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Over 1,200 hivitntions have bwn eeut out by the Beaior lits. The La-wis feel very proud of their unique commenceuient Invitatdons. 'ilu-y are beauttes. Tlie present proepects are tliat thera wiil I no Japanese studente at tlie Universiiy next year. Tliere wlU be a Pupü's concert in Frieze Memorial Huil Ulmrsdny evening, Jume 21 at 8 o'cHock. Tüie U. Of M. team is greatly rejoiced dEfoat:mg tae strong Northwestern team last Saturday at the Ath1-etiB ïleld, 9 to 8. Prof. J. E. Reigliard and fa-mily left Monday íor a year'e stay in Euroie, mostly in Germany, wliere he The sem'or reception to le given Tuesday evenuig June 20, will be a g!cat wwtety event, closiiig all the galii's of the college year. AVun. AVidemeyer has been ehosen toastaniister lor t.he banquet to be held by the senior Hts in honor of the iiiter-class baseball vietoryaaio senior lite are to celébrate their taterclass base ball vtetory witli a bamquet, at whJioh fctane every member oí i he Claee will be expected to ïaake hls bas&. Tlie Conimencement Annual ior tliis y car -Jll be more desirable as a sou venir tlian ever before. It VU1 be aa near correct as possible to make it, mucli oí tbe proof therefor, bein.L, read by tlie au t hors. You w 11 want a Commencement An ■nual witii all the addresvses and papare of ComminH-cmi'iit Week, even i you are not liere to liear thera. Ieav vour order eind addrwe at olliï ar at the book stores. A thJnig of beauty is a joy forever," was the idea of the senior lits wbem they eoncei-ved their commencemeoit invitattoois. Of couiee the latest one is always tlxe best ever gotten out, but really the present seaior das have one that they may well feel proud of. The WrinJde (lid not take the raid upon the aign stealers a a real íunny joke, but rather seriously, and thinks the proper wrimkle would lie for ttoe boys to boycott a laundry wfooee help is supposed to have giveoi tb officers valuable imformation respecting tlie whieieabouts of the purloined property. Should the oditors of tiuat paper becoone business or profe;S;ainal nieii, and Have their property coiiii-.nated by roaUcklng or lawless fellows, tJien they would view the matter írom a different standpoint tlian at pre-seut. George F. Jaimes, A. B. 1886, M. A. 1887, 3ias been electeil prolessor of tüie History of Eduoation in the School of Pedagogj', a gradúate department of the Univeráty of the Citj of New York. Since graduation, Jlr Jam es bas taught in the Decatur 111., High School, was two years pro fessor of pedagogy in the University of Nashville, and two years general eecretary of tlie American üniversíty Extensión Society. He lias studied for two years tn Franee and Gerniamy nd is DOW at the University of Halle, which celebrates ia August its two hundredth aaniversary.


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