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In suimnier nearly all the farmers reeort to wort om their iawns. i h rries are being ehewed up by a post in Uu; shape of "a large green Irag." TIn' ïpeCaaitlaij says there were 510 in atteadanoe niion ilie alumni lanquet . The next meeting oi the Michigan Muíste Teachers Associaüon WÜl le held lm Ypsilami. Oheïsea fair Oct. 9, 10, and llth. Write the lats in your hat, bo you ■nnlll not foi-get them. Tlie postonaster's ealary at Manchester was cut $100 in the recent readjust.mciit of silaries. Arthur, the two-years oíd son of Poetimater Murray and wife, of Salem, died on the 25th uit. Late foj-sts -will be needed tíiis yeár to iaisure a good cora crop. This cereal had too late a start. Louis Burg is the mw temor a St. Mary's ctaireh, Cheksea, and he le said to be a tnaster Ín lite line. In same eections of the county the ■wheat fieLds have been badly kxlged by the 'wind and etonns recentty. Caelsea is indulging in a nvumber of new crose-walks. To improve ones walks is always a good thiing to do. The Observer brags about the new walts belng put down in that place under the new plan, the village to pay half. Tlie grand rally of Sunday Schools in Livingston county, whieh was such a success last year, will be held this year im August. Nearly every paper in the country has a niotlse to the efïest that pear trees are blossoming for the second time this eeasom. IJnion Rerviees will be held by the Methodist, Coiiigregational and Baptist churches of Chelsea for the balance oí the suimmer. The Yo-ueg Comau's (lu-istian AsBociatlan rooms at YpBilantá will be open on Mnoday and Saturday evenIngs only during vacatian. George ■Waterman is at hls home ín Salem for the vacation. He Is dean of the veterinary departan ent of the state &oUeg-e at Storrs, Coma. Miss Nora Babbitt has fmished hei ■w-ork for the year in the Laramle, "Wy oming-. schools, aoid is spending the vacatkwi at hoon. - Ypedlantian. There were 326 pupils enrolled in taie Manche-ter schools last term, o ■n-hich 154 ■were boys amd 172 girls The average attendance was 299. The email boy, the nk-kle an.l the cracker are seefeing eacli other as the fourth approacho.- lulsea Her all. We'U bet on the boy, every f me These are eome of the good oM Eng lish mames ivc run aoross in the Tpsilanti papers : Coombs, Weed, Coddington, Bogue, HenipihiU, OcvwRill, etc. Wm. Arnóld, oí Clielsea, feil a 'distanoe of 24 ft., -wJiile putting up an eave trougii on P. Merkle's barn last -n-eek, and sustained some painful injuries. The class colors of the graduatinK elass at the Manchester schools were green and -white. If orange been ánoluded -w-hat a hubub might have resnlted. Capt. E. P. Allen dl not deliver the conimencement addre?s at Wyandotte last week as iie intended on account of he small pox in this city.- Ypsitantian. T!h farmers of "Webster turned out c-n masse Tuesday and leveled the grade on the north road irom the península mili bridge to Preston's Ml. - Dexter Leader. ""Wliere are you (?oimg on the 4th of July ?" The usual aaiswer is : "Oh, out to tlie Lake," or "Up to Dexter, I guess." These are the two answers usually received. The Kormol school etands sixth amomg similar eehools in the United States. It has graduated 1,300 students in 41 years givinig tliom Ufe certifica tes, and 1,000 have received temporary certifica tes. The aseessed valuation of Chelsea is $411,125 real estáte, and $171,125 personal, altogetlier $582,250. ThLs year $1,200 will be raised to run the village, making the taxes $2.06 on tibe thousand.- Herald. The buildings at the Normal School Ypsiianti are valued fit $185,000, and the grounds at $11,000 ; and the entlre plant Is iigured in at $275,000. Chcap enough, Bure. There are 14,000 TOluimes in its library. The citizens oí Ypsiianti are having a high old time over the re-building of taeir bumed Bchooi building. At a recerit meeting tlie board was instructed not to exced $23,200 in replachig building, iurnitiiro, iixtui-es, etc. i Demonstrative persons having business to transact witli us will please approach us froin the right side ïor the next few days. Our left arm has been vaccinated. - Dexter Leader. It should Tvork -well then, should it not? A speaker's stand for the Fourth 9 belng Iihüi near fcfoe ovi puimp.- T)i!ii(lcc heáger. Perhaps the spenk; rs 'a iU be able t Btaaicl tiiat, bul the ■es are that i' he pump mil be useese. The flood oí oratory, etc., yon ;iinv. If yon go to Dexter to pass the áth turclLase ymir ice cream of the laLle8 nr' Sr. Jaimes' cihureh .Ton will inii ii cu;;, rioli, ilcH-i.n. and Hered Ín suoh. a charaaiu? manner that ite í!íivr -will be greatly eii'uaucKil tlierehy. . The largeal '-lip oí woj1 brought to t.liis imarket this eeáson carne day, brought by Chas. Beal, öf Tecuaraseh. "Wh.ere were xver 300 fleecee and the load weighed 1,962 lb.- Duiwlee Reporter. How much flid it brüig ? Abram Burden was accldentally killed by ihis horses becoming ïrislnened and tlirowing liim to the ground while working on the road in Marión, Iivimgston oounty, recently. He was 52 years oM and a na ti ve of Lima ia this county. Maria H. Ketclium was born in Armenia, N. Y., .Time 26, 1800 ; married Sept .4, 1824, to Daniel Hixson, carne to Michigan in Rept. 1826. To-day, June 20, frome wf lier old ïriends and neigihbors tnet at iier home to give her a birthdny party.- Clinton Local. The sanallpox fright of the past two weeks has hal one beneficial result. It Has been the ineans of getting many of our young people Tacoinated, whlch but for the excitememt created, might have been deferred until too late.- Wayme Review. TJien they would have been pitted. The terriffic Wow of last Sunday had the effect of briimg-ing many wick ed Ypsilajxtians to their knees as the wreek of tJie cyclorae came whizzüig in tipon their memories. But as eoon as the storan'oeased they forgot themselVes and were soon swearing around as usual.- Argus. S'quire Watling, of Dundee. lately had a large fatty tumor of 20 years fortmation removed from liis shoulder by the local physicians. He is reported as doiog well, and expeets dow to be able to sliöulder any respoaisibility that proptrly belongs to him.- Adrián Press. It twuM be well for farmers who have binti oontaining t"W or three crops of oíd wneat to investígate. Wamy -bins have been foiind to be lull of -svorims arad the grain worthless. Tli-e grain on top wffl be found sound and good but down in is -where the surprise is usually found.- Observar. Tlie editor of tlie Dearborn Advance was held up at the AYayne toll gate Sunday night and robbetl of four cents. An editor hias no business going anilina tempting fate and highway robbers ivitli such eums. - XorthviUe TNrord. Why didn't he Advance on the robbers and (re a lot of pi at ilu'in? The people belonging to St. Patiik'.s parisli of NortWield, had so muoh njoyment out of th-eir 4th of July celebration last tyear, tliat they liave resolved to have another good time in the name way this year. They mever do things by lialves, and Kev. Fr. Goldrick is ome of the best entertainers in the country. An enterprising Dundeean mates ice cream by electric power. It is eaten nnder electric linlit. -vhile the eleetric beams Irom the eyes of the beautiful lady tlevouring it Bende eleetric thriüs through the young gentleman "by her eide who ís agaiu electrified by the aforesaid Diindeean wihen he comes to inqiiire "how much is it ?" At tlie regular meeting of the alumni assoeiation held last Friday moming, tlie following officers were electel : presiden!, Chas. Leeson ; viee president, Fred Freeman ; correspnoding secretary, Marie Kirchhofer ; recording eecretary, Jlarsraret H. IiinssOr ; treasurer, B. Fred Burtless.- Mancliester Enterprise. The larg-e fire and burglar proof safe tto,at was owned by and used in tlie bank oí the late C. S. Gregory & Som iiafi been purchased by Mack & Solimid of Aam Arbor, and removed to Manchester. The faot that the eafe welgJis four tons wlll give some idea of die difficulty that might attmd lts reonoval. - Dexter Leader. Mack Eobiïon must have been somewhiat surprlsed to see hls mother step from the train Dn Tuesday. A lew weeks ago her lii'e Avas dispaired of. Saturday r?iiie was 86 years of age and it-iie feit like makiag her son her her usual eummer A-isit so Mrs. A. M. Robison came over with her.- MancJiester Eaiterprise. Tho streeb committee has about eompleted the Corporation work for tliis year and the people of the rillage note tvitli pleasure the results of tfoelr work in graveling the ma in etreeta naid fixirts" the concrete -welks. Niyw "w-bat is nceded i3 a couple of weeks avotIc 011 the board walke and to can point with. pride to the manner in -"liieli both streets and waJka in Ihf! TilLago are looked after.- Dexter Leader. By your walks shall ye be judged. Tlierefore mend your ■valks. In splte of aU thé tal al resuli a se n cvcvy year, Littte boys ooi our si reel - are - : i ( i I ' ! i '- tll(' poí&onous p tp ir capa ii toy pistola. Parenta ! v are syou Hiinkiri about ? Ymir boy w] o i-ici.c-u fragimenii ofthat burnirag fulminate in hls h'in l will in all .b:lity die Of lo k ja-w, as aumbers do evcry priiir. Xv. you Cüimot 1e deati!.- Ypsil-nnti Oom meit-iil. of i era of thie oew Union Savtag3 Bank) o! Mani-lu'.stci-, are as tolows : B. G. Bniïlish. president ; ÍSeo. Heiraeii(lini?er, let vke president ; Dr. C. F. Kiip]). 2d vi:-e ]iicsident ; Ed. E. Boot, caahier. Th h-ares are $100 eacli. C. F. Knpp took 10 9-hares, A. J. Waters 10, B. O. Kn-lislx 10, AValiei- Jlaok 10, Johm Wuerthner 10, Geo. Ileimendinger 10, John Hornilla' 10 and Fred Breitnwisciier 10, others took from one to ten aliares. Hamnnli. wife oï Henry Jlead, living near Pincknej-, Livingston county,. died very i'uddenly at the hoane of her daughter Mrs. C. W. Reymour, in Detroit, on June 18, where she hiad gone to vlsit, beimg sick only about au liour. Mrs. Mad ■was a dauïhter of Demnis and Mary Dwyer, of Lima, in tJiis ooanty', and was 52 ycars f age. She Avas lied in 18G3, and leaves a husband amd five ehildren to mourn her loss. The iiiinual readjustment of the salaifes of pcstimasters was completed at the po-jtofiice departinent Tuesday. Ghelsea's postmaster comes in for a raise oí $100, tlie salary $1,500- Clul-ea Standard. Whieh shows that post mast er Wm. .Tudson, Avas a man wlio attended to his business. And the persons who are re-sponsible for turnin, him out befóre hls time expiretl wiil reap no benefit f rom their dirty %vork. Stick a pin there. Froim the Chelsea Herald : "Wm. G-ilImam and wife, Leo Stafian and Mi?s Mabel Gillmaa, of this village, had a narrow escape from death last S linda y afternoon. They were spending the day at North Lake, and Jiad taken shelter in a log cabin near the lake, during a shower. Aïter tune rain had ceased, the gentlemen stavted for the lake, leaving the lac!i in the cabiiL, and when but a íew feet away, lightning struck a tree whlch Btood about two feet from the cabin door, Blüvering it into splinters. The youmg men hurried back to the cottage a.nd found llrs. Gillman in her chair near the door, pale as death, and iire issuing from the skirt of her dress, whiah was soon extiiiguithed. Though dazed at iirst, stoe soon regained consclousnes?, haTing i-uífered no injary except a Jitilr t3ccorchdng of her hair. M:ss man, avIio was near, was uninjured. AN ABI.E ADDRESS. The lanmual address to the graduatIng dase oí the Dexter High School was (leiivcicd ly Hou. H. W. Newkh-k. and the followiug brief synopis is taken fronn tlie Dexter Leader : Mr. Xe-vvkirk coani)ared tlie human mind to ,the uahewn bloek oí marble ■which by the hand of the soulptor beeoines a beautiful statue. The sculptor works to a plam, very carefully luid understandingly, untU at last he vt.inds befo-re Itlie be:uiti;ul object of his creation - triumphant. So it is -ft-ith the teacher laboring wit H the human miad as it comes crude froin the quarry of the Divine Creator. "Unlike Ithe sculptor, the ï bLow of his mallet must be as dclbate as ithe last. By Blow and careful work he briaigs forth the Sahioiar. The work ol the sculptor must meet the eye of the oritic. So, too, Biust the sehölar step íortli falto the world and stand or fall upon hls own merit. As tlie class ot '94 staawls in the ! door that inarks Uie end and the eommencoment, Iioav wfll iortune deal Txith them ? If young men, he iniuht pokit tliem to politics, the military, the medical professkwi ithe pulpit, etc. As la dies, wliat adrice should he giveintliem ? If they deeired to reniaiu, witliiii fche home cii-cle, there was nothifflg to say. But if they go out inito tlie world, wbat then ? It is lut a íew years since co-education began, and of this Mr. klrk spoke in ternis of such noerai praise that nO one couLd lor a moment ctoubt iiis hearty interest in lts welfare. With one exception he could adviige tïwse youmg ladies to take up tJie same as yowag men, -who by Uieir voluntary absence from the class, admit the superior eauergy and intellect of Dexter's yoirng ladies- that exception is tne paUtical field. However man inay plan and man may cariy out, but tlie time has come when men o to their Tv-ivs for counsel. In tlie tsolution many of the great probleins of the day have miscrably failed-IOT exaanple the liquor questkm. We live to-day in a country of paralyzed industries, of smokless cnimneys ; a country jias men in w. lialls oi lcsblation that should bc in prison. Henee he might well aay fchat all roads were opn to success. Mr. Newkirk clo.-cd his remarles ■svitli au eloquent peroration that appeáúted strongly to everyone present. The adarces was a very able one, wU oalculated to awakee libera and progressive thouglit.


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Ann Arbor Courier