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Rate.s of (me fare for tlir round trip will be made for tlie followïn-, over the T.,,A. A. & N. M. Ry : For tlie 4tli of Julyt ic-kets to be SOM July 3d and 4tli. Good to return not later titan Ju!y 5th. For ths Denioc-ratic State Convent-o:! at Grand Itnpids June 27tli, 28th awl 29 li. Tickets to be sold June 27th, 2Sth and 20th. Limited to June 30th, 1894. W. II . BENXETT, _______ AThe Oueen and Crescent Route. Invites inquiries in regard to Siunmer Resorts on its line in the picturesque tmountains of Kentucky, Tennesee nnd Alabama. Tlie line pas eaear famous battlefiel'ls at Mili Springe, M's ion Ridge, Oiickamauga aind Xookout Mountadn. They are yurrouinded by cinarmraag sunimer resttog places vit Burnskle, Cumberland FaUrs, High. Bridge, Rugby, Iïhe-i Spring:?., Lookout Moumtaln, Springvllle. Ala., arad otlier points.; Lotv railraod rates - Charminii moumtaln homes- Perfect rest nnd quiet. We invite correspondencp, cheerfully jivina; the m'orimation deslred, for the purpose of havhii? you arrange to spend your nummer reireation on our line. W. C. Rnearson, G. P. A., Cinclnnati. A Grand Feature. Of Ho-od's Sarsapai-iilla is that while it puil.ies the blood and sends it coursing through the veins full of rislmes.s and health, It also imparts new Ufe and vigor to every funotion of the body. Henee the expression ïo often heard : "Hood's Sarsaparüla. made .a nev person of me." It overcoines tlva-t tired feeliontg so comnioa now. Strike .while the iron's hot - Blacksmitih's. Agaiuist the wil] - Contents. BABY ONE SOUP RED Idterally on Flre with Eczema. Screamlng and Clawlng all the Time. Added to tliis were Abscesses and Suppuratlon. Entlrely Cured by Cuticura. Now Stout and Ileurty. Our little baby, almost 2J years old, was taken with some forin of Eczema when she ■was about tliree uionths old. Her little body was one solid red froin the v soles of her feet to the crown éÉfKsL&Ê& of ''er head.and she seemed Al%L& to be literally añre, screaniing ;Ju! V and clawing all the time. S3D . E When she "was about live 75 S Ss months old, there was addetl W - T toheramiction,abscessesand j 2 suppuration. We tried the rfV y local M. D.'s, and some other ,. TT"ij' remedies without any relief. "ii-jLiaLtt ' I had read considerableabout theC'UTicuRA Remedies, and one of our neighbors had used theni, claiminc i tbat they were as good as claimed. I concluded to try tliem.and after the use of three or four boxes of Cuticura, and about one and one-half bottles of the Cuticuka Eesolvent, withthe Cuticura Soap, our little one is now entirely cured, and is stout and heartv. Your Ccticura Remedies are all and more than vou claim them to be. I always have a jood word to ray f rienda and neighbors for your excellent remedies. C. H.' WOUD, White Cloud, Mo. CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS Nothing can be more encouragine to discouraged parents than the remarkable cures daily effected among infants and children by the Cuticura Remedies. Cures in childhood mean a lifetime of freedom from torturing, disliguring, humiliating humors. Sold throughont the world. Price, Cüticuka, 60c; Soap, 25c. ; Resolvent, $1. Potter Drug and Cuem. Corp., Sole Proprietore, Boston. !& " How to Cure Skin Diseasee," mailed free. n IMPLES, blackheads, red, rough, chapped, and I llfl oily kin cured by Cuticura Soap. M.M IT ST0PS THE PAINiF Back ache, kidney pains, weakness, HnlCrheumatism, and muscular pains reiJBl; lieved in one minute by the CutlI mm Vcurn Auti-Pain Piaster. 25c. mSHM "n UülREDi but The PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwiR g ve instant rnlief. 25c and 50c Slzes. Sample lua l?i free. At clmggit9 or mailed on receipt of pnc-" byThe Peerless Remedy Co. f Gobleville, Mich NEW MEAT MARKET. Send the girl or boy with your order, and rest assured tbat the quality and weights will be the same as if you caine yourself. I carry in stock everything found in a FIRST-CLASS Meat Market And buy only the best stock. I am better prepared than ever to np ply my customers in my new market J. F. HOELZLE, Cor. Washington and Fourth. Phone 705 105-83 CLOSING OUT SALE of MÍLLINERY GOODS. Entire stock at greatly pedueed priees. Must be disposed of by July.l at a great saerifiee. H. RAND ALL.


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