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ON the 4th the tenth week of the tarín debate oegan in the senate and an amendment was presented to the blll deolaring all combinatlons, conspiracies, trusts, agreements or contracts to be contrary to public pollcy and illegal and void In the house the time was occupied in discussing the state-bank tax blll. A senats joint resolution approprlating $10.000 to defray the expense of the sugar investigating committee was agreed to. IN the senate on the Rth the amendment to the tariff bill placing sugar on the free list was lost, and an amendment flxlng sugar dutles, to go lnto effect January 1, 1895, was carried by a vote of 85 to 28 In the house bilis were introduced to provide for arbitration and to prevent hostilities between labor and capital, and to relmburse the soldiers of the rebellion or their helrs for the average annual difference between gold and the value of the paper currency in which they were paid. Thk senate adopted a resolution on the 6th for the appointment of a special committee of flve senators on the existing public distress The tariff bilí was further considered, and a bill was introduced to preserve the purity of national legislation. .. .Jn the house the bill to repeal the tax on state bank circulation was deíeated by a vote of 178 to 103. On the 7th the action oí the attorney general in claiming $15,0CO,O00 of the Stanford estáte was discussed In the senate. after which the tarllï bill was further considered In the house a bill for a new public building at Elgin, 111., was favorably reported, as was also one for the survey of a ship canal route from the Ohio river to Lake Erie. In the senate on the 8th the diplomatlo and consular appropriation bill (81, 579.438) and the army appropriation bill (823,606,148) were reported. The tariff bill wás iurther discussed. A resolution to set at rest the claim of the United States against the estáte of L,eland Stanford was laid on the table In the house th Indlan appropriation bill was considered. It y,ms decided by the committee on interstate and foreign commerce to report a bill for the acquireinent of the Nicaragua canal by the government and for carrying on the work to completira. DOMESTIC. The visible supplv of grain in the United States on the 4th was: Wheat, 59,395,000 bushels; corn, 7,406,000 bushels; oats, 2,600,000 bushels; rye. 263,000 bushels; barley, 100.000 b'ushcls. Robbers ditehed a Mobile & Ohio passenger train at Fisher's Lake, 111., and the engúneer and tireman were fatallyyhin't and many others iiijured. The total iire losses in the United States and Cunada during1 May were 810,777,800, making the losses for the first five rnonths of 1894aggregate S?53,830,900. ag-ainst 09,637,650 during the same time in 1893. Striking miners at Streator, 111., ref used to allow the city waterworks to have coal. Edwabd Daniels, a young farmer at Perry Landing, ïex., killed three men with whom he had a dispute. Oscar J. Hodgens, of Springfield, 111., killed Mrs. Mollie Jones and, then ended his own existence by shooting. A quarrel was the canse. Attouney General Olney brought suit against the estáte of the late Senator Stanford, of California, for 815,000,000 said to be owed to the United States. Indiana miners in Sullivan county outwitted the militia and burned five cars loaded with coal. Charles VV. Pike, a commission merchant of San Francisco, failed for 55100,000. The Farmers' and Merchants' bank at South End, O. T. , closed its doors. New Jersey's supreme court refused to examine Miss Mary Philbrooke, a woman law student, for admission to practice. Five boys, inmates of a Catholic home in Tarrytown, N. -Y., died from eating a poisonous root, andsevenothsrs were seriously 111. Desperate strikers took possession 01 McKeesport, Pa., and non-union men were terribly beaten and many acts of violence committed. By the explosión of a gasoline generator in a laundry at Portland Ore., six Chinamen were killed and property valued at 100,000 was burned. Otis Haskijís, living near Pittsfield, 111., was fleeced out of 85,000 by two Btrangers who wanted to buy his farm. Fifteen frame buildings, _bomprising three blocks of the largest business houses in Pleasantville, Ia., were destroj'ed by fire. Drought, cold weather and frosts have greatly retarded crops generally in Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa and Missouri. Gov. McKiitley ordered out a forcé of 1,200 militiamen to the scène of the coal miiers strike in eastern Ohio where strikers were interfering with the movement of trains. The McKeesport (Pa.) tube works strikers forced the men at Duquesne to cease work and destroyed several coal tipples. Foub colored men, James Wheeler, Edward Green, James Holmes and Edward Seraggs, were drowned at Bird's Point, Mo., by the upsetting of a boat. Stbikebs attacked the Little mine near Peoria, 111., and four of the defenders, including one of the proprietors, were wounded and one of the attacking party killed. The mine was then set on fire. Thk dead bodies of Eli Buret and hia wife were found on a lonely road near West Hoboken, N. J. It was thought that Buret first shot his wife and then killed himself. No cause was known. Many shots were fired in a skirmish between strikers and guards at Farmersburg, Ind. That American mamifacturers are finding new fields for their products is shown by the exports for ten months, which have reached the unprecedented total of 8153,305,294. Strikers stoned a Vandalia train near