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Gov. Rich Has Appounted Col. H.

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S. Dean, of Aan Arbor, to fche vacaney on ttoe board of resems, and ttoe Aaui Arbor papers speak a k'(11 ■word lor the appoáatee. Col. Deán is ;ui :d residem and ;i true ri'publioan iand will trè likely to look after the Üiiiversity interest;-. He won't be oí ttoe facuhy. but beyoad questiion Jie wtU be Iiean of the board of regents. - Adrián Press. Mayor Broek, ol Jackson, is out for the nomioation for eongress on the republk-an ticket. He is a popirlar youmg liustirr put forward by llia Lkioohi Club of Jackson, and was elected mayor last spring in tJie face oï a large democratie majority. Tlie ri'iHibr.cans wlll uot ant for plein y oí material, but wiiy do we not Hear of democratie caudidates coming fo:' wani V II appears as though they did piot think thieir ahancee very brighl thdB fall. The Couricr will fiml that many & {armer is taiking the sume kind of "stush." as is Platt, for they resent the tUTOiug down of Lui-e.- Adrián Press. Our Osteemeil contfiuporary Ls trytog hard to stir up the farmers over an tanaglnary grievance because Gov. Kich ilid not ajipoiut Luee as senator. Wliy should the farmers complain wiheo Xhey luive had a govemor ior the past weven, ye.ars and a-half? Moreover, as Gov. Ridi has said to the editor of the Courier aod to many otliei-s. ii was lii iirefereniCfi to point ex-Governor Luce, but he liad ido backing írom around the state. Mr Batton had añore backing for it ihan all ihe other candidates i)ut togetlier, henee lie could only select tile ojie the majoviiy expressed a wíeh íoi1. If the farmers had asked íor Luce ihry could have had liim, bui j - ( i ! 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 ) v -ilicy thought he luid liad eiiuugh oífdiees, for a time, ai least. l'iisi miisicr Ci'iici-al Blssel has gtiricm ij) a honiet's nest by wrltlng a letter o-pposíiíg t-he bilí providing lor miv'i-iiinrni owuerslr.i) of all telegrapü linee, wliifh as framed by a tee oí ílie Inteniitional Typographical Union and has been endoised by labor orgaeizattoos in all sejtions oí tlie country. Tliie P. M. G. coucluded bis letter against tlie bilí as íollows ; '"I beJdeve the incorporation of the postal telegrapJi wlth the mail service of tiiis country woidd add euormouBly to tiiO ajmual deficit without correspODidiiiigly tlie interest of tlie publie, aud. it is thereiore, my judgmeait iliat 'the bill ought not to become a law." Th is was opposL t;on irom au entirely unexpected quartOr, as every liead of the Post Offire departtuent iov a decade pa$t lias been iai ia,TOr oï somc t-ort of a government tedegrapihile service, but it has nit friglitened the supporters oí the bill, -vlio declare that if this congrees does not pass tJie 1U1 the labor oiganizations will anake Bovernmtnc ownerahip of telegraph liues, au iseue in the coming congressionaJ electüon, voting ag'.iinst every candidato ivlio will aiot pltKige liinuelï to vote for it iai tlie next coogTeBB. They contend that if Mr. BisseU's argument is good tiiO earrylug of the m;;i:.s whi Li is done at a loss, should be turneil over to private parties. The subject is o. live one.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier