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The Gold In The U. S. Treasury Is

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down to tlit (langer limit once Hgaln! But tlii'ii. it doesn't matter mui-h. You know Uie goverament prenses are not very busy just now, and more gold bomds can be eaeiJy print ed . Detroit Jias a $5,000 health off.eer ■niio Jets small pox p:itit,s die in public hotels beo&use (hu is a ütictor, and professional ethUs would itiot warrant Me doing his duty. Tliere's a fellow wlio woukka't (pull a knile out of a man tt eome otlier etlilcal cuss liad jabbod it inlo him. A little le;8 aalary and oflücs,, and a little more good ,senso "ould be for Detrolt's good in Uie liealüi department.- Adïian Press. Wihiat ík ïlie matter with the democrats ? Trouljli's at home and abroad. Is the I.oms sysfcem bound to prevaü V asks the timid democrat. Jlost assuredly .The boes Jiias h's slate in hand and opurates etli machine, turnng out delegaties to county and tate couventlons at will, and tlie people have no cholee in euch matters. They are oly called upon to ote aiter t-he boss has arraiiged the ticket. - Fentoai Independent. The Traekman's Journal, the oificial orgaai oï tlie brotlLerhood of rail ro-.ul trnckman, says that t hc mtniberi of that orgamization are kindly and irleaiilly disposed toward Gov. Ei&h, and the Juornal wlll plead for hLs eJectiom iï Gov. Kich is renorainated. The Ti-ackinaii's .Journal also tays that the best interests of all laboring men arO now plainly to le neen to be síecTired through nupport of republicaa candidateï. - Cadillac Ne-ws. It will lo tlie Polacka of ïetroit lotts of good to be obliged to fight potato bugs and the woeds ïor a seaeon, for keíoret he harvest oï tubers is gathen-d hl, ihcy will have learned tliat eternal vigilanoe in ttte price of potatoes, sus it is of liberty. Iet l'infiioc's experiment bet ried; by all nueane glve the anarchiste tlie responsibility of reaphug a Earveet iu the Bweat oí thelr (aces, lor then they will realize wliat It costa to secure what a day'.s work is worth. - Ypsllantian. The Ariiu-, in peemlng !-eriousnes-, reina rks : "(Jirlsea fe to he congratiilated upon tlu; appointiment of Geo. S. I.aii-d as poettmaebeff. Mr. Laird is a hiiKtlimg young dennoerat," etc. lae demo:-rats of tliat vicinity polnt ■wiitli pride to the word "young" In tinat seartenoei und cladan that Laird's demerac-y is yet ka its sootliing syrup siati', not boliiï a year old. Others say tliat Laird was iiot appointed Ipr his own sweet sake, but as a stool pdgeon ior some other persou, who Is to be deputy, do all tlie work and diaw the pay, but who Gorman did not wisli to appoint postanaster because it miglit invite ariticism. It i.s ainusiiiK 10 hear the Argus ycll inatli'.ne at tlie republlcans. In the interior of 'the Ktate it lias great sympaihy with ''Pingree'a iollowers," who it is allegel are attemptiug to .-ina!i the to-called machine of tlie republk-an party. In Detroit, Tingree and liis followcis are the machine, and to it goes. It will be noted lliai any person wlici ris mecessful in seeurin- a uoanination ior any position ininuMliatciy becomes a member of tlie iiiach'ii:'. The Arg-us would do wrll topiiysoime aitcut ion t o its own two maciliuiei- twins. Xhey do not ran dn liarmony as tw'ras ought to, ln in dixect oppoition to u.-li other. Their namies are Don and Dan and Ijotli are beautiiul iighters. Tliey will have u. llgh.t bo a finish it is expyp Glranfl I'.i;'d-. on June


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