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The Thirty-fifth

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Friday was ti day notcd ior üs absence of frigidity. In fact it was hot. The thermometer ran up to 9S deg. bciore it gyot ashanned oí itself and quit. As miglit be eupposed the air in 1lis ]ügh school hall was aaything Imt pleasant on ttiat day, for the rooan vas ulied, gallery, jnuin floor and stage, vrith all the people it could poBsibly liold. The people were there to listen to the comanencenient exercises of t he Aan Arbor High school, tind they were not d:sappointed. The exereies were held notwithstanding the hot weather, and w-ere of an exceedlngOy interesting character. The h.ill was tastcfully decorated wit.h i-ilrer and liiUt blue, the colors oí tlie grra dunt in-j; dafifl and pink and dov-e, those oï tho next year sen!ors. Over the stage in letters of sllver on blue background, was tlie class motto in Greek : "Erga on Logoi," winden meaiis "Deeds not words." Directly opposite, on the gallery front ■was tlie motto of the juniors ín evergreen a.nd Germán : "Freu im Kleinen," tlie Anglo-Saxon of wh.ich is Sntended to impress trpon the public the fact that the members of that class are "Faithful in Small Thing.'' The exorcices were opened with music by the ChequainegOins, which was excellent, although the playera wou'.d have been excused had they been contonsiderate cnough of their own comfort amd roasted condition to have ent it In two in the mkldle. Prayer was offered by Iíev. J. T. Suaderland, fo&owed by mufdc, nnd then tliose Bt-lected {rom the class to deJilver the graduating essays, commeiaced a duty that they never will be called upon to do agaiu. Tbe iirst speaker was Frederle J. Austin, of Ann Arbor, who spoke upcwi what he termed "False Patriotism." He asserted that we were living in a country said to be the best exeanplUijation of a free and independent government known to the world. But the ideal liad not yet been reacihed. Our statesonen loved thcmselves inore thain thelr country. Politieiaiis went upon the doctrine that a anan's lovc ior h's country increased witJi liis ability to supp'.y himseUl Avitli comforts or luxurles. He thought t lier e were maaiy tyrannies pnactiecd iai the name of liberty, and instanced the Indiana whom he thougUt had l)cen unkindly treated. 'He termed the leg'slation known as the Chinese Exclusión Act, an outrage, and barbaroue. (When ths young 4iian comes to know somethJng ot tho Chinese people who come to America, amd reallzes the fact that they never become American-, or citizeai-, or civiliaiLS, or Christians, or civilized, iai iact are never anything but Chinese who are here to act as a sponge npon the labor and wealth of this nation tor the bfnelit ojf China, iheii he will no doubt chango his views.) ,Tlien the speaker roasted the A. P. A. oiganizition as unpatriotic, and cla-scd it with the other things he teraned evils. According to his view there were miamy reïorms necessary in this natiou. Mlea rwiiiiired Beman next told about "Punctuation Marks," in a very sweet, pretty way, but hardly loud enough to be understood by the audlence. 81ie likened the exclamation interrogation, colon, temi colon comma, period, etc, to the events and incidents of life. For instance the monientous quest'.on of tazation without representation, lias pro ved itselí a Btartling interrogation point in the life oï the nation. Other interrogation miarkí were whether Shahespeare ■was Stiabeepeare or somebody else ; whether Eve did really ever partake of the apple, as alleged ; whether Woh. Teil ever fihofat the apple or not, and 80 on. The school girl was a llvely cxample oí an exclamation point. Tho essay w-as a good ome. "'Jhc Jl-TiAi' I'ran"liic," was the thenie which AValter G. Curtis, of Salem, discoursed upon. Ho deplored the íaet th:it the country was being flooded .wjtli an undesirable class ol emigrante who were made citizens and ■poters belore thoy had livód here long enough to know anything about the government, and feared tlxat if some stop were not put to it, that it would result ïatally to our f orm of govem't. He ol-o ïcgfetted that the drunkard sJiould. bo allowed to help make the laws for sober people, wMle his wi;o who supported the family by by her toll, was di'iiied the privilege, and e;l by aeeertlng th-u governinent would rover attaln a high state of pe:feet:o;i Mnti: the right of eu!irag ■ ■wias comferred mpon woman. Of idiirs;' h was viaorouly cheered by i,h o? of that falth in the audlence. Misa Josephine Daniels, of Gregory, t:d of "BlleobS Of Invit:ons." A i oí machtoies intended to aei is shits oí labor, was beilog puurcJ upoa the country daily, and the object oí each. was to do away with 'the labor of men. In fact it iDOked as it man 'was tryieg to set himseiU aside, mnlittJeg liimself tor tmything. Tlicrü were englnes to ixccomplisJi. every sorfc of lalvor maai could put liis hand to, imtil it seeined as if there was no room in tlio world lor tae oommou laborer. But after a lulfkient time lias elapsed to allow the people to become acousbomed to the new order of things it is i5eai tliat everythitig is worklng for tlie upbuilding of the human race, naid placlng it upon a hlgher level. 