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Jírs. Curdy, of Miliord, is visiting in tovm. Mis. May Breakey Adams is home cm ia vislt. Prof. Paul Freer and wife have sailed ïor Europe. Mts. E. E. Pond gave a reception ycsterday afternoon. Mts. Don. Boot is visiting' her lathor Dr. W. W. Xichols. Prof. A. S. WMtmiey, of Saginaw, was in the city last week. Mts. Prof. Haanilton of Bueyrus, 0., is in town with Mrs. Conover, ou S. Ftttn ave. Mire. 8. W. CjLarksom recorves tliis afternoon with. her visitor Mrs. IIowrad, oí Lansing. Jolin E. Grilliths and Frank T. Lodgö of Detroit, carne out to the initiation of Fratermity lodge last Friday. A. "W. Haanilton has aecepted a bu&ineee engagement in Chicago, rented hfe house, anU will niove there. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, Of Willaa-d, N. Y., arO b-panding a íew weeks wtUi their parewts, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Muller of this city. Dr. L. J. Gibbs, of Chicopee Falls, Mass., u, former medical student, on Saturday iw3l join his wife, now the guest of C. B. Davisoii, and reonain lor a short visit . Mr. tand Mrs. Geo. H. Pond have been viwiting relatives and frienüs at J&cksom and at Koble, Brand county, during the past week, retumlng home yesterday. A. li. Tóioiniiisoii, lit, '89, oí Í5an José, Cal., has been in the eity a few: days. He is now eugaged in placer m'.ning in Calaveras oouhty, near tlie big trees. Mr. and Mrs. HJeary MLller, who have been i pending the week with M. 1). Miller, on Geddes ave, li'ft tiois moraiaig to visit relatives at New Hudson, Jül-Il. Mrs. M. Luke aaid her molher, Mrs. Johnson, returned to Ann Arbor on ïuesday -eveninig, from Houghton, Upper Peininsula. They have been visiting ior the past three weeks in Kankakee, 111. Potmater Judson of Chelsea, w;is in town Friday, and denies that be laigreed to resign the first of April, as the recent News artiele claims. His regular tiane runs until the latter part of September, and it would not only le a great injustice to remove him before hiis time is out, but it would (bring on a very cliilly day ior tin: m;m who does it, as there are not nxany politijians in Sylvan who care to run ui) agatast Büly Judson. J. L. Iludan, tha hustling clothier, of Detroit, in Ann Arbor last week. He is a member of the Detroit board of electric light comnnsioners and Baid they expected whi'ii the city put in its own electric light wlant it wuld cost theon $100 a li&ht each year. They do not buy their own -plant to get a cheaper light, Uut because the service had been very poor.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier