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The man who seeks to sow the seeds cii' anarc-iiy in t iiis country is a great er iraiior than was the southeru man I. up :i ruis against the )alimi in 1861. 'J'lic liail in excuse In the faci iliat h beldeVed he vvas flghtr a principie. Tlie jí nart-li st lias no principie to ïiidit íoi'. He (leswas that all lawa and restrainté s-lieüld U swépt away, that the Btrcnae be allowed to nlunder the week, and 1 hal pröperty and vin iie b ■ made comino n to all ; in f act fchat the liuiiiau i'ainily live as live the brute nvaiiuü. with aötKi'ng to control i!nin luit their mvn instinets and appetltes. a man sliould be huug for the lM-iicfk (if ri ilization. He is a ci'ijninal in thouglit if n.ot in drrii. It ifs Rrecd and vik' lust that c%Uateö li : :ii . and his exlstenoe is a danger tothe state. A man wiuo cannot live in thle country and ablde by its. lawe should li' niiade to live elsewJiere or else ceaee living entirely. (tiv. Altgeld, of Jllinois, may not come under this tuead, exaci Ij . Tlu' Sunday's Pree Prees aiinoiinces tli.-ii Presiderut Cleveland "is liandy with ;i gun."- Aiub ArtJbr Courier. 'riirii hr siiouM Ore a chargé o! gravel at (lic Caurler "khuse" wlio twits hint r vlsitiog the Dismal Swamp, for liis ln'altli. - Adrián Press. Bahg away! Oiily don't use the encyolopedia for waddimg. On Tliursday evenin.u; last, Gov. lüili ;i])i)f)ii)ted Col. Henry S, Dean, ol this eity. to be regent of tlie TTniversity iu place of the late Henry Howard. The tena -n-ill expire Hay 1, 1899. Ii mak'mg appolntment Governoi Rieh has consulted the best interests oí the state, for there te no doubt but iliat Col. Dean, wlth Iiis level headei good semse, will make an invaluable member oí tluit board. Tliere are Oood reasons wliy there should be a iresident regent, and no better mal could luave boem seleeted. ín an agTicmltural college it etouM b& taugiht Iww plants grow rather tlian what particular varieties should be gr-SBOa. Entomology, meterology, geology (íiid jxliysics íi-oin as legitímate elements in the agrlcultural studies of the University as botany ama oaeojjetry, auü like them are exiaot i-o oiiicos dependent upon no particular coiiilu ions or locality íor tlieir valué. What is accurately known Cíun be accurately tauglit, and nothiiig eüse should be atiennpted in the urrii-ulum.- Harbor gprlnga ltepublicau. An exdbange saya that Ín ten years from íiow the man or woman who Av.illcs will be an exception. When the manufacturer.-s build wheels for ome-leggeü persons, rig out family óyeles on which papa, mamma and the ' I) 'lilrem oan take a spin, construct mmlfims and quadruplets and put togethcr ra.gul.-ir bicycle carriages, it is time tt admit the wheel has come to st-ay, just likO tlie typewriter, the electric liglit aind the telephone. If you are mot already one of the riders you liad better joiai the procession now. Takñ a ïew falls and a lifetime'a enjoyment. Tliie attorney general has given an op:iiiün again, and tliis opinión, is in tlie opinio of teachiOr8 a very poor opinión, bringing disaster to anythiag Lke method and precisión in arrange3111-n t of classes. He lias oHíelally- no referenee to Pinaiore intended- ven. it as liis opinión that scliool boards cannot prolübit children of scliool age from entering school whenever tlie latter see fit to do so. He saj'S tliat íí a board could wake a rule that certajii pupils could not attend school unless they commencod at a eertaui part of tlie year, they oould as well make a rule by wlüch classes should coinmence only once in two years. ■. The memory of the heart- Gratitudo.


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Ann Arbor Courier