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K. O. T. M. celebration at Alooreville June 10. Geo. Ward, of Gheleea, is building himseli a new barn. Manchester's nw band have got so tney can paay in public now, ThO Saline high school alumni -vill liold their aamual reunión June 22d. Dundee's etreets are !to be lighted by electricity. That is the light oí thie day. , Saline offieers are on track oí some flower tMeves, and propose to make it hot for them. Edward Vogel is to be marrled ionight, JunO 6th, to Miss Margaret Gates. All of Ghelsea. That's right. Tlie PJymouth base ballers knocked out both. Northville aud Brighton, i-ecently, and oli ! my, how they crow. Feaitonhaanewbrusüband ! - Northville Record. Which leads our d 1 to remark : Alwayswaaawtadycr'owd up there. James Bunis, wJio went to ldaho from Iirldgewater a few weeks ago, has seait for his íaniily, beiug deliglued withthat country. TJiere fe coiisteruation in the ranks oí housewives these tLays, as there is soarcely a liouse tliat is not overrun witih Buffalo bugs. - Clielsea Standard. A largo hotel barn at Plaiafield, o-niietL by Morris Toppimg, was struck by ligh.tnüig during thO recent storm, and entirely destroyed. - Oielsea Herald. ThO Y. W. C. A. of Ypsila-nti, is a eucoess. During last year its receipts wre $738.38, and has only $109 in debts, $95 oí wihieh is on the piano. Severa! jobe oí gravelimg in road district NO'. 42, Syhian, are to be let next Saturday by Peter Swienfurth., tile highway coanmissioner oí the towa. The WiUie Driving Club has been organized, amd elected a íull set of oífieers witli H. I. Post for president, B. F. Walters secretary aaid W. A. Hueeell treasurer. Potatoes are looking better at this seaeon than usual. Corn is the erop that has suffered from the cold weathr and rala. Many pieces wül have to bO plante dover again. Ome oi tlie MüLan. bicyclers took adiantage of au old blind mule and ran into hian the other da,y with his wlieel. Quite jiaturally the mule kicked, ajxd the rider jiow 1 a wiser man. Mr. Cainbom, wlio lias taught in the Mooreville school Ithree years, goes to CentervLÜe. He "vas presentOd vltJl a fine rocking chair at the close of school last week Frïday. Mr. Bradley Way, of Bridgewater, aaid Mrs. Susie Fislier, of Ann Arbor, "vvere married at the Baptist parsonage, Green Oak, Mioli., on Monday, May 28, by Eev. ï". P. Faraliam. Tlie lieavy ratos will necessitate the replaaiting of eorn in many places. Potatoes are lookmg -vell for the tkne. Fruit "vvill be a large erop if the future is propitious. - Ypsilantian. Mrs. Geo. W. Palmer is president of the Ladtes' Aid Society of the M. E. ehurch at Clielsea ; vice president, Mrs. R. S. Armstrong ; eecretary, MtS. W. Cushmiau ; treasurer, Mrs. T. E. TVood. Tlio "oineners" predict dire disaster to tlio "villagers" of "Wayjie iu the uear future, f ram tlie f act that a circiis.. a lawsuit and a funeral all occurred liero the same day this -veek. - "Wayne Review. "Is históry repeattog ilself?" inquires Oeore A. Peters, in the üexter Leader. It appears to be. We hear as-ain tlie populistic cry, "We've got 'em on t.he rum."- Adrián Press. The annex of th M. E. elmrch at Wallis, is to be cledicatecl today, Iicv. C. T. Alleai, of Detroit, and Bev. E. ï", Ryaji, of Ypeilantl, dliverlng addresses. A supper wUl le served afterwards. Eleven tramps were run in Monda y and given from two to fifteen days by Justices Beainett and I'ond.- Ann Arbor Courier. At this rate it ie better to be jus tice than to lie postmoster. - Adrián Press. A number of young ladies of this village bave formed a mutual improvament society amd cali tbemselves taie P. A. T's, but say there ts notliing Irieli ebout lt.- Chelsea Herald. "VVell, it Is pretty pat, anyway. A SJiaron correspondent gets off tiiis : Fred Feldkamp eays "That yOTMigster has got oonsixlerable to learn in this world" and the flest thing he'H teach hlim is to eleep nights and Lie awake in the day time. Bev. J. Nelson LeTvis, of Aan Arbor win address the Maccabees of Mooreville in the Baptist chiureh at 3 p. ln., Sumday, June lOtli. As an orator Mr. Lewis ranke at the head among hfe brethren in the mlnistry.