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The First Boom For '94

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Tli tórst politieal convention held íb tlvs oounty for ithe coming campaïgri ■was indiilucd in by tlie demócrata 'Ilmisday oí lust wefe. It wae called to ordr by Jas. R. Bnc.h, chairman oï the eoumíy fonuuitiec and Síavcus Tuüus Woodrufí, of Tpsilnnti, was made ohnivman. and Martin .T. CavarniR-li. of Aun Arbor, secretary. The commiltees were appo:nted: C'.cdmtinl-- Thos. D. Eearney, M. J. GaTamaugih. Jacob Knapp. Peimnnent organ'.zation and ordpr )í 1 usánees- Xacob F. Pchnh, .T. M. Forsythe, F. Etaer Jt'lls. i: 'MilutionP - ? Then. carne the rece-s uatól 2:00 o'elnck. Upon the usual routine wns pone tlirough -witli. Koíiiii"y of 1 lio crcdentials mittee read a list ol ñames of trates Htitleil to Beats in the convention, but -ihen it carne to roll cali t.hO fact presented itself that alarge nuimber of tbem did not take ndvantag-e of tlielr rights. Several towiis liad 010 repi"e.sntatives presenl", a tliáig alnio-t iniheaird of in a "Washtenaw conuty democratie conventioais. Tlio tempor ary ofiicers were made permanent, :ml Cliairman Woodruïi availed himself of the opportune opport unit y ito make alittle speech, iu wtolch he claimed to believe that the on idciire dieplayed ly our ropublican friends that they -voukl cari-y "Washtena-w county tluis fall, had no foundation, that the demoerats were as numerous and as entliusiastfc as they ever vrere, and that was lovely tbe ill ouwns in the air. Kut KO':ne way liis words hiad a mouraful i-ound, not l'.ke unto the war whoop of ionmer days. The first Lusinos was the election oí a cliairman oí the county committee ly ballot. On motdon of Mr .Vt'hkman a b;;l:ot was ordered and resulted as ïoüow.s : Arthur Brown ■■ o0 las. K.'Hach } F. Elmer Mills racob l-'.scliuli 10 Win. .1. Miller S Krank P. Bogardus ö William G. uoty J Charles Dwyer ] Total 123 out of a posslble 221 Mr. "VA'hiuur.n -,li: n moved, after Mv. Bacli nrt Mr. Mills had each posiii-ily declined, to elect tdiat active and excellent young democrat, CJounty Glerk Artluir Ei-own, whotn he aesured the coviitd-ou would accept the rosi-tiom.. Ihe motion prevailed. Mr. WMtunan tlun moved that the rtdES mi.-] '11(10(1, and that another activo yomag deimocrat Jlr .John Xi. D-ufl'y, be Cthosen eecretary. This motion al-o pifxailed. The order of business eommlttee t.hoi'.ght to pat the county Oetegates on tlie back by introduclng m Innovaron in tíie way oí electing delegates. ïhe cwmty was ilivided iuto d'.suits. each une o! vrhlch was eniiil'd ibo ft ck'k'gute. Tlius prevent ing ilie hog act oí Aun and YpadHanti jioiitioians. It worked well nmil it carne to tlie towiis that liad no delegiates present, wh.en the atteanpt was made to run. in some Anu Arbor poüdticians. Capt. C. H. Manly clianipioned 1110 cause of tho atoenit d légate, and backed by I!on. CSlias. R. V'hitman, suc-ceeded ia Bh,uttlng oui Ann Arbor nun. The delegates eleeted were : Axx Arboe:- First Ward- James Kearns. Second Ward- Dr. John Kap. Third Ward- W. II. Mclntíre. Fouvth Ward- ( harles R. Whltr Fifth and Sixth Ward- Edward Dufly. Pittsfleld and Ana Arbor Town- Paul G. Augusta- F. J. Hammond Bridgewater and Lodi i ol. E. 1. Fenn. aron- Wra. B. Oaborn. Manchester- A. I!. English. .- ... i a .1 [ .....: ll'xk r .... iHiil n Fin fTv 1 Oí LIMH. Hl il' UI " OUOliC - J. """ i-' '.' . Sj Ivan - Louis K Saline- E. W. Wallace. Salem nul Superior- John W. Nanry. Vork- George i'oe. Solo -Emll E.Quish. Lima, Lyndon and Dexter-Jas. II. luylor. Ypsllauti Town mul Fourth Ward- Wm. l. YpsilantI City- Marou8 Tullua Woodrufl, É1. , rdus, J.P. Kirk and John Tunis. Tlils, you wül obsevve, foots up 22 üelt ííate-, wil-ii m!y 21 aio called ior in ihc cali. Mr. Campball, oí Aun Arbor, introduced a resolutioii requesting tlie eg-ates to the state convention to use all honorable means to secure the nom'naUon of Frank Howard of th's city, i.'or state treasurer, whieh was carrieil wit.h oaily ome discenting vote The iolowing resolution was elrculatcd by B vlsiting delégate from the di nio-i alie fraternal annex known as the Pioliibiüoii party, Mr. A. 0. Crozier : ; That the present business depresslon Is the natural fruit oí the scttled pollcy of the Ki'publiciui partv for 30 years. It i's theiefore. the pntriotic duty of uil otber purui all good cltizens to imite at the ballot box to prevent the return of that party to power and to put the government, national, and municipal, on a policy of justice to all classes of citizens." But ior fome reason, beet known to Mr. Wüiitiman and ollier leaders present, it was not even introdueed. Every motdom that carried save two was ánade by Mr. Wlútman, so that tliK1 impreeeiofli wlii?h is quite prevacnt that it wa.s a Whitman conventio'ii, iias excellent grounds on which to stand.


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Ann Arbor Courier