1 licre is a deep intelleotual aivakenIng in the onward march of the ra,ce. Great resulta are only accompliKhed by great forcee. "We are appioach'oig the dawn of the golden ace. As yet bnt a faint rosy tint is in view, but coming generations -wfll witness it in all its beauty and grandeur. Had ML-s Daniels possessed a little stronger voice her essay would liave been 0113 of the best i'e?eived, es it -was ainoiig the most Interestiii'ï di'livered. Ralph Faraxwa, of Ann Arbor, spoke of Ihe ''11101101106 of American Mothers." Being tlie eins 4 president, this yoiuur Ltii;1; man was given quite an ovatinu as he istepped forw&rd, whieh lie A-ery graoeiu'.ly actoowledged. His ciriitiou was fi'iled g;od common He credited the mothers of the laad with the shaplng of the destinies of the ïiation. A man was to a great extent what his inother ha-d mmle liim. She had been Uls teacher and guide, and moulded his ciharacfcer. Every great man had a good motlier. Almost without exceptlon tlie leading men of our country were tliose who had been reared in poverty, and thus learned the qualities of anind and heart by hard contact wltÈL "the world that had made tlwm succeesfuü. Thoso who com]ilain that women liave not their 1 -inlits foi-get that no other influence in the aiation is as great as that of American motlierhood. This power is not given her by legislation, either, but by lier God, auid no one can rob lier of Lt. The guardián, of this American nation is tlie noble Araerioaai motlier. It was a very pretty concelt that Miss Genevieve E. Mills, oí Pittsñeld, gave the audienee upon "Nature's Climax." She eommenced with chao3 whcn the earth was without form ajnd void. Then it took the forni of a; ball ; tlie water covered its surface ; tlien caane ths hüls a ml the valleye, tlie rivera aaid the lakes and íinaílly Ufe in all its various and beautifnl forans. Miss MlIs plctured a beautiïul visión to the mimi of her hearer.-, and received Imuch praise ior her effort. Just at present the attention of naalny people has been called to the select Ion of a "National Flower," and on tlieat subject Miss S. Louise McKenzie, of Ann Arbor, gave some beautKul thoughts, whieh we quote entire : THE NATIONAL FI.ÜWER. "A nation to bc powerful umst have Btrength, patriotism, and unity; but if it would be more than powerful, if it would reach the highest form of eivilization, it must have a sentiment for the lovliest and purest. Our country is powerful and rankg among the flrst in higher culture and civilization. We have the bold eagle as our ensign of strength ; the stars and stripes represent our patriotism ; but we have nu decora tion wliicli shows that other nobler feeling, the love for the good and beautiful. A lack more keenly feit in this age of peace, when men are everywhere recognizing the brotherhood of man; and living the eommand that " Love is the FulfiTling of the Law." The lieauties of our land are various and abundant. Our Niágara is the most wonderful waterfall in the world. A traveler once said that the scenery of the Hudson equals that of the Rhine; and in Wyoming is the Yellowstone Park, "the Wonderland of America," with its miliiou acres of marvellous scenery. Whiie nature lias been so lavish with the grand and wonderful, she bas also given us an abundance of more modest beauties. All through our land, trom Mafne to Florida, from Sew York to California, are scattered everywhere that which delights the eye and emlialms the air-the beautiful flowers. In carly spring our Western prairies are one niass of violets, making a carpet of blue more magnificent than any roya) tapestry. In the East the fields are gay with the bright-eyed daisy, which nods ita grèeting to every passer by. In the South the air is fragrant with the magnolia, and the mountain siles are brilliant with flowers of every hue. W'hile nearly all European countries have adopteda flower as especially tlieir own, America has heen too busy making a country to spare time or thougb the li nor sentiraents of nature. The Englisb have the rose as their national flower; and the dear little shainrock, that st. Patrick himself planted, is owned especially by the Emerald Isle. The thistle means more to the Scotch than all other sweeter flowers. one night, in early times, when Scotland was continually besieged by lier enemies, the Scottish army was peacefully sleeping in a strong castle which was Burrounded by a moat then by a high wall. Secretly their foes pressed on and quietly climbed the wall and leaped into theditch, which was grown full of thistles. The hostile band öould not icstrainthcii riics. and the soldiere within the eastle were awakened and saved their fortress. In gratitude the thistle was choeen as the Dational emblem, n hich lias been said to go well with the Scottish motto, " Nobody shall provoke me with impunity." The fleur-de-lys is dear toeyery pátriotic Frenchman ; often in battle lias it spurred them on. Wben Joan of Are led lier soltliers against Orleans their courage was roused by that pure einblem wbich the fair young girl waived above her head. The flower that we adopt as our own must lie a native of America and must be abundant through a great part of the country and must be beautiful. Last year at the Fair in Chicago the Indian corn was voted on in several of the state buildings, and received a good indorsement. That is especially American. The tall stalk and graceful leaves are particularly attractive, and while it is beautiful it is also life-giving. That might snit us, as we are a practical people. But don't you think