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Lady Montagu's Account Of Inoculation

Lady Montagu's Account Of Inoculation image
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"Apropos of distempers, I aan goo tril you of ia tliing that I nu .-i: ■!■ wil! miafce jrou wish yourself here. The nuiilli;ox, do general an'.l EO tatal amomg n, is entirely liarmleee liere by the wivention oí ingraftMU'X, whk-h is the term they give it heie. 'lliere is a Bet of oid woiihmi wlio mak.' il business to perform tli.' operatkm in the juontli of tember, w.heii the great heat is abated. Peopie semd i one anotlier to toow i; aky of tlr. ir frumüy has a mimi to have ithe umallpox. They make parties for ithe purpose, anti whea ü y are met- ■.oinmonly iiïteen or t-ixicen togetaiei- the o'.d woman comes iwltii a mutsliell f uil of matter of the best sort of umallpox, nul asks w.lvat vein you wiU please to have opened. She immediately vips open the ome you offer to her with a large needie, whi.-h gives yom uo more pain. that a cominon scrateh, and puts into 'the vein as much venom as can Ue upón tlie head oí her needie, and after, Wnds up the little wound with a hollow bit oï shell, and in tJiis maamer opns four or five veins. 1 lie Greciana have eommonly the superstitie:! of opening one in the middle oï the forehead and in eacto arm amd ou the breist, to make the sign oí the cross ; bat this bas a very UI ei.ect, all t.he wounds leaving little scare, and is not done by that are not euperstdttotie, who choose to hiave tliam in the leg-s o-r in that part oï the aini ' . hat is concealed. The cdiildren or young patients play togetluer all the rest oï the day, and are iiu perfect healtli till the eighth ; tlieu the fever begms to sieze them, and they keep their bede tiro days, very selCom tbree. They h&ve very rarely alxve twenty or thirty in their lacee, whu-h nvr mark ; and in eight diays' time ;are as well as before their lüjaeee. W'liere they ure wounded there retoaln runnins i ores during Ui' lr rti-ttmper, which I doubt not is a eri-eat relief of it. Evei-y year thousaivds undergo this operation, snfl the Krenfch -ays that tliey t-ake th-e EmaUpox lieve by wny of diversión, ps they take the -waters im o'.lier eountvies.- Frora Lady Montagu ama llotlern . Bacterlology, by Mis. H. M. riumkett, in The Popular Science MontMy lor July. The democratie Ktate convention at (liand Knpids iaat week placed In immiiination tira píen lor Onlted States senators, Hou. Bdward M. l m, 01 Grand Rapids, and Hm. Jota Strong - he was Ueutenant goveroor under Wiaajos it wi:ll be rcmrmbered- o-i Monroe, for the ■■hort term. Of course tliis noanination was merely a (oniii'.iiiM'nt, with tio poeeible bearlag mpon the ohioice that a legislature wioulil ninUr. cvra if the state sh-iuld be eo uTiiortuoate as to have a oratie m.-ijority in hat body. The iioniimnüon oï Mr. Btrong fcarned the Bdheme int o si farce. He is ín 110 w;iy a representative man f hls party, in the state, and ciMi'.d never secure a haai Oozen votes the place in anv feglslatwre. K is to be hoped t.hat tii pepubüctiinfi wil) have morí good senee tluun to aiuiw their state n;iivmii,ni to attentpi to in-irii"-i or ; tiue ■work f the legislature, by pepea-ting tlüs soirl of a farce. ■■lic democratie papers are clapping thelr hands umi re'jototag over the rrciMiM-m ,ii the jury in the EUÍ8 .-,■)-!■. iiins practicaily BtunctkHüng corrupHoo in office. R ne ol t.he inliabitonts of Ionia- ivhu were outside the sbate institution looated there- gav EjIIís a great reoeptiom upon hie nvrivtil íiíirao aíter hls proeeoution, and iiviiui:-:': acquittal, fchus showing vvnnmthy with questtanatAe ii-.-insnriiüiis in bi-li pQac6. The peo]'.(■ will ■watcih wilh i'.dixicty Uf antic of -tlui' same shieeta 'nul people wlien Misrs. JocJbkD "hI Hambitzer '■ome ui trial.


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