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Tliere will be a pnpil's concert in Frieze Memorial Hall to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock. Dt. Maelean, of Detroit, has been elected president oí tlie American Med ical Aesociation. Ninety-two in a breezy, pliady plac is wihat the thermometer registered Mouiday, at one p. lm. Bev. C. M. Coberai will give a series of lectures on Egypt, at Ba'y View tluft last week lm July. It Is reported fcliat etrawfoerries wei-j bedng eoM m Ypsilanti Satjirday evpnLng ior 10 contó per qt. Gibson's photograph rooms are being repapered and painted, and a neví píate glass íromt will be addeiL Sundaj-, June lGtli, will be Children's Day ;it the Germán M. E. church. ThiB means a grand time íor the little ones of that congregatton. "Prom tlie to the Pulpitand Aiterwards !" will be tlie title of a story fromi actual Ht's to be recited ia tlie M. E. cliurch next Sunday morning. The 'alumni assoíiatioii of the High School will hold its seventeenth nnnual banquet and reunión in the High School Hall Friilay oveniug-, June 22d ,at 8 o'clock.. The siuppsr begins at ,9 o'clock r;harp. Tho Maccabee social, at their hall in the postoffice building, on Monday evening last waa as is usually the case Avlth anything they undertake, a grand fsuccess. The High School Departan ent of the F41wovt.l1 league wül give a Gip?y Social in the parlors of the M. E. nTinrpVi. nn Friilnv venina'. mente 'will be ser ved. Alout a dozen tougli lqok'ng trampa ■were interviewed by tlie city marshal, down by tfee fce lvouses, Saturday everiiina; last, and promised to leave tito city befaré moraüng. "Tlie Blunders of the Bible" wlll be discussed in the M. E. church nexc Sunday e-s-aiing. Tliis wül be tlie tliird and last leeture ou "Skeptloism and the Bible." Lansing wtil vnise $95,000 by tax in July few its amiual expenses. SamO wool is beimg bronght in and soJtt ïor 8 to 12 cnt. Waslied SJiropshlre briiigs 15 cents. The üirectors of tlie electric liglit coanpamy met TVednestlny and electetl J. E. Beali secretury-treasurer in plaoo of tlie late A. L. Noble. The M. W. P. A. iai complimenting Miss Bo-wer with the presidency, has m reality complimented itself. A bettr cJiodce could not have leen made. Mayor rne;re's toew idea oí having tlie Tacant land in and aboait Detroit "farmed" ly aaid for the benefit of the poor, might l6 agood plan for every locality to adopt. Cards are out nimounoing the mafriage of Miss Nellie L. Ohilds, ter oí Mr. ana Airs. w. iv. oiiuus, to -Mr. Eravest Gleason, of St. Louis, Uo., formerly of the U. of II. Rev. O. A. Yoavug w.ill preacli on the subject "Tlie Victovy Over Death," next Sunday morning, at the Church of Ciirist. Tho subject at ïiight wil] be "Our Superliuman Saviour." The baafcrupt stock oí hardware., in one of the Btores in the new. city building black on Ñ. 4th ave., is creating a li evly business. Itead the ad. on the first page, and then profit ly its pierusal. Tune Free Prese has today a strong editorial dcnouncing tJie digrace!ul riot at the St. CTair coujity deimocratic convention, where the presiding o;ficer was attackeil, Iviiocked down and uraggeu irum imo jKt-wuiu. "Wrinkle will apps&r in itscommencemeait dress, Friday next, It wiU bo a 20 page miinber, besules tour page exta.mosrtly devoted to the eontents of the -volume oí the past year. Secure ome as a souvenir. The eflstern 1ond holders of the trie road ngreed to pay their part of the proposed $40,000 needed to stort Tip 'the road, but the Aun Arbor holders deolincd to stand their assessment nnd the matter is at a stand still. Proï Stevens ha erected one of the hnnsdomest houses in the city, o tho White additioin. It is a three story brick, with beautiful Windows, and is surrounded witli oak trees. The house and grouttda are reported to have COSt aUtmt $16,000. The -animal June Festival of St. Thomas' Conservator?' of Music, held last Thursday, was a grand success. Th.O strong prograinme was carried tJiroug-h -n-itli the eoutiimed interest of the large audleaee. The ereilit ior it all te mostly due to Fr. Kelly ainl ladiee in charge. The mfesionary, Rev. Ben Oliel, of Jerusnlem, gave a fine deseriptive j vddi-pss at the uii.oii services held ;it the Presbyteii'in church on Bunday e.ven.;mg lust. Tlie solo, "When TwJVülit Fall?,''- a contralto obligato, by Mrs. J. L. Babcoek, with chorus accompaii-ment, was iinely rendered. The Board of Regeuts of the V. of M1. had a sessiou on Monday last, and aecording to tlie report in the Detroit Journal, itwo new ñames appear amoug thf. members of the board, Col. H. S. Pean, oí this city, and ene, Ixx-ker (instead of WlHiam J. Cocker) aa oll am desteemed member of tlie Board. Our oíd friend, Geo. B. Wood, of Lodi Ptoins, vrü sell, at ipuWte auetion on liis preimiises, on. Thursday, June 21, eommencing at bne o'clock p. ín., some fine etoek. includiag horsee, covs, sw'JDig aml sliee-p ; as well as farmIng and household utensils. Those aesiftag eucüh tilinga may benefit themselves by attendtag the sale. J. H. Lse of the Mt. Olemms schools, pTimistied a ssholar -u-itu a strap, whereiipon the ioolish father tried to get the school board to discharge its superintendent. Hut they did not it in tlint way and stood by him. TOim he called in the law, and the jury were not live mtautes in saying no cause lor action. Irate daddy vrWl now lick the boy h'nnself. I Th.6 "Weedeyaai Guild has made arraingements next year to have a seoreta ry wilio shall te au asslstant to tlie paetor to look up the students co'ining to tlie University froin Methodist families. Sumrner ■resorts are no'w the subject of muoh consideratioii, and, as usual, the beautiful and quiet location at "Wlntunore Lake will be ohosen by niaaiy oí tlie "tourists" i'rom liereabouts. Peoplo drLving liorses are greatly aaiiioyecl at íhe papera and liand bilis ílying arouud the streets to seare tlieir liorses. It bas beco-me a nuisain-e, wMcb the coinmou couüeiJ Avould do well to Btoi3 by am nance. It is a -w-ay to advertise and it gives tlie streets oi a clty a bad appearaiLtii io be littered up witih flying papers. Tii baaiquet oi Fratermty Iodge last Friday iiiglit was one of the finest of tlie maiiy wMch have been giveui there. l'ru-í. L. 1. .Wdaea presided ably as toastimaster, calling on W. G. Doty, C. E. Hiscock, Rev. TatlocU, Dr. X. C. Yaugiian, H. X. Cliute and A. J. Sawyer. Rev. C. A. Youiig gave the invoeaiioii. Over 200 eujoyed the i-loquent speeohea, cmd the goodly reiKisi hu-mslted by H. G. Prettymam. About eiglity neighbors a.nd iriends at the home of Win. Scadiu in Webtor, Monda y niglit, to celebrate thie it!n wedding oï Mr. and Mre. Htnry Scadiu. The gathering was a total surprise to those in wliose lionorlt was assem bied. Rev. Mr. Baumigardmer made tdie addrese In poetry, presenting in the name of tliO frieniis., nuanerous lyifts of tin, as ■Wi9ll as a beautiïul silver teaset. Afiov a least oí good thiings, such as AVebster people are fannous for, the crowd departed witli i-ood wishes for tJie bride and gpoom. Mr. and Mrs. Soadki leave in tlie ïall to m.ike their home in Floiida, nnd they take with them the