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Coal tlils weatlier ! But there are many who would like to have a suppiy- "Holy Ambitlooi" Wlll be tlie topic of tlie sermón next Sunday morning in tlie M. E. church. About next week, or the week following, tlie residences oí ann ar1xr will liave au aH goae look to them. {act tliat cars loaded with coal are agatn to be iseen on the Ann Arbor K. K. Th.O commencemeiit programme at OHvet College closes tliis week ïhursday, tliat being t fae Commeneement Day. Invitatian to be in attemdance is hereby lacknowledgetl. 'lile lecture of Dr. Cobern on "The Alleged Blunders of the Bible," has created eo interest tha-t some oí th.e officials of the church are talUing of haring it (printed and widely cireulated. Accordlng to eome of our prophets of disaster "the greax gittin' up momlin' " is soon to come to all on earth. Some way, tliere comes a faiiat recollectiion of having heard of such a prophecy "before. AVJien i"ose busiies can ub gruwu w reaclx tlue rooi of our houses, what's the use of eon'igratiing to Callfomla ? At O. M. Martin'e residence on S. Fifth avO., is one of that sort, and it is a beauty witli its wealth of bloom. Tliere are mainy onquiring about their taxes, Bupposing that the treasurer has the lxoks. The treasurer ■vill not reeeive the books until the 15 tli of July, and city taxes wil be payablO from that date until AugniKt. 1 ñt.h. Slimmer resorte will be sought after by Aun Arbor people quite as much as ever thie Surnmer, not -vithstamaing tha cry oL nard times. Af■ter 6O many montiis of toü or hard study, a Beason oí rest and quiet is a, neoessity. This is reinarked by the Adrián Press man you know : "An Ann Artor hardware íirm offers bread Unives at half pricO. The average Ann bor bread basket does not slmnk in proporuon, faowever, but plaeirtly awaits tlie out of the bread knlfe." Bmmet Coom, tlie gentleman who inwnted tlie stable Jtoor drain, is greatly eacouragetl over tlie prospecta of Ms iuvention. He recelved during the week orders trom New Jersey, New Orleans, St. Jota's, Nova Scotia, te., a.nd overy mail nearly brings new orders. The brlght and golden futuro, To the kid looks mighty slim, This summer 'tis too fearful hot To either fish or sivim. Thiei-e is to be a pupil's recital, the lost of tlie year, at Frieze Memorial Hall, to morrow eveming. Fiiemds of St. Tilomas' churcH will be rejoiced to learn tliat the conservatory of Music Eecltal netted $265. Tlxo Courier lias been chosen by the auditor-general ito print the tax sales oí Waditeoaw county this yeai'. You will want fchJs year's Comineaement Aimual lor your library. It will t& lometaiiig you will deslíe to keep. A sumime-r school lor languages is to be opeaied on July 9, in tli let ward scaool house, ly Prof. C. Xut■wein. Tiro Coininissioner Jamos E. Harkins ie about adding to tihe iire risks oí the city by building a aew house for liionselí 011 Pelch st. Tlie probabilities are that aiter July lst, tliO drug stores oí the city wül bo cioóed on Bundays, alter 10:30 o'elock a. m. A move ia tie right directioia, and one tiiat ouglit to continue tihe year througli. A divorce lias 'been. granted Anna Galrns írom Joám Cairns, by the circuit court. The grounds were cruelty, anid neglect.' Jack is now serviiig a tliree month' sentence iu tlie Detroit House of Correction. Mre. CSadirms has receiyed many congratulaticns. Bd. Dufïy, tlie wde awake ex-postmaster oí Aam Arbor, by a ïall reoeived injuries tliat housed liim for 10 days. However lie is out again, ajul attending to business at tJie store wliere he is tousy weighing oodfish, and Goimian's cJianoes of re-election. - Adrián Press. Every train tliat leaves the city now-a-days beass With. it a large nuinber of our young men and -vomen who have been liere ior the year pureulng studiee, ond the station agents, ticket Bellere and