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A Valuable Business

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Th 'ir ii i b u -Mi-: i ■ I on n liis city sinoe 1869, a quief business h ;t has I acted ilttle atl n1 on buá .-ir the saine time b ea ve?y H".ierj,tive. We refer to 'the port i 1 ■ i iibb.'r bath tubs, manu nctu i d by E. J. KnowT.on. To .uve íun il-ei o; vhe lxi in -, Mr. Kiuiwium's books show that he ha M:d in ili:ii time about 40,000 oí these tutos. At flrst Mr. Knowdton oanvasseJ iici-.-du il'y, eelling ihe baths, work in.í up agenta an.l sasu.-ing resoimni ni-, 11.. vas ve -y SUTCSSS.'ul, but after a tañe lie was obliged to rellnquash thie work beeiu-e o! faütag he.-iliii. ,mi1 oí late tfears Bales havé been e.íec.e 1 throjgh .advertlsing and by ictaliüj.-. As a natural con.sequenioe imder tibie system the sales liac decreased omewiial og ilie past íew years., About íivu years ago, after á'Müigi a researcib.) Mr. Kuowv.on made ;ui importaoit fltsoovéry. 1-. betag jio less tliaai a jiriji uábion whih can be appjied to caavas clotb or otlier goods oí like tcxiure, maklmg it absolutely ianp.i rvioua to water. No better evidi u:-c o1 iiN can be desired than the statement oï Mr. Üttmar Eberbadi, tne weül-known chemdjst of ;his city, y:1k mi! ni u a sainpllee oí cloth prepared by Mr. Kiioivlton, to severe teste. He iminiersed some of the ctotih so piepareil iu strong Chemicals aillomaigtliem to remain Jh-erein írom fo-uv to sbc -n-eeks. Oi the test he says : "After maceraton ior that time tJie aampies were taken out, worked, wrliikled, and rubbtd, then dried and worbed again and wrlnkled 1 1 1 ■ I upoñ examinati n were found perieotly an 1 well coated, leaving tlieim perieotly elai-tic, aoid not in the least, oven after the lapee oí severa! mornths. There are quite a ammber of tliese baths in the city wli i-h Jiave iilo:)d the test oí actual and constant use without showing more tliaai oidnaiy decadenee there trom. Thiis preparatioji has been patented by Mr. Knowlton. He i'inds that it is a wöBiderlul aid in manuïacturIng latli tubs. Those fonmeriy suld tor $25, beáng juade oí first-dass rubber, can now be aold lor probably $10 wiitJi quibe good a piroilt to the manufacturer. It As uiiiortunite that Mr. Knuwiton, tdnoug-li tlie accuanulat.ion of years aaid impairment oï health, will be uaiable to Jtandle thiis valuable invemtiooi or disoovery of kis, and so keep ,it -sMhere Ann Arbor will rei-eive the benefit. He is now considering olfers from ddqferent parties to diipoe of liie rights and patents. The bath tub, a js weíl known, s portable, wlth inexpensive i'ixtures, and ïree trom tin; plumb'ing expendes of statAomiary bath roooms. It U adaptable to niany ciianges. Altliough the people of this eity luave Been little of the jasfc success oL tliis fnterprise, nevertheless it has been a jgood thmg ïor the eity, and with anytMng üike good times a company eould readily be formed here to engage in the manufacture and eale of tJiese most excellent artticles, indi penea-We to every iionie in the laúd. ïo tiliow the iaich of same oí our oiUzean in Ui: invention, the pateaits tor three fore'gn countries have lieen already purcha-ed by home partles. The inveniion j.s vaïuable not lonly ïoor the inanuiacture of bath tubs, but tor preparinii waterproof cloïli, anaki'iiig iio.:-e or coverings to pnoiect Jirom water. The Courier regrets that is is altogetlier probable ithatthe bath tub business and tho Taluable discovery of Mr. Knowlton bot.h will probably oon be purcliased by foreign compaonies atnd bo pass out of Ann Arbor hands. , Hood's Pilis are purely vegetable, perfectly lianmless, ttlways rel'able asid beneík-i il. Hood's Pilis cure contipa.tion by restoriiio; peristaltic action oï the alinwntary canal.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier