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Scotch Thrift

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Sccietary Morton ■went on: "As to SeotcJi tlr.iit. X was at the colonial exhibi.ion at Bdinbuigh rsome ycars ago, and I lound tliat ever}' exhibitor was seUlmg soiniethiu iii connection wibh hiis exliibit. During my stay I jost mj epeetacLes, aaid wnile buying a uw pnir íi-oni a very pretty girl iai tlie exliibition, I feil into conversatiou witli lier. "You are an Aimerioaai,' said Klie, 'and you liave a lot of my people over there in your own country.' " "Yes," eaid Secretary Morton, "we have iinaaiy Siou-hmen ainong us." "And iliow do thcy get aiong, sir ?" askect tlie girt. "Oh," replied the seeretary, "there are ïew oí tintín in j.iiLs aad none ot Jniiu in the poorhouse. They are very tnrtrty and they do very weU. You ScotcJi are noted ïor indu-itry aaid íor fcavlng-." 'Yes," repüied the girl, "they teil lote of tor les of us. And have you heard the latest oí one of our Sandys who wat to Loudon ?" "No,1 i-iiid Seoretary Morton, ' teil it 'to me." "W-elli" Teplied tlie g-lrl, "it was not ctiuch., but it indieates the Scotch ch.aracter. Bandy was a stranger in Lonidooi and, a bit ttred, he looked O.bout for eorne restauran!. He tsaw aai eating-plaoe, and lie went in aii'l aeked tJie waiter, "and liow mucJj mljíUt it be for a bit of nieat ' " 'Nlnepence,' faid tdie waiter. " 'Aind íiow imucli for the gravy?' " 'Oto, iwe charge riothing lor the gravj-' iWas tto rePy" 'And how much might it be íor a bit oí bread V' ""You can have a loaf for tuipenoe.' , " 'WU,' '■■aid Sandy, 'you mnun glv m-e tibe bread ani the gravy. I dinna care about ttoe meat.'1' ■Vlien Gteveland Bfild he would have oomgreae on hta hands he didn't realize tiiat there was quite such a handlul. But the country Ivas both Cleveland and B demcoratic oongresB in lts banda, and the bax&eñ is a'nmost too lieavy to lear. All indient ions loint toward a relie!' [rom t.lic latteí oí tlie two ffi-eat evite aíter tlie fall etectiané.- Oadlllac Newe & Espress. You'U tastp ttoe democratic tariíl timkers' work, wtoen it's done, in evepy c-u]i oí lea and coffee you drink, unLefia you take them plaid ; iu nvery r;iís oí temoioade, unli'ss you go it Bttur; in every "sweet oake" and mouüiíul of preéervee th&t gets cm ihc bable, aml ia every pound of candy and confcfliniis th;ii you buy. Fifty ot elxty mffliion dollars In tases to be taken froan tíi poctete ol the K''i'-i' eire pui initci iiic pocket ï the silgar tnisi is wfaai "CJlevelaJid and miiiï refonm" are doing.- Monroe ('oiniui-ri-in'. Ot the camdldates in tlve for treasurer there are none lietter than State Senator George A. Steel, of St. Johms. He made a capital nl iu ilu lust li-üislaturo. i a yxHimg rcpublicnn of first claas ability, pnpulai-, .-nul oí igenial presence. His secti-oiu of Wie Bta-te Uae alwaya given good pepubUcan majorities, yet haa iiot Jiad iis ju-i.per proportlon of ïüimcs mi the Ueket. The more Mr. BCeel is ku:ivn tbe better wül le il lusn-nU'il hie fffbess ior theposition as fae ie one ol the most niui'-iin "f re publícaos and oí considerable exper : 'airs.


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