- Milan Leader. "Porter HinUey, of Pittsfield, liad Iris horse killed by Hghtning" remarks tlie Stony Creek correspondent of the Miia.n Ieader. AVJiat had the poor liorse done that Hiimkley "had him killed" in sucli a, terrible manner ? - Adrián. Press. Tlie Dundee Ldger advertises for the reeovery oí a lost bridge frona the farm of L. J. Ostrander. roe county itself would have floated away last week, had not Lenawee held her by the apron string.- Adrián Press. Fred Williaims' folks liad ripe strawberries with creaim, Sunday May 27, from their own vines. Who can beat that ?- Stockbridge Sun. The hall and enow probably helped the berlie to ripen early, an dthe ruin helped the creaim. The anusic festival at Ann Arbor ■was suclx a grand success that Prof. Stanley is very sanguine as to the same pleasure beding in store each year íor tlie people of Ann. Arbor and vioinity. - PlymoutJi Mail. And that means all Mtohigan. At Chelsea the rain interfered wit ■witli the D.iy exercises some wh at, sa that the address was deliy ered at the town hall iastead of a the cemetery. WMch was the saf est pliace lor all concerned, even if th day liad been pleasant. A large class was confirrned a St. 1uke's Episcopal cliurch in Ypsi lanti last Thursday evening, that be ing the third class ior the year, whlcl shows that Rev. M. M. Goodwin ha not been idle since taEing oliarge of the parish a year or eo ago. A pebble as large as a hazlenut was removed from the nostril of the four years oíd son of Barney Limbert, of SJiaron, by Dr. Ohlinger, of Manchester, recently. He had been suifering fro'm It for two years, and no one knew wli&t was the matter . Diid yon ever go into a slioe istore, buy ,a pair oí ehoes that dild not suit yoti, because tlvey dld not have what you wanted., and then have tlieni spoM your dlsposltlon. every tinne you put tham on. - Ypsálantian. Never only once. Did not allow sucli nonsense to be repeated. About tliree weeks ago a oow belonging to C. E. Letts was taken slek witJi somethliig that puzzled the peopie who were taktng care of the stock. Momday the animal dled, and upon examination a piece of wire was found in its heart. - Chelsea Standard. Wire is evldently not hearty food. The approaching marriage of Hal W. Glover is aunounced. The happy lady is Miss Anna Curry, of S.hiekslünny, Pa. Also, marriage of Wil] McAaidrew, now teaching in Brookl.yn, N. Y., to Miss S'usan ney of that city. Both weddings occur this montli. - Ypsil&nti Commerciial. The Manchester roller milis have reeeived au order for two carloads oí flovir to be shipped to Silgo, Ireland. This is the first order direct from the oíd sod, but it is likely to be followel by inany more. - Enterprise. Tiiat Ls rig'ht, roller over the Atlantic, and givO tlie people over there a teste of the right sort of paste. The Michigan suprome court has decided tliat bicycle riders have just ;as mu&h right in the road as a buggy and drivers must turn out and give theim half of the road. Drivers are Hable for all daanages done to a wheol or the rider in case the 'wheeliman is not given hali the road. Farmers and drivers should reimember this. - Pinckney Dispatcli. Mrs. Judge Babbitt having raised $1,000 Avitli whloh to erect a soldier'fl monument in Ypsilanti, Mrs. Mary Amn Starkweather has proved her patriotism and generosity by sending a eheck for nnotlier $1,000 to put with it. This secures to Ypsilanti what no other cily in the couivty has, n soldiere' monument - the öth ward of Aran Arbor excepted. At the cheese factory Monday, a test was made of the cheese producin.H' ([iialities of Jersey milk. 'I'liat milk was k(it separate In a vat, 722 lhs. bedng reoelved. It yield.ed 90 Hks of cheese, or 1 lb to 8 lbs. of mille. The otht'i' milk yiehled 1 lb. cheese to 9 11)6. milk same day. The factory is mow recelviilg nearly 4,000 lbe. tnálk diaily.-


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Ann Arbor Courier