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Things A Housekeeper Should Know

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That should be caten with mits to aid digestión. That milk whieh stand.s too long nmkes bitter butter. That rusty flatirons should be rub1)C(1 over with beeswax and lard. ï.hat it rests you in sewing to tJiange yonr pogltion frequently. ïhat a hot, strong lemoiiade taken at bedti-me will break up a bad cold. That tough meat is made tender by lying a few minutes in vinegar water. That a little soda water will relieve ! stok headache caused by indigestión. That a cup of strong coffee wïtl remove tlie odor of onions from the breath. That a cup oí hot water drunk before meals will prevent nausea and dyspepsia. That well-ventilated Tedrooms will prevent morning headaehea and lassitude. That oe in a faint should be laid flat on iii8 baek ; tlieu loosen his clothes and let him alone. That co'iiiSumptive nlght sweats may bO arrested by lipoeging the body nightly in ialt water. Tliat eold tea should be saved for .vuur vinegar barrel. It eours easily asid yives color and flavor. Tliat to beat the white of eggs quïckly, add a piacli of salt. Salt oools, and cold egg8 irot 11 rapidlj'. ïhat the hair muy be kept trom fallüig out after m illneee by a frequent ajipljcatiioii to the écalp of sage tea. ïhat you oaai take out spots from wasih igoods by rubbing them with the yolk of eggs before waehing. 'i'li;it white rp;)is h))oii varnislieil furninire will disappear iï you hold a hot piale fronn the stove over tliem.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier