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■ o Bueklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Brulses, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Oiapped Hands. Ohillblains, Corns, and all skin Eruptions. and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is giiaranteed to g-iye perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Kale by Eberbach & Son. Your Watch Insured Free. A perfect insurance against theft or accident is the now famous - BOW, the only bow (ring) whicli cannot be pulled or wrenched from the case. Can ortly be iSE. nad on cases contatningthistrade mark. ftL - MADE BY - Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia. :he oldest, largest, and most complete Watch Case factory in the world - 1500 employees; 2000 Watch Cases daily. One of its products is the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases whicb are just as good as solid cases, and cost about one half less SoM by all jewelers, without extra charge for Nonpull-out bow. Ask for pamphlet, or send to the manufacturera. IsCHJFFIYiANN-SAsihmaCurel Sás: sar &&r jsatss &&isL e 2 Triol líackoití JF1ÍEE of Drnggtela or bj Mail. fi ■ Addrew DB B. BOHIFFMANNT. St. P.iol, JHm. f (luie the Dutcíi Process H Ko Alkalles BsL -on - jOther Chemicals 11 1 1 1 vrevaration of ÍF.Bllto&Co.1s Breaícfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than ihree times the strength j of Cocoa miewith Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is f ar more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easili digested. Sold by Crocers overywhere. W. Baker &Go.1OorchesterJ Mass. IJEMEMBER there -- V. are hundreds of brands of. White Lead (so called) on the market that are not White Lead, ccinposed largely of Barytes and other cheap materials. But the number of brands of genuine Strictly Pure White Lead is limited. The following brands are standard "OldDutch" process, and just as good as they were vvhen you or your father" were boys : "Anohor," "Morley," 'Eclistein," "Shipman," ' Armstrong & McKelvy," " Southern," i " Beymer-Bauman," "Eed Seal," "Davis-Chambers," "Collier," " Fahnestock." For Colors.- National Lead Co. 's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to a 25-pound keg of Lead and mix your own ■paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching shades, and insures the best paint that it is possible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book on paints and color-card, free; it will probably save you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO. Chicago Branch, State and Fifteenth Streets, Chicago. ADIRONDA, 100 doses, 50 cents. ADIRONDA soia by John Moore, Anii, Arbor. ADIRONDA contains no opiates. ADIRONDA cures restless bables. COMMISSIONERS' XoTICE. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couutv of Washte.'WW. The undersiKned havinjf been appointed by the Probate Court for said County, Commis sioners to receive, examins and adjust all claims and demauds of all .ersons aealnst the estáte of Wallace W. Bliss. late of said county deceased. hereby give notice that six rnontlis trom date are alloued, by order of said Probate Court.for creditors'to present thelr claims against the estáte of said deeeased, and that theywill meet at the oflice of Jnniiis E Bea.1, in the city of Alm Arbor. in said i'onntv w. .,.., auííí uíi ui jui hüu uu lile liicu ctuv or October, ten o'clock, a. m. of each of said days, to recelve, examine and adjust said Uatod April 16, 1891. J ESSE BOOTH, ) ,, . . Jtoios E. Beai., Commlssioners. " ■ . To Contracta and Builders rpHE 1 BUILDING COMMITTEEof the Board -I ot Supervisors of Washtenaw County Offer for sale, at a reasonable prlce all the broken and unbroken stones in tbe county stoneyard on the corner of Ashley and West Ann streets. The ereater part of the Btone is broken, and espeeially sutted for grnniiiiK pnrposes. There are f rom four to six oords of u'n ','" st0'le' anli t" to three of unbroken. Will be sold by the load, or otherwise, as deslred. Apply to the underslgned, local member of the committee, at the Argua olfee . . . ROBERï SHANNON. Ann Arhor Apr:' 21.'. S!)l igl? Estáte of Adam D. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenuw. ss. At a sessíon of the Probate Court lor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the 28th day of May, in the year one thóusand eight hundred aiid ninety-four resent J. tt'illard Babbitt. Judgeof Probate! In the matter of the estáte of Adam D Seyler, deceased. Ou reading and ftllng the petition. dulv verined of Echvard h. Seyler, praying that administration oí said estáte niay be granted to himsoli and Julius V. Seyler, or some other suitable person. 1 o.??eíeuPu t is oi-dered, that Monday, the th day of June next, at ten o'cloêk in the forenoon. be assigned for the hearin of said petition, and that the heir-at-hiws of skid deeeased and all other persons int'erusted in said estáte, are required to uppear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Olhce in the city of Ann Arbor. and show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of thepetitioner should not be granted. ind it is further ordered, that said petitloner glye notice to the persous interested in said estáte, of the peudency of said petition, nnd hearing thereof, by eausing a copv of this .m.A uv, uc jjuuiiaiieu ju tue Aun -ruor Courier, a uewspaper printed and circulated 111 said eounty, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WILLARD BABBITT, w ( r. le CP}'-KL Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Adelbeüt E. Xoble. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washten:iv,ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the Coiintv 01 Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ofhce in the City of Ann Arbor. on Thursday the tweiity-fourth day of Muy, in the vear one thousand eight hundred and ninetT-foar Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Juilge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Adelbert L. Noble, deceased. On readiug and filing the petition, dulv yerified, of SeloraA. Noble, crayintr thnt " eer. tam instrument now on file in this court purportlng to be the last will and testament of siud deceased may be admittcd to probate and that udministration of said estáte niay be ifranted to herself the executor in said will named or to some other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, thetwenty-flftb dayof June next. at teno'cloak m the lorcnoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, lestatees and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persona tnterested ín said estáte, are requlred to aupear at a session of said court. then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arlior, in said County, and show cansé, if any there be, vhy the prayer of the petitloner shouldnot begranted. And it is furtlier ordered, that said petitioner givo notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of said petition. and the hearing tbereof. by causlng a copy of this order to be publlshed m cue Ann Arbor Courier, anewspaperpriuted and circulating in said Countv, three successlye weeks previous to said day of hearing [A true copy.] J. WILLARD BABBITT W.G.DOTY. Probate Register" DEÜL DIEFFENBACH'S PROTAGON CAPSULES, Sure Cure for West Men, as proved by reportsof leadinftphy. sicians. State age in ordering. Price.Sl. Catalogue Free. A O A A safe and speedy 11 fif 11 c"re for O Ie et, Strlcture and all unnaturaldiseharijes. PriceiSa. QREEKSPECIFICSïeo3oalJ wand Skin nisenses, ScroC nlons Sores andSyphllItle Aflections, without mercury. Price, #8. Order from THE PERU 0RU8 & CHEMICAL CO. L5. 18 WÍB0OE8ÍnStreet,jIILWAPgEE, WIS,


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