In Memoriam

The Univen-i'y Musical Boeiety lias adopted tlie following in respect to the late A. Jj. Noble. By tlie death of Adelbert LewLs Noble, the Oinivereity Musical Society lias lost on of the most active and uselul oï its board oí directors, Wlse in counsed, strong in hope, prompt in act'on, 11O was an earnest advocate of eveiytlL'.ng that promised to ïurtliei- tihe best intereses of the Society. He was a man of high ideáis and a delicate ense oi honor. His cal fcuowledge of buBijaeO3 affaire and Ivie eoujiíl judginient liim always an. invaluable advisei-, and eepecially in connection witli the establishing of the ümiverslty School of Music. It was largely throaigh his efforts that tlie bu'ildiing ereeted last year íor the BCbool was xecured. His imtiriug serviele will ever be held in grateful reeiembranc e. In thiis hour of aflliction the Society exteiwLs its deepest gympatliy to the bereaved faimüy. Wm. A. Clark and íselson Garlingïouse accoinpanied Wesley .Knowland, who has been very ill witli typlioitl fever, lo his home in Monroe, Öaturday. The next course of leotures on the llalrtwiai foundation, before the Hobart Gu:ld, will be delivered by Bishop Rulieon, of the Central Pennsylvanla diosíese. Bishop Davies has also nominated Rev. Morgan Iix, D. D., oï Trinity parlsh, N. 1'., to deliver the succoed'ng course before tlie Guild on the Charlotte AVoüd Slooum iouadation, with Iïev. Moses Coit Tyler, D. I)., as altérnate. The following nominations for county offlcers were made at the Prohibition convention held in the supervisors' room at the court house yesterday afternoon: Sheriff, J. G. Palmer, Ar.n Arbor; county clerk, B. J. Conrad, Ann Arbor; treasurer, Johnson Backus, Webster; register of deeds, J. R. ljowdish, Ann Arbor; county surveynr, C. Brown, Ypsilanti; prosecuting aitorney,, D. B. Taylor, Chelsea; circuit court commissioners, J. B. Lord, Augusta, and F. M. White, Dexter; ooroners, W. B. Thompson and C. M. Bowen, Ypsilanti. - Daily Times. TilO effect of wülow trees on sewer or drain tile was showu on X. l'ourth ave. yeeterday. Tlie tile liad liiil f ome Deven years ago to drahi tlie lorth end of tliat street liad heoome clogged up, anil Street ('o:imiisii)iier Siit herlaad put men at work baking it up to find out vhat tlift dilliculty was. He disc&vered it all right Miough. Tlie roots írom the wilknv trees had penetral ed the tile and for tour rods or more had C'Ompletely filled fche 12 Lnchlt ile with a, soJid inasa of roots. One coulí lianlly believe that suob a. mass of root tibers was possible witliout seeinig it. Tliis provcs that the wBlows re exeeHen.1 for einbaukments but very bad for si reets where ilrain tiles luive to be laid.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Adelbert L. Noble
A. L. Noble