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Call For The Republican State Convention

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The rspnblican electora or the State of Michigan, and all otbers who muy desire to imite svith thein In upholding the principies of the repubtican party, is declared in the platform adopted by tlie lust natlonal republican ponventlon, are hei'eby leqaested to send delegates to the uta te conveotion of sald party, tobe huid at, Hartmau Hall, In the city of Grand Bapid, beglnnlnR ai 10 o'olock a. ra., Taesday, July Sist. 1894, for the pnrpose of nomlDatiog candida tes for state cfflceis, the election of a clialrman of tlie repúblicas state central eommlttee, and two members of that cornmittee trom each i gressional district, and for the transaotton of snch other business as usually comes before the convention. Every couniy will be en titled to one delégate for each 5U0 of the total vote cast for governor ac the last election (November, 1892), and to one additicnal delégate for every fraotion amountlng to 800. bnt each organized county will be entitled to at least two delegates. Under the resolation of 1853. no delégate will be entitled to ii seat in the convention whodoes not reside in the county he proposes to represent. The delegates from each eongressional district are reqnested to meet in caucns at 9 o'clock on tlie morninü of theday of vention to select eandidates t) be presen teü to the slate eouvention lor eonfirmation. as follows: One vice-president, one assistant secretary, one member each of the committees on " credentlals," "permanent orfsanization and order of business," and "resolutions," and two members of the sta'e central coramtctee, and for the transactlon of such other business as may properly come befóle tl-.oni. In accordance with a resolution, adopted June 23, 1870. the secrelary of each county convention is reqiiesled to forward to tlje secrelavy of the state central committee, No. 1, Newberry Building. Detroit, Mich., by the earliest mail, after the delegales to the state eouvention have been cnosen. a certifled list Of the delegates from their respective countrits, who are enlitled to seats in the convention. Wasbtenaw county is entitled to 21 delégales. Tipnnhtii'ïin stilfp pntl'jll colli Tnittep. JAME McMILLAN, Seeretary. Chalrman.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier