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Phil. Svlnunaclier vi-hi'd Detroit irii'iuls over SilUiday. Burt Sduimaeher Is taking in the beauties of Zutoey Lake. Mr. aiul Mre. Samuel Ki-ause liave returned home froni Grand Kapids. Mts. Robeit Ball iias been oalled to suuuon by tlie ilaiess of lier ïnother JIrs. Geo. L. 'amhnvarker has been vMting friends iii Pontiaó during tlie week. Col. Rutgers, of Toledo, been visiting frieuds in the city during the week. Miss Graoe Moore is entertaining lier friend Miss Ola Smith, of Indianapolifi, IihI. Miss Beesie Pond went to Flint Saturday to visit relatives and iriends or a lew weeks. Mis. Gustave B&hr 'Mid Miss FleiacJier, of Detroit, were Aan Arbor isiioVs last wiöek. Miss Kate Craimer lelt last Tliurs.ay eveaiing ñor Palmor, Mass., to bü absent tiiiree -weeks. Fire Cammiísiiioer J. E. Harkins, accoonpautea by life iamily, are iu camp at Portage Lake. Judge emd Mr. E. . Ktnne will receive tJieir ïrieaiils at Graoger's Hall au Monday evenfng next. mie Nellle Burliam, of Jackson, U spending a lew days witli her iriend Miss Nina Howlett, of this city. Mis. Kllzabetli ÍEatliboaie atteuded last week's meeting of the Mount einoii Ladtes Association in Wasliingtoii. Mr. and'Mrs. Dr. L. Drake, of Marqueta, a 11 Ib. glrl. Mrs. Brake was known in Ann Arbor as Miss Gwsgg. FrieodB of the Unlversity wU be enteitaiined by tlie Coronieneement Annual on Juue 28. THe invitatiou U general. Geo. Etendrie, of E. Ann St., went to Sagimaw Saturday, tor tíie summer, liaviiug eatered the employ of a íirm in thiat city. 'ilie frfemds of Tred Martty ed iiiira on hls 29 th tartnuay ouluida.y last, aaid liad aa evemi-ng oï song tmid pleasure. Miss Lela Coiieli, who has been visltHig lier aunt, Hra. 'M. C. Peterson, or a few weeks, lias returned home to GarrettsvilUe, 01ik. Airs Tbeda üeardsley, of Howell, is visitiuig lier daugluer, Mrs. E. A. KvLili, lor a few duy, on lier way to Illinois for tlie snimmer. THe aumber of Ann Arbor people who went to the varióos lakes surrouaidiug- the city laait Sunday could not be emumera-tea in this column. ïtictard Keams, oï Detriót, Sundayed_?_wit1li his paree-ts in Ann Arbor. Mr. Mabel K. Pond returned Baturday from a vi-it at her íatlier s hainO in Brancli county. Ti: Ilkliai-a Traver, of Somerset, railadale county, was m the city last week, looking over the old home of bis ehïMhood and youth. He lound many familiar scènes, tmt few familiar faces. Prof. Woodbum, of Indiana L'niversity aad Mrs. Caroline Gelston Woodbnrn wMl epend commencement week iai Ann Arbor wlbli Mrs. burci's pareoits, 55 E. Washington street. Mrs. E. Storrs, oï Chieago, a sister of the late Bnooh and Luther Jame, is vlsitimg her sister Mrs. Elizabeth J. Babsobk. She is expeoting to attend tlie commeneeinent exeroises at tdie Uaiversity. Mrs M. '. Howard of Lansing, moltor oí Hn. Hry B. Baker, of tiiat city, returned home Saturday, aïter a stay of several weeks with Mr. aad Mrs. B. W. Clarksou. Mrs. Howard is öl years of age, and very acuve tor ope oï her years.


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Ann Arbor Courier