baggage men all reiaice tliat they lo not all Ieave on the saime day. Ther was a 'gatherJng of the claus ama an. assem my ui ie o " i-". ■- K. R. station yesterday p. m., as the train bearing the Bliriners passed on its way to JacksoDL wliere tlie mysterious rites pertaiaimg lo the Mystic Stariioe were to be workedt hat evening upon soone 30 or move fortúnate pügriins. m of the best and most enjoyable BOCiate ever given by the ladies of St. AnöreWs parish, took place at Harria Hall on Thursday erening of last week, beiixg under tlie supervisión oí Mrs. Chas. S. MiOleii. There was aa amateur theatrlcal entertainment following whifth added greatly tothe attractioui and was a perfect eess. ThO Washtemaw County Horticultura! Society will meet next Saturday Jume 23d, at 2 o'olock p. m., at tlie court house in the supervisores room. Discussioa wiU be on the strawberry and ottoer email fraits. Fruit pi-ospeots will e reported upon. Those' having strawberries and elierries are requested to brhig iu samples Jor display. The special edltiom of the Michigan .Farmer devoted to Hay, ts a valuadle one, just at tnis particular season. ThO articles contained fchereln, one befcng by Hou. Wta. Ball, of Hamburg, give tho experieiv.e of practical men -svlio kmow whfl-t they are talkiug about, and no man is so well posted but what he may gather f re-h aiul useful ideas fronit he maaiy so well expressed therein. The liour lor holding evening services at St. Andi-eWs etawch has been t-.hangecl Jrom .7:30 p. m., to 6:45 p. m. ior tihe lammer momths. The service ,will consist of evening prayer without i--ermm. Thte hour has been fixeil upon in tlie hope of avokling the heat of the day whieh a 4 or 5 o'clock service might meet wlth, aad suifk-iwitly early to avoid the lighting of ttoe gas in the church. The Board of Review is in ession bhis week, and. citizens feeling aggrieved over taeir assessments nave poured thedr taüiB of wo& into th.e ears of the miid and gentle gentlemen in whose koeping the rolls placed. As a general ihing perfect satisfaction has been expressed at tlie figures placed upon books of Assessor O'Hearn. Tllie last day of thO sessiou wül le toedd tooiorro'w. An immense crowd of Maccabees celebrated at Bawbeese lake last Mnday. Congressman Aitkin inade a speech, oa the U. S. Time, Jlajor Boynton spoke and Uve. Hollister and Miss Bmma Boi1 oaoh. gave an addTOss and t,he talking actually was fini-lied before 10 o'elock in tlie evenimiK. A Detroit paper mentions in tliis eomiection that tliere were other sports. Probably Geo. KnJckerboc-ker, Col. Marcli, and. üncle Mosher ■vei-e tbere. - Adriain. Press. To monwv tlie deraocracy of tliis county, Vy ts accredited delegates, ■will asseanble Ia convent ion at tlie court house, amd iiold a consolation meeting. 'Tliere -w-ill probably not be 'as mucih. strife liere as tliere was at Port Hurom, and other places, and the presencie of the state troops will mot be meoessary to maintain order and protect life. There will be appareint liarmony, but it will be of the Mnd that goes about with keen eyes and right hand in pistol pocket ready lor an offenslve word or act. The deonand for residences is reported by real estáte agencies to be greater that ever befare knowu. Tliis deiniand comes almost enureij irum strangers wlio desire to move in liere and edúcate tliiir children. A triend suggeets thiat the Aim Arbor School of Music lias been a drawing card In tliis respect, as he knows ot two or tlu-ee íamilics, at least, who have come hiere lor tliat solé purpose, and t,hiat Ann Arbor is bound to be a gre-at musical center, even iï Detroit does object. Jlrs. Chas. D. Bimgham, living on !ï. Main st., died ,Tuesday morning, oí Mood poisraing By her death a husband is lelt witih. íive ohildren, the eidest about ten, years of age, the youmgest an tnfant. It is indeed a sorrowful chapter in life's book. This etory is goimg the rounds as a true iStory. Tliere may be some wiho will doubt it, but doubt ers are always to be found : A fatnily down in Florida lost taeir child. They adYertlsed in a cnewspaper. Tlie next morning tliey -vrore surprieed to see au alligator on tlieir door step, -vhere lie had disgorged the lost child alive ■aaid tihen turned up bis toes htmselí. They soM the alligator hide for $5, and tlie parents are esMblting the c-Jiild 'm dime museums ior $50 per week. ïliis illustrates the valué oí advertising. Marshal BaiiMeld has been after the keepers of pig pens during the week. Our preseint marshal has the admirable íaculty of doiog hls duty, no matter -wlio rtan.ds in the way or wlxere duty ieads him. He bolieves that la-ws -were made for some puipose aind as loog as they are on the statute books they should be lived up to. If we have laws the enforeement of ■wihich are mot for the public good, then by all meaas let t hem be repealed. The truth is, most of our laws are intended to benefit the people ín t;encr.-il and tlitór enforcement is in lidie of the public welfare. Sunday's Chicago Times liad interviews trom Bil over Michigan on the popular clioice of Senators. Among republicains it Beemed pretty unanimous for the renomina-tiou oi McM:llan and Patton, the democrats altliough ïrankly sayaag tney uiu bui expect to win t.liis year, yet II they should, prefer Diekinson and Campan, Aun Arbor's interviews were trom Moses Seabolt, J. F. Scliuh, Edward Dulfy, Win. J. 'Miller, Fred Howlett, Jas. R. BacJi, S. W. Beakes. F. C. Browin, L. D. WLnes, J. E. Beal, O. M. Martin, C. 'E. Htecock, H. S. Dean aad Gea. W. Bullís. Tliere is a great strife between Supertvsors Joba K. Miner and Evart H. Seott as to wihich eme will receive tlie prize offered by the menibers of the Board of Review for the chainpion story teller. Up to date Mr. Miiner is a trille aliead, but Mr. Scott is expected to close ,the session with eome elejrallt ïed-headed rattlers. At a meeting of tJhe vesfcry of St. Andrew's church, held last evening, tJie íollowiaig regular delegates were ohoeem for the year to attend the conxvcatdoiis of tliis district of Protestant Episcopal church : Messrs. H. J. Browin, Edward Treadwell and Geo. H. Pond. Altérnate- ex-Mayor B. II. Thompson, Prof. C. S. Denison and T'roi. Geo. "W". Patterson. Teaeher's Examination. Date for the examinations are as follows at Ann Arbor : Speciai, second Friday of March, 189i. Regular, last Thursday and Friday of March and August. Special, last Friday in April. Special, last Friday in August. Special, last Friday in September. First and second grade certificates granted only at the regular examinations. M. J. CAVANAXJOH, County Com. of Schools. Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, 1894. Garfield Tea Wh Cures Qonstipatíon CLOSiNG OUT SALE of MILLINERY GOODS. Entire stoek at greatly redueed priees. Must be disposed of tay July.l at a great saeriflee. H. RAND ALL. NEW MEAT MARKET. Send the girl or boy with your order, and rest assured that the quality and weights will be the same as iL you carne yourself. . I carry in stock everything found m a FIRST'CLASS Meat Market And buy only the best stock. I am better prepared than ever to upply my customers in my new market J. F. HOELZLE, Cor. Washington and Fourth. Phoue 705 105-83 SAFETY DEPDSIT BOXES TO KENT, In the New Vaults of tbe in n urn m. Absolutely Fire and Burglar Proof. CALL AND INSPECT THEM ■iril Ilin Iliniiril Can obtain ple'asMfW JIN I W MrN aut aud profftable lllLll flUU II U III L 11 work by addressing the C'ONiREXviLi.E Mfg. Co., Manville, K I , mfgrs. of Normandie Plushes. Send 12 cents for samples, particulars, and secure agency. Mention this paper. Nerve jfe. Blood iV mLbFK9A9 pain pb let. 5 íor s.50. j H-T.


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Ann Arbor Courier