it would remind us too niuch of jolmycake? The rose is one of our gayest flowers and grows in profusión in nearly all parts of our land ; but the rose beíongs to England, and as we have taken trom them so much already, we will leave them their flower. The modest violet is a favorite of many - though lovely it always seems so good-natured and contented. Yet if we would have a typical flower, I think we should have one more brave and daring. To my miud there is no flower more beautiful or appropriate than thegoldenrod. It is a native of America, though a similar plant grows on the other continent ours is a much flner flower. It is found in all parts of our land though more abundant nlong the Atlantic coast. That it is beautiful I think we will all admit. The stately plant well represents our loyalty; tiie golden color, our countrv's wealth ; and its long blossomin;:, our constaricy. " O golden rod ! sweet golden roil ! Bride of the autunin sun ; Has lie kisseel tliy blossonis tlus yeUow morn, And tinged them oue by ouei' " Did the crickets siug at thy christening, Wheu in his warm embrace, He gave hts love from the font above. And beauty, and cheer aud grace? " He brightens the asters, but soon they fade, He reddens the sumach tree; And the clematis loses lts snowy bloom, ISut he's true as truth to thee. '■ Scattered on mountain-top orplain, 1 rnseen by human eye. He turns thy friiiges to buruished gold, By love's sweet alchemy. " And then, wheu chili October comes. And the flowers their work have done, Thoii art still unchanged, dear golden rod Bride of the autunm sun !" "Individuality," by Miss Della Eead, of Klienandoali, Ia. "We regret tliat space wül not permit the giving of this essay in full. It was annong tlie best ever given at a high. school coanmeaicement, filled as it -nras witli good, Bolid coonnion sense tlioughts ainxl ideas. Nature had provided this %vorld with wonderful variety, ajid in variety is beauty. Iu plaoit .lúe eacli seed has folded withim itself defin:te possibilities, and nature places tJiess seeds where tbey batomg, those 'whose nature calis for a homo in the mountains are given to the mountains, whüe those wIiosl' nature calis íor the air aad soil of the valley are scattered in the valley. Each seed has its own definite object, and in tMs way cornet het rees, shrub.i grase and Qowers, and no fvo trees, thrubs, flowers, or even biades of gTatss are exactly alike. In the human woiid the same traits of nature a re to be observed. The ctüldren may be likemedto the eeeds, and they gTow up, (ïo two exaetly alike. But these children me put into our schools wSiere there is a stereotyped form for every ehild. ]N"o matter whet tlie child's tastes or desires or capab:lities anay be, eacli and every one ha,s the Bame routine to through. Tli e a,mount to be absorbed is too great for tlie time giveai, and consequently the minds oï too many children are not taught to think. Their taska 'are eo'minitted to memory in a miecdianical way and' uot thought out. "II society is to grow better these artificial stantlards must be broken down." Qhe growing mind will follow its beait just ast ruly as mll the grwoiaiig seed. A child who aas the iiaclinatlon of an artist should receive an artist's education, and so on. f luis brieï synopsis gives an idea of thO tread of the essay. It was toeartily applauded. .Io-eph B. Scarborough, of Flagstaff, Aiizona, inailed the llag of "'General Lee," to 4iLs etaff, mid lauded the exConfederate General in a way that would Tvaron the blood of a ïormer ■u ivu-er of the gray, in a most ardent manner. ,1mt h said may have been very good, but a northern audience could hardly afford to grow eloquent in its traise. There are tao nxañy victima oí soutliern prison pens m;11 living among us to as yet listen with siny degree of entliusiasiu or pleasure to praise of tlie lost cause or its leaders. Tlie eesay o; Miss Ixmise P. AVeiumanu, pon ".clï-Luminous or lieilectiv'C," brought out some beautiiul thought.'--, and jiicely expTeseed ideas. A little ílower, pure ■white, ■prang into lifO, and beholding the IJuc of the heavens sorrowed that it ■-as -vliiite ; no great was its desire that its nature underwent a change, and it reilecLed thie beautiful blue of tlie sky. In the diamond are placed natural quallties tlLat causu it to refleot the liglit in beautiful colors. From our mind and soul should be reflected purity anti beauty. We should have Buoh qualities of heart as to imake us rJiiaie in life. The man of great learning wlw retires wlthin himeeOJ, and igives to no one the benefit of liis knovviledge does not pllab a Hliscd misskm. "Let your : ni t-o hhine lMíiore raen that they nitiy eee your jíojiI workg, and glortfy your 1'atJier -]iíl-1i is in lieavon." ïlia dip'.O'mas were tlien distributeü lo tlie g'i'üdiiaie-, eighty eight in number, as tliey marched up iu sectkxns, and i)n; eserci;ee closed Trith the ben'jdictton, proaounocd ly Ilev. Henry U'ailoc-k. No morO interest ing services were ever liell ioi the hall. Every participant did hiri or her beet, and that wás excellent ; and the loveliness oí the sweet girl graduates as they ainiled a.nd boained in a pïeased way upon adinirtag párente, relatives or frle&ds was ouiy equalled by the manly beauty of the boys as they received the p!ece of parchimeut they had been laboriing bor rso long.


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