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Adam D. Seyler

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l'ollowin.'í Olose upon libo rieath of A. Xj.. NoMe comee tia&i ol another oí Aan Arlxn's excellent buelness men, Mr. Adam I). Seylei-, -vjio departed tliis liíe 011 Friday May lí.'th, at ai o;ii j i .- ] i' paet 11 o'clock a. m., wltb ui 1 unit'.i: y rhjumatlsm. He liad 1jcc.ii ill some íow weeks, but liad not b'in i oasidered dangerous until a day or so before íiis death. Mr. Seyler was a bative oí ('añada, liavinic been bcwn at New J Limburg, Ctat., Jan. 30, 1838, lut had reslded in tliis city ior upwards of tliirty yi'ars. Ilf i om menee d tlie boot and sJioe trade in this city in coanpany wi-bb J,. (iiums-, whieh iirm continued tor a t:m: w!i;-!i ihc partnership was iM sn!ni amd hu has caaried on the buaioesá .il me Binoe tlien, exeept one year w-hen Mr. G. JosenJiaaa was a partiaer. He lias buen one of the best business men oí the -:.iy, and kis succes:! inay be accoriled to perse ciaucc. strict integriiy, eeonomy and close atteution to bustoese. Mr. Seyler was au alderanan in 1870, arnd m 1873 and again in 1S77 was city recorder. In 1880 and '82 Avas eleeted eouiuy treaeurer. He was tlie treasurer oí the Presbyterian cJiurch at the time of lais deaih. In all ttoese poÉitkwus he served the peopie as lie earved hls own business, with ïideli y, hionesty and promptness. Socially lie was a pleasant man to meet, ruid had many warm íriends. 'm tli o city and county. Tlie fanuily consiste oí a widow and four cfcddree, Prof. Julius V. Seyler and Mrs. W. G. Fowler, of Detroit ; Edward Iv. and Miss Bena C. Seyler, of tiLis city. One sou, John, it wlll be remembered, died o: qui k coiisump tion on tlie 13th of Marcil last. The cteatJi of thLs sou it is thought, hasteiied Mr. Seyler's deatli as he ïuourned his loss greatly. Mr. Seyler had accumulated quite a Httle property, aaid he also carried soone imsuraaice upon his life, tJius leavimp; his faraily in. comfort able cdrcuraistances. Tiie store will be carrled on by hls sou Edward L., who has been a partner therein for two or tlii-ee years. Funeral services were held Sunday p. in., at tiie family resideiice, at the comer of E .Liberty and Thompson sts., Rev. J. M. Gelston coiiducting the sanie. Tbe Masonic frateraity of which he was a anember, attended in a body, and conducted the services at tlie grave. The faanily have the Bympathy of .he coanmu-nity.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier