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COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. [OFFICIAL.] (Conttnued (rom Eighlh Pnije ) Ats. w. cor, of E. Washington st. and S. Thayerst 87:i.öT ft. tbeelevntion elven foelnnabov ilie ofrioml cily datum ai d along the center line of sacb walk, and the grade lines to conRist of straight lines between the several points or statious above stated. AilopU'd as follcrwB : Yeas- AMb. Wagner, Ilodmor, Martini, AUmendlnger, Bnyder, Perguson, l'.rcnvn. Manly. Taylor, KHson. Pre tNinan. W !. Pres. Winee- 13. Xa.vs- Xone. FRÖM TB AVATEIÍ COMMITTEK. To the Common Couneil: Vour Commiltee on Water to whom was pe ferred the petitioD for ahydrant at theiuncli i' rast Dniversity avenue nnd Tappan etrpetwould report thai wc do nol ) hink thf hydvant sneerted at present, and reoommeno tha1 the petltlon be denied. Kespecifully snhmitted. H J. Bhown, CHKISTIAS M M'TIN. Water Committee. Aecepted, and recommendation coir curred in. FBOM TUK COMMITTEB OF LIGHT1XG. To the Common Councll: Vour Committee on Liixhlins, to whom wns reierred the petitions, askinir lor electric llghts mi the corner of Ingalls streel and Cornwell l'lace, on Thompson st reet between Jefferson and Packard streets, on corner of Ashley and I'eh-li streets, respectfully report that y'our committee visited the different lora 1 il m Friday evening. June lst, in a body, fully inspected the Mine ind would recommend the followlng, namely: That the petition for lisrht on the corner of [ngalle street and Cornwell Plae he graated and the light be located about the center of the Cornwell Place, suspended across the That the petition for linlit on Thompson street be granted and the light loeated about bhe i cuterof said block, bfi.ween Jefferson and Madisoa streets, suspended aoross the That the petition for llght on the corner of iahley and Felch streets be deniert for the reason ihat this loeality is pretty well lighted from the aurroundiug liifhts. Eespectfully Bubmltted. A. P. Febgoson, Chkistia.n Martin, W. L. Taylor. Lichting Committee. Accepted and ïecommetidation concurred in as follows: yeas__Ald. Wagner, Bodmer, Mailin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferfrnson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays- None. KBPORT FBOM sl'HCIAL C0MMITTEE8. Chairman Prettyman of special committee on Board of Health salary, etc. asked for further time, which was granted. Aiu. ireiiyman or me speciai tuuinrittee on Printing reported that bids had been received and inspected, but Lad not the time to tabulate the same and make a report, f urther time was gianted. BEPOBTB FROM CITY OFFICERS. The mouthly reports of the city clerk city treasurer, poor superintendent and chief oí pólice were read and ordered flled. Superintendent Sipley reported the expenditwres daring the month of May: lat ward, $22.87; 2nd ward, $7.08; 3rd ward, $50.83; 4th ward, $27.16; 5th ward, $42.06; 6th ward, $2.00. Chief of Pólice Banfleld reported twenty-one arrests during the montli of May as follows: drnnk, 1 ; vagrant. 3; violating city ordinances, 11; violating liquoi' laws. 6. Ann Arbor, Mich., June 4, 1894. To the Common Couneil: I hereby certify that the pressure of water 'ii siuaue at Bnglne House luis been t pouiias r moro at all times since May 7th, the date oí iet report. Fred Sipley, Cbief oí Fire Department. lleceived and filed. ITT TRKASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING MAY 31, 1894. Z the Coinnwn Council of the City of Ann Arbor: ialauee on hand as per last report $17,666 2li MONEV RECEIVED. Contingent Fund- Liquor tax, Co.. Treas $7,573.50 W. J. Miller, licen8e._ 7.50 Pólice Fund- l'.S.Saníield.feos Í3.S0 K. B. Pond, tees. 5.00 Street Fund - N. Sutherland. scone sold 1.50 Sewer Fund- By ei'ror 40 Total - 7,t00.) . 7,600 80 25,267. i MONBY DISBUKSED. Contingent Fuud $ 93599 Street Fund 473.63 Firemen'a Fund 384.25 Pólice Fund 165.00 Poor Fund 179.22 SewerFund 410.18 Cemetery Fund 13.50 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Futid 455.91 Soldiers' Relief Fund 20.00 Total $ 3 037.68 3,03" 68 $22,239 35 BALANCE ON HAND. Contingent Fund 6,344.68 Street Fund, overdrawn $ 36.99 Firomen'sFund 2,384.09 Pólice Fund 1,216.47 Poor Fund, overdrawn 2904 Water Fund 2,608,40 Cemetery Fund 270.76 Soldiers' Belief Fund. 1,223.63 Univereity Hospital Aid Bond Furni 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund 144.39 Bewer Fund 1,656.25 Dok Tax Fund 1OU.UO Uridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund,.... 5.795.49 Total K2.439.T7 210.42 Aniount of outstandLng orders 210 42 22,229.: Total Treasurer's Balance 122,229.35 Kespectf ully submitted, Geo. H. Pond, CityTreasurer. Aun Arbor, June lst, 1894. Ann Arbor Savinsrs Bank, i Ann Arbor, Mich., June 4, t8á í To the Common Counoil of the City of Ann Arbor: Deak Sihs- Tbis will eertify that Geo H. Pond has on deposit to hls credit as Citv Treasurer, the sum of Tweuty-twoThoueand, Tliree Hundred, Twenty-seven and 87-1M Dollars, (Ï2,3W.87). Yours truly, CHAS. E. HISCOCK, Cashier. By Aid. Manly: Resolved, Tbat the City Engincer be and is hereby instructed to furnisli Mr. Penuell the established sidewalk grade in front of nis oreinlses and tbat said walk be laid to form therewiih. Adopted. By Aid Martin: Whernas, The Michigan Centra] Bailroa.T I oiupan; has declinad