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" Cure for Headaches. As a remedy lor all forms of Headache, Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are aíflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases oí habitual constipatíon Electric Bit ters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use oí this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only 50 cents at The Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co's Drug store, and Geo. T. Haeussler, Manchester. Rates of ome fare for tlir round trip will le made for tlie followlng, over ttoe T., A. A. & N. M, R'y : For tlie 4th of Julyt irkets to be BOld July 3d and itfo. Good to return not later .tlian July 5tli. For th.6 Democratie State Convention at Grand Rapids June 27tn, 28th aaul 2 9 tli. Tickets to be sold June 27th, 28th aaid 29th. Limited to. June 30tli, 1894. W. H. BENNETT, G. P. A. R. S. GREENWOOD, Asent. Try the New Fig Honey. Honey mixed witlx a nice extract of Califoraia figs, etc., make "Honey of Figs," tnO most delicious of all gentle cures ïor Constipatlon, Colds, Fevcrs, Nervousness and Disordered Kidmeys. Callfornians greatly prefer it to simple syrup. Old folks emjoy it and babies love it. The Fig Homey Co., of San Francisco make it. Ño other laxatiTe Is go sootliing ov sella so well. L.arge bottles (50 doses) 50 cents. Trial size 10 cents. In this age oí progress be wise and get tJie best. Eberbach & Son, Agenta for Ann Arbor. Notiee to the People. A"y person knowing of the existence of any nuisance detrimental to public healtn wiil please leave a uotice with tlie City olerfe, or Inwrttlng to any member of the Board o] Healih. Toe nuisance will be iuvestigated and aboüBbed at once. By order of the Board of Health Dit. JOHN KAi'P, Health Olhcer. H. B. Dodsi.kv, Inspector, l'.i.i W. Mooeb, Ass't Inspector. Asj A.RBOH, June 18, 1891. Bept. 10


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier