and Kurope, are eithcr densely i.miorant or are knaves.- Ai n'ii.s. Are we to undcrstand trom the above ! lint the Argufl is opposed to foici.uu :miniuration ? Are we to uiaderstand that the Argua (lcnirs ïiiat American Laborer under protectton has not been the besi paiil of any laborer in the world ? .;nl that the United States was the MVmm oí the commoiii people of all nations, upt o tbe timiet he country initiniH. up to the rdime the country was threateend by democratie free trade, because af liie e-lectlon oï a (ut;u'c presiden) and eongn sa ? Are we to anderstand ilmt every person -svho asscris .lili a prQteotive t&riff is a help lo the laboring man of this u.iiion. is a fooi or a Una ve? Are we to onderstand ihnt free trade witü make tiie competltlon annon.ï laborera here any les.s ? Are 'we to iinilcrsinml tliat articles maaufaetured in a foreign country for our markets, uniler free trade, wül help our laborera in any way ? Are we to understaiid that if the cloth for our elothes is made in Engliiiid ; farm implemeats for our farms in Cennany ; tlie eggs for our tables ra.ised In Canada; the wool for our oonsumption produoed-in Australia and Sdltib America; the tin for all our tin. ware manufactured in "Wales ; as is taie poUoy of free traders amd tlioee wlio favor tarifl for revéame only, tliat our laborers wiU receive better pay or have less conipetition ? Or wbat are we to onderstand by it? Dr. Stromg, lm hls New Era, says : "More than all other races together tlte AiigloSaxons control the worWs coanmun'cation?. Fifty-eight per oent. of all rallway mileage is in lands governed hj thiemi, and they own and control a much larger pereeatage. Of every 100 miles oí railway Unes in the world 41 are in the Unitecl States; and tihile country lias 30 per cent. of all tlie telegraph linies, while 4(i per ciiu of the world's unes are in An.aloSaxnin territory. This race sends more 1bm on -h ilf o? all the l 1( grap'i metsages of mank. nu. ana wie peopie of the Onited States send aeveral milita more in a year than the French, Germaan?., Aüstrians, Kussians, Italiana asad Spaniards combinad. Twothirds of the tomnage of the world's ani'i-cliant ehipe is Anirln-Saxon, while Emgland commands the gateways of ma.ny eae and most of the great gulïs of worM." In his address at the gyninnsimn dedtaatioe Capt. Allen said : -'Eduoatlon and Religión' is the motto of YpsUa.nti fliid our aim and boast." His aim amd boast ! Yet tüat man promteed the sheep 50 cents apound for their wool, nnder McKinley's tariff !- Adrián Press. The Press has iterated and reiterated the above free trade 50e wool fabricatkHi until it is impossible to oblitérate it from the woof of its miod's texture, and now really peddles it out for the truth. Any hope either the people or the sneep nay have had for 50 cemt -wool ha been completely toned by that anti-American legislative tnoDstroeity known as the Wilscwi MIL JuBt tlie threat of that bill bas killed off all the good the McKinley act might do were the circumstances euch that it could. Many of our nedgliboring villages and citles boast of thelr beautiful wonnen. Among the many attractioms - and not the least- possessert by Cedar .Spr'ang.s, ie the great number if intelligent, bandeóme, fine-looking young ladies and women. It has a reputat:on for these that no other toTirn in the state can take from her. - Cedar Springs Clipper. It has long been a mystery why Col. Sellers remaiaied single. d'hat paragraph explaina it. He loves them all. "Oh, I could lie happy wlth eithr, with 'tother dear charmer away." Tliat's no doubt bis condition. The Adrián Prees remarks : "The recent elections In Hawaii being favorable to tlie existing provisional governiraent, tlie Ann Arbor Courier slaps both thighs aind yells, "Hurrah ior the liberty-loving patriotic gons of Ajmerioans in tliose islancls of the Pacific sea !" Bravo : A good healthy whoop like that. ir apea one good to hear, thou.uli we c-oafess it may be giiving aid and comfort to tihO caiemies of the adaninUsiration- wliich we support." Tliis thought is worth thinking over, my youaig iriend : "Tlie talent of auccess is notlimg more than doing wliat you can do well ; and doing whatever you do without aai idea of faine. If it comes at all it wlll not be beoause it %vill be after." 'ilie oonstitution of Michigan ought to be e-tange! so tliat no man can become a voter before lie becomes a cdtlzen. of tlie United States. Xow all lliat te requived is a declaratioai of Latention.


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Ann Arbor Courier