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This Is To Introduce Mr. Smith

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"Wlicn the Ann Arbor Press Club - blees its ïivcly oarcass- holds anothcr meeting it wil] liava a new name ui inscribe upon its membsrship rol , i]:a: Dl E. .T. K;ni til- Smü h 13 n.n odd name im't it ■ ?- iormerly of the Adriaix Press, now, by the grace oí Grover Cleveland, (and Mr. J. Gormar.) tJie city editor of the Ann Arbor Argus. AVIl'iIo we never have met Mr. Saplui, we kiuow liim wel!, and he is acquainted wiili us. His epidermlis is coy&red "vith sears where we have jabbed our cold steel (pen) deep into üns quivering conscience, and in tuin. have been inundjted and drowned out times without number by the flood of cholee words flung into quaint Anglo-Saxon parograplis, and ink (Arnold's best green-black) (not black and blue it will be no;d), whieh he has j)oured upon our unproteoted ocoiput in an unending torrent. HU wit is keen, Iiis sarcasm like the iamous blade from Damascus, that is sometiimes referred to by scholars and poets. TOiere is poetry in hls soul and goodiellowch.:p in his heart. His párente called "hiim E. J., not A. J. by any maiiner of means. He is one whom we hall all delight to honor, and exten'l to liim tlie same hand (in the same manner also.) we alwaya extend it to tlio-is we greet. We shall huddle up a Htile closer and make n-oo-m for iiim mi the ben. The Argus is to be congratulated, and so is S-inith. The cÍLÍzeais of the city will be eonvul-ed anfl teüi city will be augil i y adding onother citizen- too bad tie didn't get here quick emough ior the eensus enumerator to get .hini (but U he will take up his abode in the 4th ward we will use every endeavor posaiible to get him upon tlie Hst). In all seriousness we exteaad our right hand to Bro. Smith and bespe.iik ior him the good will of all Ann Arboreans.


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Ann Arbor Courier