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Milán, will have a new íurniture store opened ly E. Iilackmer. I)r. Watüng gave a recept ion to t.he íseaiior dente, at his Ypsilanti home last week Tuesday. The Ypsilajiti Driving Club have the knoAv wbat has beeome of the new teleplione lime. So do we. Mrs. Allee Turner Werry, of Ann Arbor, will iecture 'on Dhvslcal ture iai Saline Fridny afternoon. Dav-enport & Son of Saline, have fitted up a liandsoune new banking iiMiiii in oak. A safety vault has been ackled. Iu a tahort time Congressman Gorman -vill jiave to open the Sharonville post offiee fight. There are several lightnlng rods up íor it. The Cheteea Herald saj-s the orchards loot ns if a prarie fire had pasead through them', because the black -vonns are eating tlio foliage. Ypeilanti is talkimg of adoptlag tlio Aun Arbor plan oí put-bing in sewers and ketting it be paiil for in four or íive anoiual installinciits. wlth. Interest. "Wra. DenbeJ is putting in nmv maohlnery for bolting flour. This wlll help the Normal students in bolting Iheir aneáis instead oí bolting recitations. The YpKÍ,]niti Driivng Club liave the íollowlng directors : M. M. Peed, W. H. Guerim, K. W. Hemphill, C. P. McIvinstry, J. B. Colyin, P. K. Otven and Wm. Evans. Representative Gorman has appointed Greorge S. Laird as poetmaster at Chelsea. Borne oí the faithful like it, aral some say nay, "he's not the Laird íor US." Ypsilnnti's appropriation bilí this year will he $34,010, which is $9,340 less tliaii last year. Sixteen thousand o[ this goes to pay on intereet aiid debt. TJie Ypilantian saya their street electrie lampe liave been on their good behavior for the past -veek. In the words of one of their preaehers : ''It us be thankful for that." In ('lielsra. tte prochice firm of C. J. ( li.imllrr moved iuto a handsonie new "warehoiise 80 feet in length. Tkey do a large business in all kinds of produce buying and skipping. The Saline Observer volees tlie kicks of its tovmspeople over uot getting more tillan a tri-weekly ouail, as the braiR-li of the Lake Shore puts on a mail car oiilr ou Tueedays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Miss Mtanle Finkbeiner, of Iima, ainl .1. A. .Maroiu'y, of Chelsea, were married last AVcihiesday. On tlie same day Misa Margar&t B. Gates and Bdwiard Vogel, botk of Chelsea, Avere imkert in wcdloek. Owing to the appointmient of Geo. S. Laird as poétmaster in Chelsea, G. W. Tumbull and twenty others called aai indignation meetihg for Saturday afloriioDU to p-róteel againsi it. Gorman does tnot find tlie congressmiaoi's lot a happy one, nor %y1 it ir be muil it is a lot in the cemetery. ' ■ ïlie democratie couaity convention has beem called fov uext week Thursday. Perliaps it wliU be a.mother knock out íor tiie referee systean, and a set'do-wai on the administration. Grover must le getting used to it. We iuulev.tand tlie 21st was selected so the eoiivention could adjourn to atteod rt.üe jDugUistie figUt between Frank ICt-ller and Yank Kenny. Representativo Gorman has returned from a flytag trip to Michigan. He says he a as In .Michigan long enongh to observe tliat the republiean differemees in the state are coming to le the nature of Donnybrook light.- "Washington Cor. Detroit Free Press. A Donnybrook fight woukl not be in it if Gorman ehould show up in Chelsea, and som of his former frienda ehould get hold oí liiim.- Standard. If -tt-ool liad gone on the free list January lst, it Avould now le worth 25 cents a pound.- Adrián Press. "Who doubts the wisdom of the Press and Ilio siinplemindedness of wool manufacturera ? Of oourse the latter would pay 25 cents for home growa avooI, despite the faet that a full supply eould le had in Australia at seven cents. "Wool users are iools ; of course they are, nnd the wisdom of the Press is past fhiding out.- YpBUaatlan. Ye guess that vraa a -voolem hat the Press man was talkin"through.


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