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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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WEAK,NERVQUSiDISEAEDMEN. Thousands of Young and Mutile Agcd Men are annnally swept to a premature grave flj throngh early indiscretion and later exces-es. Self abusa and Constitutional filood ■ Diseases hnve ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising young man. Havo you H any of the following Symptoms: Nervousand Despondent; Tir'd in Morning; o Ambl■ tion: Memory Poor; Easily Fntigaed: Excitable and Irritable; Ejes Blur: Pimples on 9 the Face; Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Hagsard Looking; Blotchts; Sore ■ 'J'liroat; Hair Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeieee; Distrustfnl and Lack of gfl Ener. y and Ötrength. Our New Militad Tmatmeni will bu ld jou up mentally, phy.-ical!y M and Bexiially. I SF K DRS. KEHNEDY_& KERGAN I Í : w" " Át - y31"9 i &Q I leamed a bad habit which almost ruinefi w f& i' l j me I became nervoas and weak. My back troubled me. I coald 1 j &!ef stand no exertion. Head and eyos became dull. Dreams and ' I ij. j draïns at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firme, ElecR %'ílrfV -w rc e9 Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me n SfclVx no 'ielp' ■■ frenc advised metotrj Drs. Kennedy &. Keran. Thcy I l"t?wdfi sent me one montlvs treatment and it cured me. I could feel 9 Tíii myself gaining every day. Their New Method Treatment cures when H Carea in qh& m ntli cM else faits." They have cured many of my friendo." f 7% [El MlSTÊEIjEJlï IIÏÏM. m f ' íifflí 'Some 8 years ago I contracted a serions constitutional blood H 1 tSü. íJriíl went to Hot Springstotreatforsyphilis. Mere, ry almost B ff Ju'lllli e( After a while the eymptoms again appeared. Thront nj tg J7 jÈk became sore, pains in limbs, pimplos on face, blotches, oyes red, 3 M f " s JLl oss of hair, glande enlarged. etc. A medical friend advised Drs. B B ? -w' Kennedy & Korgan's New Method TroarincTit. It nured me, and X have I SH y'' hail no symptoms for five years. 1 am married and happy. As a 9 i3 doctor, I heartily recomend it to all who have this terrible diseaae - fl n Cure- .- yeaiouüu, yphilis." It will eradicate the poison from the bloed." CST' 15 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150.000 CURED. j l '3 "? am S3 of age, and mirried. Whn young I led a S i &&i iJfe" W 5a7 Earlv indiscretions and later excesses made trouble r!l - &$ i for me. I became wa' and nervoos. My kidneys became 'S f0 affected and I feared Bright's disease. Marri -d lif was unsatis? 'ir ijr factory and my home unhappy. I tried everyhing- all failed till B M Jir cnn I touk treatment from Drs. Kennedy and Kergan. Their Nw "- jig Method built me up montally, physicallv and sexually. I feel S """"T-1 ant ac a man n every iespect. Try them." 1 r-' ÖT No Names Used Without Written Í TTT=iíffej Consent of Patiënt. Ba 1 M t i . Mürïa' ■ Cuitiu .u Li,... ■ UUr leW IVieiriOa I reaimeni it strentuen3 the boiy, stops all BH dr.tins and loss&s, parities the blood. cleare the brain, baills up the nervous and sexual jH eysteme and restores lost titality to the body. ï We Gnarantee to Cure Jirrvons r-billty. Pailinj; nanhood, f-y (iliill.H Vxiicocele, -itrtcture, Gleet, Uii)i-tural DiscliarKVHi 4 Weak Parts and All Kldiiey aud Bladder siseases. SÍ J52ifclCrilJiö(CÖ Kennedy & Kergan are the leading specialista of - %% Sr iVI II IbI ia ï" II Amorica. They Ruarintce to cure or no pay. Their repaSÊ ínft!1 lilWbll tation and fif teen yeara of business are at sta&e. You ■ij run no risk. Write them for an honest opinión, no matter who trete.i you. It may 9 save j oq years of regret and sufïoring. Charges reasonable. Write for a Question List and Book Pree. Consultation Free. 148 Shelby St. I Detroit, Mich.l


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