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On the 18th the senate entered on the twelfth week of the tariff debate. The paper and book and miscellaneous schedules of the bill were completed. Senator Hill failed in an attempt to have coal and coke placed on the f ree Hst In the house the deficiency bill (4,890,593) was reported and the anti-optlon bill was discussed. NüMEHous changes were made in the free list of the tariff bill by the senate on the 19th, iron ore. meats, lard and quicksilver being among the artlcles on which a duty was placed In the house the bill to pension widows whose names were taken from the rolls because they had remarried and whoso second husbands have died or been divorced was favorably reported. The anti-option bill ■was further discussed. ON the 20th the tarift bill was further discussed in the senate and it was voted to put logs and lumber, including dressed luinber, on the free list In the house Mr. Crain (Tex.) íntroduced a bill to place on the free list all products controlled by trusts. The anti-option bill was further considered. In the senate the income tax feature of the tariff bill was discussed on the 21st, Senator Hiii (M. Y. ) speaking againsi the measure in vigorous terms In the house several billa and resolutions were passed and the anti option bill was further considered. On the 2?d bilis were passed in the senate to incorpórate the supreme lodge of the Knights of Pythias and making the flrst Monday in September of each year (Labor day) a legal holiday. The tariff bill was discussed In the house the anti-option bill was passed by a vote of 149 to 87 and the general detlciency appropriation bill was taken up. DOMEST1C. . On the Waltha-m (Mass.) track John S. Johnson rode a mile on a bicycle in 2:03 8-5, breaking all previons records. Emma and Dora French and Fanny Carpenter, all under 10 years of age, were drowned by the capsizing of a boat near St. Joseph, Mo. Coal operators in the Spring-fleld (111.) district refused to pay the scale agreed on by the miners. Fifty Coxeyites, all that remaiu of the army of 1,300 which left Denver two weeks ag'ofor Washington, started down the Platte river frorn Julesburg, Col., in boats. The Missouri river was rising rapidlyand at Sioux City and Kansas City hundreds of acres were iuundated. Five men were severely injured and nine valuable raco horses killed in a wreek on the Wiseonsin Central road at Stillman Valley, 111. The expedition for the relief of Lieut. Peary, under command of Henry G. Bryant, left Philadelphia. A big crowd and a brass band welcomed Coxey, of commonweal fame. on his return to Massillon, O. lie proposes to make a lecture tour. About 15,000 of the 20,000 idle miners in Penns3'lvania resumed work. Thk West Virginia miners generally were return ing1 to work, but the Alabama miners at a mass meeting decided to continue the strike. Crazed with grief at the death of his wife, James P. Forshay, of New York, shot and killed his son Walter, aged 12, and then ended his own life with a bullet. A cloudburst which broke over the Turtle Creek valle3' near Braddock, Pa., destroyed growing crops, hurled houses from their foundations and killed three persons. 'The Travelers' Protective association met in fifth annual convention at Milwaukee. A boiler in a sawmill at Pleasant Gap, Pa., exploded, killing Nelson Büger, one of the proprietors, and fatally injuring Herbert Bilger. A convention at Nashville decided to hold an exposition in 1896 to celébrate the centennial of Tennessee's statehood. In the Ohio miners' convention at Columbus National President McBride charged State President Adams with treason, and the latter retorted by saying McBride had sold out to the operators. James B. Seward and wife were thrown from their carriage at Raymond, 111., and both were killed. The Farmers' Alliance was said to have determined to enter the combination made by the Knights of Labor and the American Eailvvay union. More than 100 members of Sander's commonweal armj' were given fines and jail sentences by Judge Thomas, of Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Henry Batton and William Choate were killed by lightning at Lafayette, Tenn. Op the 466,960 males over 21 years of age in Chicago the names of 280,711 do not appear on the iists of registered voters. A cyclone passed 8 miles west of j Fort Dodge, Ia., destroying barns and a number of farmhouses. The towns ! of Collendar and Moorland were badly wrecked, and a farmer named Goddard was killed. The state supreme court at Jefferson City, Mo., decided that a failing flrm may prefer creditors. Portions of New Jersey suffered severely from rain and wind and five persons were killed by lightning. The American Railway union by a vote of 112 to 100 excluded colored men from membership. Chicago was selected as the union's headquarters. A cyclone near Bangor, S. D., demolished fourteen houses and killed the little child of John Samfelt. The wife and child of William Bender were drowned near Brookville, Ind. A cloudburst carried away a bridge on which they were standing. Carrier pigeons made the distance between Milán, Mo., and Chicago (310 miles) in three hours. More than 2,000 men were engaged in the ore miners' strike in Michigan and the movement was constantly growing. Fifty men were imprisoned in a burning mine at Lewisburg, Ala., and four of them were suffocated. The gold reserve in the