love and esteera of all the conimnnity wtoo have known thera both from ehildliood. I The Detroit Tribune is distributing the haaMU-omest portfolio by the eoupon systoni oí lanytliing yet published. It is Tlie Wild Flowers of America, lia ving mixteen platea of flo'wei's in tlieir natural color?, witli eaoh part. It includes tlie different varieties íound iu every state of the Union ■vitli descriptione, liistory, favorito localities, etc. A compon and 15 ets. gets eacli portfolio. The ïu'xt meeting of the American Assoclation for the Advancement oí Science will be held in Brooklyn, N. X., August lötli to 24th. The only Ann Arbor iuan whose name appears upon the preJiminary announceiumt is bhat oí "Wooster W. Beman, secreiai-y of eetio.u A- Mathematics and AMiononiy. Prof. De Yolson AVood, formerly eomnected witli the U. of M. now of Hoboken. N. J., is president of taie (Society for Promoting Engimeexing Education. The Det:oit Journal of Saturduy last exhlbited a fine cartoon of a pat-ent "kickimg macliLne.'1 Perhaps eome of our democratie friends hereabouty, more etpecially those w.ho ware ttaut amy onO oí the aspirants for postuiastei-sliip honors?, exceptirtg Mr. Eliliu B. Pond, should receive the appoáitanent, miglit deeui it advantage ous to pui-cliase 011O aad keep it in Eome convenient plaoe, wliere, when tliey ielt in the mood, they might raake it useful as wU as ornamental. AiMi Arbor eeemfi to be a popular place ior the ladie's conveutions tliis year. In April caine. tdie woman suliraaiste, in May the AVomen's tian Temperante Union, and Ín June the Woiikui's Press Association. Ve dom't wonder tliey should all want to come .tier e where tliere are so ma.ny nice looking yovuig men of marriageable age. Tliere mmnerous eonvenvention.s wlll probably account for the large umimber f éiugagements now b&iaig reported, Come rlglit along ladies, ií tlie Aun Arbor girls can not hold tlieir omi, the ir oivn can holc1 t.liem... Tih.6 recept ioa given last evening at the residenoe of Rev. Dr. and JIrs. Cobem, to tlie orchestra oí the M. E. Sumday Scliool, was a brllliaut snccss. These twelve gentlemea iiniler tlie leadership oï the aecomplished cornetLst, Mr. Gerald W. CoUlns, have glven their servk-es gratuitously during the past year a ml this recepfcton was au expreeskwi on the part oí tli officers o;f the Sunday School of tlit-ir liearty appreclation oí -wliat bney Had done. About 150 vrere present, and most elegant j menta wre served in good style ly i I üamgsteirler. One oí tíne thing-s the newly íormed society lor tlie prevent ion oí cruelty to an'jiials wlH look after is the overdriving oí haík. hoi-ses 011 the uiglits oï the l!g receptious like Commeucemeat and Junor Hop. These are gome oí thi' íi'v niülus in the year whit'h are the livery inen's harvest i.n o; eouie tliey -w-aac to í 11 as manj' orders as possible. Much of their hard driving is canrpelled by ladies keep:ng tliein walt ing at tlieir doors. ïheu when they do come out, the di-iver has to hastie for the next order, Cor TOhich he has probably been made late. A little tdiouglitiuluess 011 the pa.rx of these gociety younn ladies 10 be promptly ou time Avill help tal Uiis reform we know they ure all anxious ïor, as well as the livery men, who oajinot afïord to hurt their horéee. The Germán M. E. chureh WÜ1 glve a lawn eoatal. at H. Waterman'si GO K. WashhijrtO'ii ötreet, on Tuesilay evening June 19tli. Strawberries anJ ieO cream and cake will le plentiiully súpplied and a general good time 13 a.mii-ipated. All are iuvited. Triinity College, Hartford, Ct., is