and refused to eomply with the i.otiflcation of this Couneil, relating to lts overhead crosslne on Detroit street, and Whereas, Sucb overhead is said to beoutoi repair aud in ïmuiediate need ol' replankinu'. and it has been representad to tlns Counoil tliat buoIi overhead oroBSlng was coustructed on a grade uiucli too high; that the approucbes theretoare so steep as to be dangeruus and are a great impositlon on the commumty. Therefore, be H Kesolveii, That the Commisskmer ef Railroarfs be and he is hcreby requested to fix a convenient time lor the inspeetion of Buch overhead crossing, and if he shall find the Bame constructed at too bigh a iriade, orin need of repair, that he do order and requlre ilic Michigan Central Bailroad Compuny to i-i construct, rebuild andxeplank and proporJy i;iLÍJjta:n tfae same. Stad- Thai the City l lerk do cause a copy of this resolution aml the reaolutlon ol tlii;= i ouncil paaBed May Tih last, to betraiisinitted to the Commissioner of ttailroads and that i ia I lity I Lerk do requeet liis olHcml aclioa in tlie prOmi8es. Wliicli resolution prevailed. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved. Thatthe Board of Public Works Ihrough its engineer ilo present to tliis t( regularme eiinica protlle ol :r gradtng lo be Lou oo ünurch street to take off water', hat at present tirue iccumulates in great quantitles at Mr. Dignau's and adjoining property on Sast uuiversity avenue, als.) au estimatea cost ot' same. .Auopieu, By Alderman Wood: Resolved, That the City Boards and Coun cil Commltteea do subniit to the Finance UomJ muur. at once, their respective estimates of i amounts of money neoessary to be raised on the tax rolls for the iieed of the city during tha next fiscal year, and said Kiuanee Committee do report the same to tliis (Jouncil at its next meeting:, to the eud tbat tbe matter inay be dlsoussed, determitieü, and dulv certlñed. Adopted. By Alderman Allmendinger: Kesolved, That the width of the sidewalfc on ano aloiig Tliird Street be4 ween Baron and Liberty streets, be and the same is hereby üxed at four feet. ' Adopted . By Alderman Snvder: Resolved, That the width of the sidewalk on theeast and west sidos of Oott street be and the same is hereby lixed it four feet. Adopted. By Alderman Manly: Besolved, That tho sum of 25 is hereby approprlated trom the Contingent Fund, and tue City Clerli Is hereby directed to purchase a suitable flag for the Engine House. Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Bi'ovvn, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettynian, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays- None. By Alderman Taylor: Resolved, TliRt the Board of Public Works cause the Uity Engineer to plat and lay out the new uldi'ion to the city cemetory lately purchased; also to miike a new plat ol the whole o f said ccmetery. Adopted. By Aliierraan Broun : Resolved, That the Street Committee is bereby requested to meet with the Board of Public Works, to coosider the matter of purchasing a stone crusher, etc. Adopted. CO3I3IUNICATION KROM THE 3IAY0R. Aun Arbor, Mich., June 4, 1894. To the Honorable the Common Couneil. A coinmunication írom the Health Officelis here submitted to you for consideratiou; 1 believe that the salurie-i of the active mcnibers of the Board of Health are not what they 6hould be, if we demand the valuahle service whlch that Board shonld perform. Thie should be thu most important Board in our city Government, and tliis work should be carefully performed. Iwould, therefore, request that the matter of salaries of the Board of Health be investigated and that the Board be required to make monthty reports ;o the Uommon (Jouncil the same a3 other lionnls, and that these reports become a oeruianent record by being published in your aroceedings. O. G. DARLING, Mayor. Aun Arbor, June 4th 'M. rohisHo or the Mayor, C G.Darling: Dpar Sir- I helieve that the eonpensation f the Board oï Health is not what it sliould t: Tin 1 be performance of labor necessarily imposed by a city of the magnitude of Aun Arbor. The time will noon arrive when lateral sewers will be extended to many parte of Ihe city. And niany privy vaults will require to be inspected and ordereu to be emptiea and the vaults ülled. This alone will require uiuch time. Also an increase of labor would uecu&sitate moothly reporta, l'rom various quarters which is now almost unknown for the very reason that the corupeneatlon is too smal!. In my report lor the year last past X mentioned what would be a fair salary fora healih offloer. The duties imposed on the inspector of the Board of Health should be at least one hundred and nfty dollars. While the president of the Hoard sliould have at least ooe hundred dollars, his position ia somethinï like the oae your Honor occuples, iherefore, his salaiy should be less). With a fair salary, monthly reports would be exac:ed from every physician and undertaker in the city. Very courteously, DU. ;OITN KAPI'. Referrect to special coinmittee on salades Board of Health, which was appointed May 21, 1894. A petition signed by Beal, Barkham and tweutytive others, asking the Mayor to appoint patrolmau on u-oic street anü iiroadway as passed by the common couucil. Keterred to Comraittee on Pólice. On lotion, the Counciladjourned. City Clerk.


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