treasury at Washington was down to 864,703 047, the lowéet in its history. A band ol wnite caps, eomposed ol the leading farmers of Masou county, W. Va., captured Archie, Bert and Wilbur Haines, three colored desperadoes who had been terrorizing that vicinity, and strung them up to a tree. Clara Newton and Maude Madison, each aged 17 and of prominent families, were drowned in the river at I Anoka, Minn., while bathing. Fourteen houses were struck by lightning during a storm at Brazil, Ind., and several persons were badly injured. The Eckington hotel in the suburbs of Washington, the temporary home of many congressmen, was totally destroyed by fire, the loss being 8100,000 Düdleï Fostek, aged 17 years, wha had the reputation of being the smallest man in the world, being 80 inches tall and weighing twenty pounds, died at Bridgetown, N. S. Eight men were indicted at Brazil, Ind., for the murder of Engineer Barr during the miners' strike. E. C. Knappe, bookkeeper of the Chieopee national bank at Springfleld, Mass., confessed to embezzling 825,000. Mrs. Johx Nelsox and Mrs. William Paasta took their own lives at Plymouth. Wis. Ko cause was known. The Black Hills national bank oi Rapid City, S. D., closed its doors. The twenty-fifth annual reunión oi the Army of the Potomac was held at Concord, N. H., and Gen. A. S. Webb, of New York, was elected president. A cyclone swept over the country a mile west of Boonevüle, Mo., unroofing houses, blowing down trees and fenees and causing great damage ta crops. Coi.gatïï university celebrated its sevent3'-fifth annual commencement at Utica, N. Y. Dn. Gustavus Droi.shagen and hia wife were murdered by an assassin who entered their home at Lawtry, Fia., while they were sleeping and crushed their skulls with au ax. Extensive floods were raging in New Mexico and western Texas, doing immense damage. Violeht storms swept over Iowa, Minnesota and portions of Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana, doing mucta damage. Six persons were killed b.y lig-htning. WHXIA.M W' (colored) was hanged in the penitentiary at Columbus, O., for the murder of Alian W'ilson in Greene county. Thomas Kase, the rejected lover ol Mamie Quigley, of Philadelphia, killed her and then committed suicide. The wife and three children oi Benito García were drowned near Brownsville, Tex., by the upsetting oi a boat. The exchanges at the leading clearing houses in the United States during the week ended on the 32d aggregated 8847,978,101, against 8852,863,697, the previous week. The decrease, compared with the corresponding week in 1893, was 18 0. One of Armour & Co."s warehousesat the stock yards in Chicago wasburned, the loss being $100.000. There were 214 business failures in the United States in the seven days endedon the22d, against 232 the week previous and 273 in the corresponding time in 1893. Henry and Andrew Lear, aged 13 and 10 respectivel}-, were drowned at Pittsburgh. Pa. Henry lost his life trying to save his brother. Diphtheria was ranging in Brown county, Ind., and six children in the family of Georgp. Peters, at Mount Zion, died of the disease. Haery and Frank Eice, 10-year-old twins, were drowned in Hoover's lake near Lima. O. The supreme court at Columbus, O., declared the cigarrette tax law constitutional. Henry Capus, a negro who attempted to assault three young ladies at Magnolia, Ark., was swung to a limb by a mob and his body riddled with bullets. and Fanny Levy, aged 16 and 14 years respectively, were given tickets from Chicago to New York, three dollars in money and started to Russia by their father. Dují's review of trade says merchanta are disappointed that the end of the strikes has not brought better busi ness. Wii.i.iam Dukbar, aged 16, was drowned at McCausland, Ia., and William Triton, while trying to save him, also lost his life. Union stockyards officials at Sioux City, are accused of stealing 8900,000 by the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Trust company. During the past fiscal year the value of bullion coined at Denver was 83,240,000, of which 83,220,000 was gold, the remainder being silver. This is a gain over the fiscal year of 1893 of $1,830,000. The Commercial Travelers' Protective association in session at Milwaukee elected John A. Lee, of St. Louis, as president. Pullman cars will be boycotted by the American Bailway union, beginning June 26, unless a compromise is effected in the Chicago strike. Mus. Lizzie Hali.iday, convicted of the murder of Mrs. McQuillanin Monticello, N. Y., was sentenced to death by electricity early in August. Eev. Charles Wakmkkssle.oí Shamokin, Pa., committed suicide, and at the same hour his nephew was killed by a train of cars. Gkadl'ates of the Nebraska state blind institute refuse to leave the asylum, claiming they are entitled to maintcnance. Ghkat damage was done by an overflow of the Arkausas river, and Wichita, Kan., was almost under wster. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. John W. Easby, U. S. N., retired, died in Washington, aged 75 years Congressional nominations were made as follows: Illinois, Twenty-first district, Edward J. Murphy (rep.). Ohio, Ninth district, J. H. Southard (rep.). Georgia, Eleventh district, H. G. Turner (dein.). Kentucky, Fifth district, Wal ter Evans (rep.). Texas, Fifth district, Eev. U. M. Browder (pop.) The Michigan republicans will hold their state convention at Grand Eapids I on Julv 31. Morbis M. Estee, of Napa, was inated for governor by the republicans in convention at Sacramento, Cal. The platform indorses the McKinley tariff, denounces the repeal oí the federal election law and the administration's Hawaiian policy, condemns the Wilson bilí as a sectional measure and a corrupt surrender to trusts, and favors the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio oi 16 to 1. Bishop W. Pbbkiss died suddenly in Washington, aged 53 j'ears. Mr. Perkins was a meinber of the Fortyeight, Forty-ninth, Fiftieth and FiftyArst congresses, and on Januaay 1, 1892, was appointed United States senator to fill the vacancy caused b" the dcath of Preston B. Plumb. In convention at Montpelier the Vermont republieans nominated ü. A. Woodbury for governo:-. The following congressional nomlnations were made: California, Second district, G. L. Johnson (rep.); Third, Sü. Hilborn (rep.); Sixth, James McLuckin (rep.). Texas, Seventh district, Isaac N. Barber (pop.); Thirteenth, D. B. Gilliland (pop.). Indiana, Thirteenth district, J. W. Forrest (pop.). Ohio, Eleventh district, L. J. Fenton (rep.) renominated; Nineteenth, S. A. Northway (rep. ) renominated. Iowa, Eleventh district, Georga D. Perkins (rep.) renominated. ' Cybus P. Lelaxd, auditor of the Lake Shore railroad and associated vvith the line for thirty-four years, died at his home in Cleveland. Congressional nominations were made as follows: Illinois, Twentieth district, J. R. Williams (dem.) renominated; Twentieth, Orlando Burrell (rep.). Indiana, Eleventh district, A. M. Benson (pop.); Twelfth, J. E. Graham (pro.). Ohio, Fourteenth district, W. b. Kerr (rep.); Fifteenth, II. C. Van Voorhis (rep.) renominated. Iowa, Seventh district, J. H. Barcroft (industrial.) John F. Dkzendokff, ex-member ol congress from Norfolk, Va., died at bis i home there, aged 60 years. In convention a,t Waco the Texas populists nominated a state ticket with Judg-e Nugent for governor. Alfked P. Burbank, the lecturer ! and réciter, died at his home in New York of eonsuuaption, aged 43 3'eai's. FOREIGN. Forty-fiyk passengers were drowne l by the sinking of a boat on the Xliver Jek in Russia. Ubought in the province of Eutre Rios, Argentina, has killed 200,000 head of cattle, 150,000 sheep and 20,000 horses, the whole being valued at ïö,- 000.000. The schooner Rose was sunk in a collision with an iceberg off the Isewfoundland eoast and twelve of her crew were drowned. The sealing schooner Unga f oundered ofE the Japan coast during a storm, its crew of ten men perishing. The damage by iloods in Ilungary amounts to 00,000,000 florins. Maay of the largest estates in the kingdona were devastated and thousands of honses destroyed. Fire in London destroyed a mimber of factories and other buildings, the total loss being $1,000,000. Arthur Zimmkrmax. the American rider, won the international bicyele race at Florence, Italy. liarry Wheeler, the othcr American rider, was second. Earth(juakes in Japan killed many i nativos at Yokohama and Tokio and destroyed much property. lx a battle between Spanish troops j and Mussulmans on one of the. Philippine islands 100 of the latter wera killed. LATER. In the United States senate on the 23d several amendments to the tariff bill offered by Senator Hill looking to a reduction of the limit of taxable incomes were voted down. Senator Allison introduced an amendment to increase the tax on retail liquor dealers from S25 to 850 and on wholesale dealers from 100 to 8200, but no action was taken. In the house the deficiency appr jpriation bill was further discussed. Four little boys were drowned while bathing in the Delaware river at Camden, N. J. M. Sadi-Carnot. president of France, was stabbed by Cesare Giovanni Santo, a young Italian anarchist, while in his carriage on the way to a Lyons theater and died soon after. The president was visiting Lyons in connection with the international exhibition. The assassin would give no reason for the deed. Eobert Tucker, the oldest negro in Indian territory, died at the age of 113 years. Ax ele ctric launch was caught in a squall on Lake St. Clair, near Detroit, and capsized, and three persons were drowned. By an explosión in a colHery near l'ort-y-Pi idd, Wales, 250 miners lost their lives. Col. S. H. Boyd, minister to Siam and ex-congressman, died at a fishing resort near Sprintrfield, Mo., where he had gone for his health. Off Hay Kidge, N. Y., a yacht capsized and five persons lost their lives. A 2-year-old girl was the only survivor. At Fron-'s Crossing, Ky., J. P. Maddox and Mrs. Lewis Maddox and her two children were killed by a railroad train. J. Frank Aldrich was renominated for congress by the republicans of the First Illinois district. Makiktta Ai.bani. the greatest contralto sinter of the century, died in Paris. She was the wife of Count Pepoio. Fredkrick Bahr, of New Brunswick, X. .1., killed his wife and then hiniself. He is believed to have been insane. Mrs. John Freeze, living near Joliet, 111., gave birth to quadruplets - two girls and two boys. The percentages of the baseball clubs in the national league for the week ended on the 23d were: Baltimore, .739; Boston, .654; Pittsburgh, .60S; Brooklyn, .604; Philadelphia, .596; Cleveland, .587; New York, .540; St. Louis, .442; Cincinnati, .388; Chicago, .320; Washington, 814; Louisville. .840.


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