preparing ior an interest ing innovation on tlie cutomary cnmmencement proceedings. Ooi "Wednesday, June 7, bbe (iliMnniL are to llave a grand raJelng on the college campus, the ilags toavSog been giVen by the G. A. K. poste of city. The pole te 100 feet hijth ajad comes all the wiiy Erom Oregom. Thtre will be ;i presentatlon of the Has behall of the posts. ly ex-Mayor Root, oí Hiartford, and au acoeptance by Co". Cogswieil, of New York, cla.s-í of 'i1. illawley del.wrs oration; the poean will be read by Dr. Kiehard Burtou. dasa of '83, and a song wiiuen bv'the doübor, and set to musir l-.y DudSey Buck, will be Buiig by a cliioas of 250 volees. The venerable Bishop Willlanns wiU act aa cinapláia-T-iFtee Prees. The etu-th is snid to be wablVlin.ii oíd lts axle, and ttoe igOTemment has een1 sciraiisis to the opposite sale oí the globe to make obsri- and asii'iiain. ii poesible, wihat's tlie matter viili this terreetrlAl sphére of aurs. Thrri' as au oid theory that ice wa- acctiniulatiii.'j,' müch taster at the eowth tham at the ïiorth, and oooseqúenüy wtoén a sufficient (Uiantity of congeala water had püed np at that pnint the. earth wouM be whk-led.dlreotly over, and what is now tlie Irifeid zone avouUÍ becoaaae the torrid. In im eveni of that knul no life could withstaiul the terrible commotion of the element that ■voukl iollow. so none ot is wottld be li ere to experienoe the chance. Stooiüd this rlanet take a notion to wihirl over soinetime, what a stirinii up it would niake. on the earth's snrface ! Balloons Avouhl be in great deinand. but it mi.ulit be difficulf to find a safe landing place. Ome tvJijo eaw the first exhibition of ttee Ami Arbor Art Club could not help but notice the great iniprovement made by the members as evidenced ia the last exhibit'at their roímos in the Masante block. The pictures look a-s fine to Uie ye oí the average perscm as does oftentimes the expensive wies wihjch have gaiued such a reputatioai. Many of the studies are as fcrue to nature as paint aud brush. üuiili-d by tin artistic hand could make them. One gentleman viewing a study of omions, said they were so natural t.hat he could catchthe odor from the opposite i-ide of the room. This is deserving oí encouragenient. 11 tlie Onthusiasm of Mrs. Y. ti. Perry oouñd be .-hared by more oí our citlzens, it would le only a question oí timie before there ATOuld be a ílourisliiiii; art institute licre in Arm Arbor. Speed the day. CJiililrru's Day ;it the Preebyterlan ohurcli last iiinl;iy, was by far the most Interest ing one ever held. The audtenee rooni ivas decorated ia very axtfcrtic. style, the galleries draped in festoons, baskets of blooming Bowera haim-in.n' troon the galleries and palms and flowers ou the platform. The sxfi-isfs weri' opexted Uy inur.ii: irom an ui-ilu'stra n' twedve instrimieiits, nccompanietl ly tlie liappy voices of the school. The exercises were very plcasinsly varied by soime well ' euted quartettes, duetts and solos - lected from Mr. Wüfley's clioir. The miiulH-v oxefuted by Miss Gole, accompanit'd with tlie organ and by Messrs. Warden and McOinber with ilute and violiiu-ello, was greatiy aumireu. ure solo by Mr. Spitiley, and the duett by Meers. lüclumls and öpftzley, were rendered iu very excellent style. ïlio pat save a, short talk to the chilaren. aiB Mr. Mills, the worthy buiHTiiiiirmlent. whiic happy remavks to the school. Mr. MUls, as Avdl as his active assistant Trof. HUher, are deserving of thaivkw for making ('hildrea's Day such a grand sucoess,


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