Brazil, Ind., killing the engineer, William Barr, and injuring the conductor and a brakeman. The Germán national bank at Denver, Col., closed its doors with deposits of 853,000; resources, {51.777,000. It was said that seven lives were lost in a battle between strikers and militia at Mineral Siding-, Col. Advices from Tacoma, Wash., say the floods throughout the northwest caused a loss of over $5,000,000. Two more regiment were sent to Belmont, O., on account of increased mining troubles. Gov. Altgeld sent troops to Pekin, 111., to suppress the mining riots in that vicinity. Sheriff Newton, of Danville, said that Vermilion county was in a state of severe anarchy. The town of Rub37 City, Wash.. was completely destroyed by a flood. A heavy frost in portions of Illinois badly damaged corn, potatoes and Bmall vegetables! Lawrence Stemmer's house near Shakopee, Minn., was destroyed by fire and two children - Ellen, aged 6, and Gerome, aged 9 - were burned to death. Theodobe P. Hauohey, president of the defunct Indianapolis national bank, was sentenced to a term of six years in the penitentiary. James Parrish, his wife and child were killed in a cyclone near Baker City, Ore. TUE excnanges at the leading clearing housesMn the United States during the week ended on the 8th aggregated S90-t.853,826, against 8711,060,979 the provious week. The decrease, compared with the corresponding week in 1893, was 23 3. Morton & Chesi,ey, builders in Boston, charge their cashier, T. C. Faxon, with embezzling 50,000. There were 316 business failures in the United States in the seven days ended on the 8th, against 188 the week previous and 322 in the corresponding time in 1893. CARthievesat Vincennes, Ind., bound and g-agged Claude McAlpin, who knew oi their work, and shipped him ta Mexico in a closed car. Five persons were seriously injured in a railroad wreek at Golden, Col. Out of nine of the.horses entered in the 100-mile race at Chadron, Neb., four died from the effect of tiie race; It was won by a common broncho in twelve hours. Jüdge Jeüíkixs, of Milwaukee, was upheld in his strike restraining order by the report of the minority of the cong'ressional investigating committee. As assig-nment was made by the Union Ware house company of New York, with liabilities of more than 1,000,000. Claims for 22,500.000 pesstas for customs duties have been flled by the United States against Spain. FoBTr-SEVEN graduates of the naval academy at Annapolis were given diplomas by Secreta7 Herbert. In many large cities a serious coal famine was reported and numerous factories had been closed. Robert Bonner, of New York, was reelected. president of the Scotch-Irish society in session at Des Moines, Ia. Dim'atches from Ardmore, I. T., state that Bill Dalton, the outlaw, was killed by deputy marshals near Elk, I. T. For denouncing a shooting affair at Newport News, Va., Dr. Stone, a British subject, was tarred and feathered. Lawbesce Spiller was hanged at Staunton, Va., for the murder of Lottie Koe on April 28 last. Citizkns of Cairo, 111., starved Gen. Kelly and his commonwealers into an agreement to get out of the eounty. Isaac Kemp, a negro, who murdered Deputy Sheriff Ned .Carver in Westover, Md., was taken from jail by a uiob and shot to death. Nettie Powell and Sallie Ilines were drowned at Bridge ton, Ñ. J., while out boating with two young men. The National bank of Pendleton, Ore., went into the hands of a receiver. The great strike at Cripple Creek, Col., was said to be at an end, the striking miners having surrendered to Gen. Brooks, commander of the state militia. With an avowed purpose of upholding the public school system, a new politieal party has been formed in Penns3'lvania. Train robbers attempted to hold up a Santa Fe train near Gainesville,Tex., and one of tliem was fatally wounded by officers. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The following congressional nominatious were reported: Illinois, Eighth district, G. W. Sindlinger (pro.); Twenty-tirst, John J. Higgins (dem.). Missouri, Seventh district, John T. Heard (dem.). Kansas, First district, H. C. Solomon (pop.). Kentucky, James B. McCreary (dem.) renominated. Maine, Second district. Nelson Dingley, Jr., (rep.) renominated. Ohio republicans in state convention at Columbus nominated S. M. Taylor, of Chumpaign, for secretary of state; O. T. Carson, of Guerse3r, for state school commissioner; Charles E. Grace, of Pickaway, for board of public works; and John A. Shanck, of Montgomery, for supreme judge. The platform indo rses protection to home industries, denounces the Wilson bill, denounces the attempt of congress to destroy the principie of reciprocity, denounees the present democratie administration and says its Hawaiian pólicy has been a national disgrace, favors bimetallism, and indorses Gov. McKinley's administration of state affairs. R. T. Walker, a retired army officer, died at Salt Lake City. He was a native of Pennsylvania, and was a brother-in-law of the late James G. Blaine. J. W. Wilson, of Chicago, inventor of the sewing machine that bears his name, died at San José, Cal., while on a visit to a daughter. At the republican state convention in Lewiston, Me., Henr3' B. Cleaves was renomiuated for governor. The resolutions favor international bimetallism, the restriction of immigration, and advocate a high protective tari ff. The Penns3lvania state prohibition convention at Williamsport nominated Charles L. Hawley, of-Scranton, for governor; H. L. Castle, of Pittsburgh, for lieutenant governor; Charles Palmer, of Delaware, for auditor general, and E IC Kane and Rev. L. G. Jordán for congressmen-at-large. The Arkansas republican state conven tion will be held in Little Rock July 24. Nagajtab, chief of all the Chippewa Indians, died at the Indian re%ervation at Fond du Lac, Wis., aged 99 3rears. In 1826, through his efforts, the treaty was made by the Sioux and Chippewa Indians by which they acknowledged the sovereignty of the United States. Khoda I kwijt died at Battle Creek, Mich., aged 101 years. She was born a slave on the plantation of Alexander Irwin in Bedford county, Va. Maj. E. N. Morbill. of Hiawatha, was nominated for governor of Kansas in the republican convention at Topeka, and W. A, Johnson was nóminated for associated judge of the supreme court. Coxgressional nominations were reported as follows: Indiana, Jíinth disírict, J. F. Hanley (rep.); Thirteenth, Lewis W. Boyse (rep.). Kansas, Sixth district, William Baker (pop.) renominated. Maine, Third disti-ict, Seth S. Milliken (rep.) renominated. Wii-mam Uwight ïïmTSEY, professor of the combined chairs of Sanscrit and comparative phüology at Yale, died in New Haven, aged 67 years. Ex-Gov. Eodman M. Price, of Jiew Jersey, died at his residence in Oakland. He was the first person to raise the stars and stripes on California soil. The Wisconsin republicans will hold their state convention in Milwaukee July 25. The Ohio prohibitionists in convention at Columbus nominated the following ticket: Seoretary of state, Mark G. McCaslin; judge of suprema court, J. W. Rosenborough; state school commissioner, Prof. F. V. Irish; member of board of public works, H. T. Earles. The platform favors equal suffrage; money issued by g-overnment alone; tariff as a defense against foreign governments; government control of railroads and telegraphs; one day's rest in seven; pensions; revisión of iinmigration laws; extensión of time of náturalization; public schools in e English language; and opposes all fornis of license, local option or taxation of liquor trainc. Candidates for congress were selected as follows; Illinois, Eig-hth district, A. J. Hopkins (rep.) renomiuated; Seventeenth, A. F. Smith (pro.). Indiuna, Third district, E. G. Tracewell (rep.); Tenth, Eev. S. M. Hathorn, (pop.); Eleventh, A. F. Benson (pop.). Kansas, Fifth district, John Davis (pop.) renominated. Kentucky, Eighth district. Phii Roberts (rep.). Coloked republican clubs will meet in national convention in Washington July 2. FOREIGN. Sexor Megneo, manager of the Provincial bank of Buenos Ayres, committed suicide. Irregularities had previously been discovered in his accounts to the extent of 81,300,000. Premier Ckispi announced the resignation of the Italian cabinet. Lobd Rosebery's Ladas won the English Derby amid the cheers of over 100,000 people. The first constitutional convention of Hawaii was formally opengd in the legislative chamber in the old government building in Honolulú. Kaslo, a town of 1,200 population in British Columbia, was entirely destroyed by a flood. Queen Victoria entertained the delegates to the'Young1 Men's Christian association in her private gardens at Windsor. The Cape Breton coast was swept by a hnrricane, resulting in heavy loss to shipping-, but no lives were reportad lost. LATER. A bill was passed in the United States senate on the 9th dividing the salaries of railway postal clerks into seven grades var3'ing from 8800 to $1,800 per year. Several schedules in the tariff bill were disposed of. In the house the session was brief, and practically no business was transacted. A bill was introduced to limit the rates of sleeping cars to one-half of me cent a inile for lower berths and one-third of one cent a mile for upper berths. lx a fight between strikers and deputies at Union town, Pa., one miner was killed and two fatally injured. The American Investment company at Emmettsburg, Ia., with a capital of ïrSOO.OOO, went into the hands of a receiver. Fi.ames in the lumber-yard district of Dubuque, Ia., destroyed property worth S500.000. lx a battle with striking miners and officials at Lemont, Pa., three of the strikers were killed and another fatally injured. Official, returns from the Oregon election give Lord (rep.) for governor a plurality of 14.588. Nin'ETEEX commonwealers from the state of Washington were sentenced to ninety days in jail at Helena, Mont., for stealing a railway train. FoBESïfires in Michigan swept a district 1 mile wide and 5 miles long and wjped out the town of Sagoda. Coxey, Browne and Jones were released from jail in Washington and departed for the conimonweal camp at Bladensburg. Three young persons were drowned by the overturuing of a boat in the lake at Vermilion, O. Strikers at Salineville, O., blew up a railroad bridge. They were ehArffed by troops, who dispersed them with, bayonets. The flood in the Frazer river valley in Columbia left over 15,000 persons homeless. Henry Hay and Charles Heusman, members of the senior class at Beloit college, were drowned while bathing in Green lake near Elkhorn, Wis. Mus. August Nold, of St. Louis, whose husband essayed to beat her, killed hira with a baseball bat. Foub members of a boating party were drowned by the capsizing of their boat on a lake near Brewster, X. Y. Mrs. Jase Shattuck, of San Francisco, goes to prison for life for killing her daughter's lover. Five men were seriously hurt and property worth L10,000 destroyed in a fire in Kansas City, Mu.


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